who do not feel it to be bad inside them to have been a baby without any conscious feeling of themselves inside them, to have been a little thing and that was all there was then of them, they are some who have not any proud kind of feeling in them.
They are some who like it in their later living that they were then such a very little thing and that was then all there was of them and then others kissed and dandled and fixed them. They are those who are within them weak or tender as the strongest thing inside them and to them it is very much to have been a baby and to have had others to feel gently toward them, who kissed and dandled and fixed the helpless bundle they were then. With them being proud is not strong inside them.
Some, and we can know them, have a curious uncertain kind of feeling when they think of themselves as they were then and some so lose the feeling of continuous life inside them.
It is a very different feeling each kind of man and woman has inside in them about the baby the very little thing that was once all them, and the little thing that comes into the world by them, and the very little things that all about fill the world every moment with beginning.
There are many kinds of men and many kinds of women and each kind of them have a different feeling in them about the baby that was once all them. There are many kinds of men and many kinds of women and there are many millions made of each kind of them. Each one of the many millions of each kind of them have it in them a little to be different from all the other millions of their kind of them, but all of each kind of them have it in them to have the same kind of feeling about the little thing that was once all them, about the little things that come to a beginning through them, about the little things beginning all around them. There are many kinds of men and many kinds of women and this will be a history of all the kinds of them and of pairs of them.
As I was saying every man and every woman was a little baby once and knowing nothing. I am saying there are many ways of feeling it inside them in the many kinds of men and women that they were little things once then and that was then all there was of them and they were dandled and fixed and kissed then, little things then and knowing nothing.
I am saying that there are many kinds of men and women and many millions made of each kind of them. Each one of the many millions of them has it in him to be different from all the millions of his kind of them. I am saying that all the millions of one kind of men or one kind of women have it in them to have the same kind of feeling inside them about the little thing that was all them, the baby that once was all there was of them then. One kind then of men and women have it in them when they know this was once all of them a little baby then and knowing nothing, one kind of men and one kind of women have it in them then to lose inside them their everlasting feeling, the world is then a broken world inside them, more broken for them then than death breaks it for them, ending is less of a breaking to such kind of them than beginning, they have then when they think it inside them that they were a baby then and knowing nothing they have then inside a loss of the everlasting feeling, to such a one such a beginning, being a baby and knowing nothing, breaks the everlasting feeling breaks it as dying as ending never can break it for them.
There are many ways for men and women to have it in them that they were little babies once and knowing nothing, that they were little babies once and full of life and kicking, that they were little babies once and others kissed them and dandled them and fixed them, that they were little babies once and they had loving all around and in them, that they had earthy love inside them.
Some people in their later living have pride in them, some never have anything of such a thing in them. There are many kinds of men and women and many millions of each kind of them and there is this history of all the kinds of

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