McGuffeys Eclectic Spelling Book | Page 5

W.H. McGuffey
the moon. We are not quite ready for the quiet man. Age gives edge to wine. He said the idol looked like a satyr. Clever satire often rouses the idle.

Lesson 27.
Sounds of ai, ou, ow, and ea,
paid bound cow cheat head grain found how treat dead staid ground town beast stead waif hound growl bleat tread rail mound clown preach dread flail pound frown speak thread quail round crown streak sweat snail sound drown feast death

Lesson 28.
Dissyllables with short Sounds of Vowels.
ad'age fren'zy bick'er blos'som bal'last emp'ty crit'ic cot'ton bant'ling gen'try dig'it com'ic can'to mer'it flim'sy drop'sy ras'cal men'tal flip'pant flor'id las'so sher'iff frig'id frol'ic an'tic ten'dril in'fant gos'pel sad'ness vel'lum in'gress gos'sip sal'ver vel'vet in'mate hor'rid sand'y nec'tar in'quest jol'ly mag'got ves'try in'sect rock'et

Lesson 29.
Trisyllables with short Sounds of the Vowels.
bal'co ny del'i cate lib'er ate bar'o ny des'o late lim'i tate cav'i ty der'o gate im'mo late fac'ul ty dev'as tate in'di cate grav'i ty em'u late in'ti mate mal'a dy hes'i tate in'du rate van'i ty med'i tate in'vo cate am'pu tate pet'ri fy ir'ri tate ab'so lute plen'i tude lit'i gate al'ti tude rec'ti tude mil'i tate am'bu lance res'o lute stip'u late

Lesson 30.
Miscellaneous Sounds.
prime swine straw crawl brawn snore gloss flank brick charge crow quench green tinge shark Scotch chest goose brand thrift space prow twist flange crank wealth slice twain limp screw throb thrice chess flake soon flesh finch flash flaw twelve flung clean loaf scale

Lesson 31.
Long Sounds of I and U, and short Sounds of E and I.
a bide' ac cuse' con tend' ad mit' a like' im pure' con tent' ad dict' a live' im pute' in tend' as sist' a rise' as sume' in tent' com mit' de cide' com mute' dis sect' con sist' de file' com mune' de ject' de pict' de fine' com pute' de test' dis till' de ride' con clude' de tect' emit' de sire' con fute' in spect' en list' di vide' dis pute' ob ject' en rich' di vine' en dure' re spect' for bid'

Lesson 32.
Silent Letters.
B is silent after m and before t, and p is silent before s. The silent letters are canceled in this lesson, as they are throughout the book.
lamb numb debt debt'or comb bomb doubt doubt'ful tomb crumb psalm sub'tle dumb thumb pshaw psal'ter

The lamb is a dumb animal. He climbed the hill to the tomb, but his limbs became numb. Comb your hair, but do not thumb your book. Bombs are now commonly called "shells." The debtor, who was a subtle man, doubted his word, and gave not a crumb of comfort. Take your psalter and select a joyous psalm. His answer was, "Pshaw!"

Lesson 33.
Sounds of igh, oa, shr, and thr.
nigh load coax shrank thrash thigh oats hoax shrewd threat fight boat oath shrift throng light oak coach shrike throve flight foal float shrunk thrust fright goat poach thrill throat tight soap hoarse three thrum

Lesson 34.
Long and short Sounds of A, and short Sound of E.
gain a bash' dis patch' pre tend' nail ca bal' dis tract' re flect' taint ca nal' ex pand' re fresh' trail cra vat' a bet' re lent' aim de camp' be deck' re ject' maim pro tract' be held' re quest' train re cant' be quest' re bel' strain re fract' de fect' re gress' chain re lax' e lect' re press' paint at tack' e rect' sub ject quaint at tract' e vent' neg'lect'
Lesson 35.
Short Sounds of Vowels under the Accent.
ac'ci dent ben'e fit dif'fer ent ad'a mant brev'i ty dif'fi cult am'i ty clem'en cy fil'a ment an'i mal des'ti ny in'cre ment an'nu al neg'li gent in'do lent can'is ter pend'u lum his'to ry flat'ter y rem'e dy in'ju ry fam'i ly reg'u lar pil'lo ry lax'i ty rel'e vant sim'i lar man'i fest pen'i tence tit'u lar man'i fold pen'e trate tim'or ous

Lesson 36.
In this lesson, and in the pages immediately following, will be found forty-three exercises on the various sounds of the English language. Some of these have been given already, but are repeated here for the more thorough instruction of the pupil Let the teacher carefully discriminate between the different sounds of the vowels, and fully drill the scholars in their correct enunciation.
1. Regular Long Sound of A, marked a.
make la'tent brave a base'ment safe cham'ber crave a bate'ment gaze pas'try grave ad ja'cent saint man'gy shave a wa'ken

Lesson 37.
2. Regular Short Sound of A, marked a.
span ad'der crack can'di date trap an'vil gland cal'i co plat ban'ish slack grat'i tude sham bran'dy plaid mag'is trate
3. Sound of A before r in such words as air, care, marked a.
dare af fair' chair trans par'ent rare de spair' prayer for bear'ance flare be ware' scare par'ent age
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