Maths Sample paper | Page 5

:4 marks
Value Points:
• Franz decided to pay attention to the lesson
• School became very important for him
• Felt he would miss his school from next day
• M. Hamel became a good teacher from a boring one.
• Genuinely upset that Hamel was leaving the village
• Cranky Hamel seemed a good gentle man
• Liking developed for history and grammar.
Marking Scheme:
Content :6 marks
Expression : 4 marks
Value Points:
• Gandhiji was appalled at the condition of the share-croppers in Champaran

15 • Got a doctor for the village to help sick people
• Made the people understand the value of self-reliance
• Got support from lawyers to fight the case of share-croppers
• Tried to alleviate the distressed peasants.
• Made the ordinary people to contribute in national freedom.
This became a turning point in his career.
10. Objectives : To be able to comprehend incidents and evaluate it.
Marking Scheme:
Content: 1 mark for each value point (4 points)
Expression : 3 marks (1½ + 1½ accuracy and fluency)
Value Points
Present world rat race
• Every body running after power, money or success.
• One gets stressed out
• Feeling of being a failure develops
• To overcome such insecurities and fears one starts imagining
• Charley starts imagining his grandfather and the village he came from
• He starts believing that there is a third level at the grand central station, New York
from where trains went to Galesburg, Illinois, where his grand father used to live
Objectives : To be able to comprehend incidents and evaluate it.
Marking Scheme:
Content: 1 mark for each value point (4 points)
Expression: 3 marks (1½ + 1½ accuracy and fluency)
Value Points
Visit to Antarctica
• will give a grasp of where we have come from and where we could possibly be heading
• it will suggest the future possibilities( in millions years afterwards)
• study about the future climate change easily and more effectively
• tell us about the repercussions of environmental changes
• Realization of the appearance of the Future world (any four)

16 11. Objectives : To be able to comprehend incidents and evaluate it.
Marking Scheme:
Content : 1 mark
Expression : 1 mark
Value Points
(1) Maharaja had bought fifty diamond rings
• sent it to the wise of the British officer to choose from
• she kept all of them
• but managed to retain his kingdom
• this made him happy
(2) Man has created villages, towns, cities and mega-cities by destroying nature
• rapid increase of human population resulting in burning of fossil fuels
• global warming
(3) Every body made fun of Roger Skunk because he gave out a bad smell.
• he was upset about this
• He met the old owl who advised him to go to the wizard, who would help him and
give him a pleasant smell.
(4) The two reasons are:
• She would watch all the fun and games that were going on on the road
• She would look at the shops and the bazaars
• Used to look at the snake charmers and the monkeys performing, (any two)

CODE NO.: 301
Section A: Reading Max. Marks : 20
Read the passage given below and then answer the questions which follow:12 marks
1 To make our life a meaningful one, we need to mind our thoughts, for our
thoughts are the foundation, the inspiration, and the motivating power of our
deeds. We create our entire world by the way we think. Thoughts are the causes
and the conditions are the effects.
2 Our circumstances and conditions are not dictated by the world outside; it is the
world inside us that creates the outside. Self-awareness comes from the mind,
which means soul. Mind is the sum total of the states of consciousness grouped
under thought, will and feeling. Besides self-consciousness we have the power to
choose and think. Krishna says: “no man resteth a moment inactive”. Even when
inactive on the bodily plane, we are all the time acting on the thought plane.
Therefore if we observe ourselves, we can easily mould our thoughts. If our
thoughts are pure and noble, naturally actions follow the same. If our thoughts are
filled with jealousy, hatred and greed, our actions will be the same.
3 Karmically, however, thought or intent is more responsible and dynamic than an
act. One may perform a charitable act, but if he does not think charitably and is
doing the act just for the sake of gain and glory, it is his thoughts that will
determine the result. Theosophy teaches us that every thought, no matter how
fleeting, leaves a seed in the mind of the thinker. These small seeds together go
to make up a large thought seed and determine one’s general character. Our
thoughts affect the whole body. Each thought once generated and sent out
becomes independent of the brain and mind and will live upon its own energy
depending upon its intensity.
4 Trying to keep a thought from our mind can produce the very state we are trying
to avoid. We can alter our environment to create the mood. When, for instance,
we are depressed, if we sit by ourselves trying to think cheerful thoughts, we
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