Memoirs of General Lafayette | Page 8

presented to you, by the American Minister, at the Court of
Versailles. Enclosed within the present cover, will he found an act of
Congress of the 2lst instant, authorizing these declarations, and
granting a furlough for your return to France, to be extended at your
own pleasure. I pray God to bless and protect you; to conduct you in
safety to the presence of your Prince, and to the re-enjoyment of your
noble family and friends. I have the honor to be, &c.
To this note the Marquis made the following reply:
"_Philadelphia, Oct_. 26, 1778.
"I have received your excellency's obliging letter, enclosing the several
resolutions Congress have honored me with, and the leave of absence
they have been pleased to grant. Nothing can make me happier, than
the reflection, that my services have met with their approbation. The
glorious testimonial of confidence and satisfaction respectfully
bestowed on me, by the representatives of America, though much
superior to my merit, cannot exceed the grateful sentiments they have
excited. I consider the noble present offered me in the name of the
United States, as the most flattering honor. It is my most fervent desire,
soon to employ that sword in their service, against the common enemy
of my country and their faithful and beloved allies. That liberty, safety,
wealth and concord may ever extend and bless these United States, is
the earnest wish of a heart glowing with a devoted zeal and unbounded
love for them, and the highest regard, and most sincere affection for
their representatives.
"Be pleased, Sir, to present my thanks to them, and to accept yourself
the assurance of my respectful attachment.
Letter of Dr. Franklin, to the Marquis Lafayette.

"_Passy, Aug_. 24, 1779.
"The Congress, sensible of your merit towards the United States, but
unable adequately to reward it, determined to present you with a sword,
as a small mark of their grateful acknowledgments. They directed it to
be ornamented with suitable devices. Some of the principal actions of
the battles, in which you distinguished yourself by your bravery and
good conduct, are therefore represented upon it. These, with a few
emblematical figures, all admirably well executed, make its principal
value. By the help of the exquisite artists France affords, I find it easy
to execute every thing, but _the sense we have of your worth, and our
obligations to you_. For this, figures and even words are found
"I therefore, only add, that, with the most perfect esteem, I have the
honor to be, &c.
The Marquis de Lafayette came again to the United States in April
1780, and landed at Boston, though the vessel first touched at
Marblehead on its way to the former place. In his passage both to and
from France, he was in danger of capture from the British. The frigate,
in which he returned to this country, was chased by an English man of
war; and when it was supposed, they must come to action,
LAFAYETTE was found at one of the guns, preparing to act his part
should they be attacked. In this visit to France, he exerted himself with
effect, to induce the Court of Versailles to afford the United States
more effectual aid; and especially, to send over a large fleet, which
rendered essential service to the American cause. His great devotion to
our interests would certainly lead him to advocate any measures with
his King, favourable to our wishes: and his influence, considering his
high rank and family, was undoubtedly attended with beneficial results.
His services in our behalf were particularly noticed by Congress.
"When the Marquis de Lafayette obtained permission to revisit his
native country and offer his services to his sovereign, he retained, with
his rank in the American army, that ardent zeal for her interests, which
the affectionate attentions he had received, the enthusiasm of a soldier
in the cause of those for whom he had made his first campaigns and by
whom he had been highly distinguished, combined with a

consciousness that he was substantially promoting the permanent
interests of France; were all so well calculated to inspire in a young and
generous mind, in favour of an infant people struggling for liberty and
self government, with the hereditary rival of his nation.
"He was received at the Court of Versailles with every mark of favour
and distinction; and all the influence he had acquired was employed in
impressing on the cabinet the importance and policy of granting sucors
to the United States.
"Having succeeded in this favourite object, in which he was aided by
the representations of the former and present minister of France at
Philadelphia; and finding no probability of active employment on the
continent of Europe, he obtained permission to return to
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