Memoir of the Proposed Territory of Arizona | Page 5

Sylvester Mowry
Jesuits' Society and Spanish government.
The missions and settlements were repeatedly destroyed by the Apaches, and the priests and settlers massacred or driven off. As often were they re-established. The Indians at length, thoroughly aroused by the cruelties of the Spaniards, by whom they were deprived of their liberty, forced to labor in the silver mines with inadequate food, and barbarously treated, finally rose, joined with tribes who had never been subdued, and gradually drove out or massacred their oppressors. A superior civilizationdisappeared before their devastating career, and to day there is scarcely a trace of it left, except scarcely visible ruins, evidence everywhere, of extensive and hastily-deserted mining operations, and the tradition of the country. The mission of San Xavier del Bac, and the old towns of Tueson and Tubac, are the most prominent of these remains. The labors of the Jesuits to civilize the Indians are still evident in the mission Indians, the Papagos and Pimas, who live in villages, cultivate crops of corn and wheat, and who, in the Christian and human elements of good faith and charity, are, to say the least, in no way inferior to the Mexicans. After the massacre of four of Crabbe's unfortunate party near Sonoita by the Mexicans, the Papago Indians buried carefully the bodies to which Mexican inhumanity had denied this last charitable office. It is a curious and suggestive fact that the latitude of places upon Gila, Santa Cruz, and San Pedro, determined by the Jesuits about 1750, has lately been verified by the observations of Park Michler, and Emory. The instruments used by the Jesuits were constructed by them, the lenses being made from pebbles.
From 1757 down to 1820, the Spaniards and Mexicans continued to work many valuable mines near Barbacora, and the notes in my possession speak of many silver mines, most of which contained a percentage of gold. "The San Pedro gold mine in 1748 was worked with extraordinary success." Among the mines anciently worked, as laid down in the authorities heretofore referred to, were the Dolores, San Antonio, Casa Gordo, Cabrisa, San Juan Batista, Santa Anna, (which was worked to the depth of one hundred and twenty yards,) Rosario, Cata de Agua, Guadaloupe, Connilla, Prieta, Santa Catarina, Guzopa, Huratano, Arpa, Descuhidara, Nacosare, Arguage, Churinababi, Huacal, Pinal, and a great number of others which it would only be tedious to mention.
The most celebrated modern localities are Arivaca, (also anciently famous as Aribac,) Sopori, the Arizona mountains, the Santa Rita range, the Cerro Colorado, the entire vicinity of Tubac, the Del Ajo, or Arizona copper mine, the Gadsonia copper mine, and the Gila river copper mines. These last are situated directly upon the Gila, only twenty-five miles from its mouth. The writer assures the public that there is no room for doubt as to the authenticity of these statements, or the immense resources of the new Territory in silver, copper, and probably gold. As late as 1820, the Mina Cobre de la Plata, (silver copper mines,) near Fort Webster, north of the Gila, were worked to great advantage; and so rich was the ore that it paid for transportation on muleback more than a thousand miles to the city of Mexico.
Every exploration within the past few years has confirmed the statements of the ancient records. The testimony of living Mexicans, and the tradition of the country, all tend to the same end. Col. A. B. Gray, Col. Emory, Lt. Michler, Lt. Parke, the Hon. John R. Bartlett, late of the United States Boundary Commission, all agree in the statement that the Territory hasimmense resources in silver and copper. Col. Emory says in his report:
"On account of the Gold Mania in California I kept the search for gold and other precious metals as much out of view as possible, scarcely allowing it to be a matter of conversation, much less of actual search. Yet, enough was ascertained to convince us that the whole region was teeming with the precious metals. We everywhere saw the remains of mining operations, conducted by the Spaniards, and more recently by the Mexicans."
The report enumerates at considerable length the various localities examined by Col. Emory's party, and others, of which there could be no doubt.
In view of these authorities, it is hoped that those who will not believe upon any evidence, will be content in their own incredulity. The most authentic reports of these immense mineral resources have been used as authorities against their existence. The authors of these denials either have never read what they pretend to quote, or think no one else has. The Hon. T. Butler King, who was the first to reveal to an incredulous public the wonders of the California gold mines, has had the singular good fortune to be also among the first to publish correct and authentic
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