Maths Sample paper | Page 3

of class XII at A.P. International School Agra.
Computer games and video games have become popular with children today. As
a result outdoor games seem to have no place in their life anymore. You are
Satish/Sakshi. You had the opportunity of playing Hide-n-Seek when you visited
your cousins in a small town. You decide to write an article on your experiences
about the joys of playing outdoor games for the school magazine. Write the article
in 150-200 words.
Section C : Text Books
Q.7. Read the extract given below and answer the question that follow : 4 marks
They do not fear the men beneath the tree;
They pace in sleek chivalric certainty.
a. Are Aunt Jennifer’s tigers real ? Give reasons for your answer. 2
b. Why do the tigers not fear the man beneath the tree? 1
c. What do you understand by ‘chivalric certainty’?1
A thing of beauty is a joy for ever
Its loveliness increases, it will never
Pass into nothingness; but will keep
A bower quiet for us.
a.‘A thing of beauty is joy for ever’. Explain. 2
b. Why does a beautiful thing ‘pass into nothingness’?1
c. What does poet mean by ‘a bower quiet for us’1

7 Q.7(b)Answer any three of the following questions in about 30-40 words. 2*3= 6 marks
1. According to Pablo Neruda, what is it that human beings can learn from Nature?
2. Why does Spender call Shakespeare wicked and the map a bad example?
3. What kind of ordeals is Aunt Jennifer surrounded by?
4. What is the significance of the parting words of the poet and her smile, inMy
Mother at Sixty-six?
Q.8.Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words. (2*5= 10 marks)
a. For Franz, what was much more tempting than going to school and why?
b. Mention any two hazards of working in the glass bangles industry.
c. How did Douglas overcome the old terror?
d. The crofter can be called as a good host. Why?
e. What was unique and distinctive about Ecos academic writing style ?
Q.9.Answer any one of the following in about 125-150 words. 10 marks
Franz’s attitude towards school as well as towards M. Hamel changes when he comes
to know about the take over of his village by Prussians. Do you agree ? Discuss with
reference to the The Last Lesson.
How did the Chamaparan episode prove to be a turning point in Gandhiji’s life?
Explain with the reference to the text, Indigo.
Q.10. Answer any one of the following in about 125-150 words. 7 marks
The modern consumerist world is full of fear, insecurities, stress and wars. What
are the ways in which we try to combat them? Answer with reference to The Third
How can we say that Antartica is the best place to study and understand about
Earth’s present, past and future ? Answer with reference to, Journey to the end of
the Earth.
Q.11. Answer the following briefly (30-40 words) 8 marks
(1) Even though the Maharaja lost Rs. 3 lac, he was still happy. Why? (The
Tiger King)
(2) In a short span of 12 thousand years man has managed to create a ruckus
on this earth. How? (Journey to the End of the Earth)
(3) Why did Roger Skunk go in search of the wizard? (Should Wizard hit
(4) Mention any two reasons because of which it would take thirty minutes to
an hour for Bama to reach home? (Memories of Childhood- We Too are
Human Beings.)

CODE NO.: 301
Marking Scheme
Section A: Reading Max. Marks : 20
Answer Key 1.1
a. • he continued to live in his childhood/ He remained a simple-hearted (2 marks)
• when he used to paint and always wished to be a painter
b. Pasteur believed (1 mark)
• that the sufferer was something more than just a case to be dealt with
and cured.
c. Pasteur retired to the estate at Villeneuve Estang(2 marks)
• conducted study on rabies
• practiced the gospel virtues
d. • he would tell his pupils never to stop working. (2 marks)
• Working according to him, was the most important of life principles.
• the French people voted him as the greatest man that France had ever
• This was the greatest tribute that could have been paid to Louis Pasteur. (2 marks)
1.2a- abandoned(3 marks)
b- contemporaries
c- Plebiscite
2.1. Title: Tribute to Bismillah Khan5 marks
1. Shock at the demise
(a) Cousin- tears in eyes.
(b) Care-taker recalled-
(ii) Giving two Rs. - boys
(iii) Five Rs. to girls
2. His early life
(a) Org. name Quamaruddin
(b) Play shehnai at temp. - with father
(c) Recognized as Bismillah- at Vns.

9 3. Music as Family heritage:
(a) Father - court poet at Dumaraon
(b) Pld. shehnai from age six
(c) At 31- played shehnai - Red Fort- 1947.
4. Daily routine in Vns.
(a) Taking dip in the Ganga
(b) Riyaaz at Balaji Temp.
(c) Before his last breath- hummed thumri
(d) used cycle rickshaw to travel
(e) bread-winner for 60 fml. mem.
5. Bismillah beyond religion
(a) Main principle- all religions one
(b) Life -testimony of plurality
(c) Pract. Muslim
Key to Abbreviations used:
Temp. Temple
Vns. Varanasi
Pract. Practicising
Rs. Rupees
Pld. Played
Fml. family
Mem. member
2.2. Summary of the passage 3 marks
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