Memoirs of Napoleon, vol 11 | Page 8

Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne
young man, but without treating him with any
severity, and to convey him to the castle until the parade was ended.
"All this passed in less time than I have taken to tell it, and as every
one's attention was fixed on the parade the scene passed unnoticed. I
was shortly afterwards told that a large carving-knife had been found
on the young man, whose name was Staps. I immediately went to find
Duroc, and we proceeded together to the apartment to which Staps had
been taken. We found him sitting on a bed, apparently in deep thought,
but betraying no symptoms of fear. He had beside him the portrait of a
young female, his pocket-book, and purse containing only two pieces
of gold. I asked him his name, but he replied that he would tell it to no
one but Napoleon. I then asked him what he intended to do with the
knife which had been found upon him? But he answered again, 'I shall
tell only Napoleon.'--'Did you mean to attempt his
life?'--'Yes.'--'Why?'--'I can tell no one but Napoleon.'
"This appeared to me so strange that I thought right to inform the

Emperor of it. When I told him what had passed he appeared a little
agitated, for you know how he was haunted with the idea of
assassination. He desired that the young man should be taken into his
cabinet; whither he was accordingly conducted by two gens d'armes.
Notwithstanding his criminal intention there was something
exceedingly prepossessing in his countenance. I wished that he would
deny the attempt; but how was it possible to save a man who was
determined to sacrifice himself? The Emperor asked Staps whether he
could speak French, and he answered that he could speak it very
imperfectly, and as you know (continued Rapp) that next to you I am
the best German scholar in Napoleon's Court, I was appointed
interpreter on this occasion. The Emperor put the following questions
to Staps, which I translated, together with the answers:
"'Where do you come from?'--'From Narremburgh.'--'What is your
father?' --'A Protestant minister.'--'How old are
you?'--'Eighteen.'--'What did you intend to do with your knife?'--'To
kill you.'--'You are mad, young man; you are one of the illuminati?'--'I
am not mad; I know not what is meant by the illuminati!'--'You are ill,
then?'--'I am not; I am very well.'--'Why did you wish to kill
me?'--'Because you have ruined my country.'--'Have I done you any
harm?'--'Yes, you have harmed me as well as all Germans.'--'By whom
were you sent? Who urged you to this crime?' --'No one; I was urged to
it by the sincere conviction that by killing you I should render the
greatest service to my country.'--'Is this the first time you have seen
me?'--'I saw you at Erfurt, at the time of your interview with the
Emperor of Russia.'--'Did you intend to kill me then?'--'No; I thought
you would not again wage war against Germany. I was one of your
greatest admirers.'--'How long have you been in Vienna?' --'Ten
days.'--'Why did you wait so long before you attempted the execution
of your project?'--'I came to Schoenbrunn a week ago with the intention
of killing you, but when I arrived the parade was just over; I therefore
deferred the execution of my design till today.'--'I tell you, young man,
you are either mad or in bad health.'
"The Emperor here ordered Corvisart to be sent for. Staps asked who
Corvisart was? I told him that he was a physician. He then said, 'I have

no need of him.' Nothing further was said until the arrival of the doctor,
and during this interval Steps evinced the utmost indifference. When
Corvisart arrived Napoleon directed him to feel the young man's pulse,
which he immediately did; and Staps then very coolly said, 'Am I not
well, sir?' Corvisart told the Emperor that nothing ailed him. 'I told you
so,' said Steps, pronouncing the words with an air of triumph.
"I was really astonished at the coolness and apathy of Staps, and the
Emperor seemed for a moment confounded by the young man's
behaviour.-- After a few moments' pause the Emperor resumed the
interrogatory as follows:
"'Your brain is disordered. You will be the ruin of your family. I will
grant you your life if you ask pardon for the crime you meditated, and
for which you ought to be sorry.'--'I want no pardon. I only regret
having failed in my attempt.'--'Indeed! then a crime is nothing to you?'
--'To kill you is no crime: it is a duty.'--'Whose portrait is that which
was found on you?'--'It is the portrait of a young lady to whom I am
attached.'--'She will doubtless be much distressed at your adventure?'--
'She will only be sorry that I have not succeeded. She abhors you as
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