camp war mare mast chart damp warp share cask lard
hand warm spare mask arm land ward snare past yard sand warn game
scar lake waft fray lame spar dale raft play name star gale chaff gray
fame garb cape aft stay tame barb shame staff bray
Lesson 12.
Various Sounds of A.
dan'ger am'ber lard'er clat'ter man'ger ban'ter mar'gin flat'ter quak'er
ban'ner ar'dent lat'ter qua'ver hand'y ar'my mat'ter dra'per man'na art'ist
pat'ter wa'ger can'cer har'vest tat'ter fa'vor pan'der par'ty rag'ged fla'vor
tam'per tar'dy rack'et sa'vor plan'et ar'dor van'ish ma'jor ham'per car'pet
gal'lant ca'per stam'mer gar'ment pat'tern
Lesson 13.
Various Sounds of E.
sheep ce'dar bet'ter cler'gy creep fe'ver fet'ter fer'vor sleep tre'mor let'ter
her'mit sweep ge'nus en'ter mer'cy speed se'cret ev'er ser'mon breeze
re'bus nev'er ser'pent teeth se'quel sev'er mer'chant sneeze se'quence
dex'ter ver'bal breed he'ro mem'ber ver'dict bleed ze'ro plen'ty per'son
freed se'cant ven'om fer'ment
Lesson 14.
Various Sounds of I.
bird bri'er bib'ber thir'ty birch ci'der bit'ter thirst'y chirp mi'ser dif'fer
third'ly flirt spi'der din'ner birch'en girl vi'per frit'ter chirp'er shirt cli'ent
lit'ter girl'ish squirm gi'ant riv'er gird'er squirt i'tem shiv'er stir'less third
i'cy sil'ver first'ly girt spi'ral in'ner birth'day gird i'vy liv'er mirth'ful
Lesson 15.
Various Sounds of O.
bro'ker col'ic cor'net worst clo'ver ton'ic cor'set come drov'er top'ic
or'gan love gro'cer mor'al sor'did dove o'ver com'ma tor'pid shoot o'dor
dog'ged form'al moon so'lar doc'tor for'ty moose po'lar cop'per lord'ly
tooth pok'er fod'der morn'ing gorge home'ly fos'ter orb'it most po'em
pon'der mor'tal prop
Lesson 16.
Various Sounds of U.
hu'mor but'ter mur'der pru'dent ju'ror mut'ter mur'mur fru'gal tu'mor
rud'der tur'ban tru'ly stu'por shut'ter tur'nip tru'ant tu'tor suf'fer tur'key
cru'et cu'rate sup'per pur'port bru'in lu'cid mum'my curl'y dru'id stu'dent
mus'ket fur'ry ru'in stu'pid num'ber fur'nish ru'by lu'nar nut'meg cur'vet
bru'tal tu'mult stut'ter bur'den gru'el
Lesson 17.
Various Sounds of the Vowels.
June furl husk from halt dupe hurl musk pomp malt tune turn rusk
romp salt flute churn stung long waltz plume hurt pluck song swan glue
curl drunk strong wasp droop deck chill for sheath gloom neck drill
corn shell loop next quill fork shorn hoof text skill form shout roof
desk spill sort shrub proof nest frill torch shrug
Lesson 18.
Words Accented on the last Syllable.
a wake' be hest' be hind' re cede' be came' be set' be side' con crete' be
have' ca det' be tide' com pete' be take' de fend' de rive' se crete' e late'
de pend' re cite' con cede' per vade' re pel' re tire' con vene' for sake' at
tend' re vile' im pede' a bate' con sent' re mise' re plete' cre ate' im pend'
re vive' un seen' es tate' im pel' con nive' su preme' re late' com pel' ex
cite' re lease'
Lesson 19.
be rate' a bode' ex pire' a cute' a pace' a lone' con fide' a buse' re bate' a
tone' con fine' con fuse' de bate' af ford' con spire' de duce' de face' ca
jole' po lite' de lude' de fame' de pose' re cline' ma ture' se date' com
pose' re fine' pol lute' col late' en force' re pine' pro cure' re gale' en
robe' re quire' re buke' em pale' ex plore' re spire' re duce' en gage' ex
pose' u nite' se clude' en rage' im port' en twine' se cure'
Lesson 20.
blade plash bream dress twine glade clash cream swim blind grade
crash dream spend grind shade smash gleam speck spike trade trash
steam fresh smile skate slash stream whelp while brisk drove blush
cheap carve quilt grove flush peach farce filth stove slush teach parse
pinch clove brush reach barge flinch smote crush bleach large mince
store thrush glean snarl
Lesson 21.
ab'bey rec'ord pit'y col'ter ab'bot check'er dis'tant fo'cus atom ed'it
din'gy glo'ry ash'es lev'el diz'zy lo'cust cap'tor meth'od fin'ish mo'ment
car'rot splen'did gim'let po'tent cav'il ves'per spir'it co'gent ehap'ter
west'ern tim'id do'tage chat'tel bed'lam pig'gin no'ted fath'om des'pot
tin'sel stor'age gal'lon ren'der tip'pet sto'ry gal'lop tem'pest wit'ness
Lesson 22.
shake chose march pine oil snake prose parch wild moil baste those
starch mild coil haste froze larch tile foil taste force lark slide soil paste
porch stark glide toil bunch broth prism spent boy hunch cloth sixth
fence coy lunch froth stint hence hoy punch moth smith pence joy
plump botch whist thence toy stump stock midst whence cloy
Lesson 23.
Monosyllables miscellaneously arranged.
free clip shelf quest shine spin hate chide flax wore shad tape fringe
still think band race clock trim marsh pack mire cheek door booth bath
kite full clung wince dock bank frock loft spray gold fell troop pulp
join pipe pink glass grape friz club hilt lurk pose brow shop last cloud
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