Mastery of Self for Wealth Power Success | Page 7

Frank Channing Haddock
in direct proportion to the difficulty of environment.
THIRD LAW: MAGNETIC INTENTION. Magnetism evolves solely through multiplication of endowment into environment by the persistent magnetic intention.
FOURTH LAW: FREE ADJUSTMENT. The culture of magnetism imperatively demands that central adjustment of the self to all powers which realizes in absolute psychic freedom.
FIFTH LAW: CONCENTRATION. The magnetic multiplication of endowment into environment is only possible to intense, persistent and unified concentration to the methods of Success-Magnetism.
SIXTH LAW: PURPOSE-IDEALS. Growth of noblest magnetism depends, in the larger sense, upon general adherence to a single, preeminent, ideal life-purpose, and, in the particular sense, upon specialization of the individual in studied magnetic conduct related to that end.
SEVENTH LAW: RECEPTIVITY. The highest magnetism realizes through magnetic laws in proportion as the inner self maintains alert receptivity to the Universal Forces.
EIGHTH LAW: DEMAND. The silent, persistent demand of the self upon the Universal Magnetism makes it a center toward which the Forces naturally gravitate.
NINTH LAW: AFFIRMATION. Continuous, intense affirmation of actual possessed magnetic power stimulates the success-elements, maintains receptivity, emphasizes demand, harmonizes and intensifies inner etheric vibrations, and induces a positive movement of the universal ether and its forces inward toward the central self.
TENTH LAW: PSYCHIC ENERGY. All personal magnetism involves psychic energy developed and directed by magnetic intention.
ELEVENTH LAW: SELF-CONTROL. Magnetic energy concentrates through psychic control of its tendencies.
TWELFTH LAW: MAGNETIC QUALITY. The inner psychic attitude--the character of magnetic intention--determines the quality and effectiveness of the effort to multiply endowment into environment, and, therefore, the kind and degree of magnetism attained.
THIRTEENTH LAW: SELF-VALUATION. Other things being equal, magnetism unfolds as gratifying, but unostentatious, self- valuation develops.
FOURTEENTH LAW: USE OF SELF. Under conformity to other magnetic laws, the highest magnetism issues only from the constant best use of self at its best to the best advantage.
FIFTEENTH LAW: MAGNETIC HEROISM. Self-pity, complaint, and all kindred states, confuse, weaken and waste every variety of magnetic power, while heroic acceptance of conditions for their betterment, and courageous assertion of self as master, conserve and enormously develop the noblest magnetism in proportion to the sway of the magnetic intention.
SIXTEENTH LAW: ACTION AND REACTION. Highest magnetism involves not only studied cultivation, but, as well, the magnetic utilization of stimulating reactions induced by intelligent employment.
SEVENTEENTH LAW: RECOVERY. Whoever, on occasion of any psychic (magnetic) failure or defeat, dedicates the whole of aroused desperation to recovery of ground, infallibly induces a stress in the etheric life around him which ultimately draws to his aid, with the onsweep of worlds, the Universal Forces.
EIGHTEENTH LAW: REPRODUCTION. "Everything is transmitted, everything is transformed, everything is reproduced" (Ochorowicz); in physical and psychic health alone, therefore, are the Universal Forces transmitted through perfect etheric vibrations, transformed through effective etheric conduction, and reproduced in magnetism by adequate and harmonious psychic control of etheric capabilities.
NINETEENTH LAW: SUPERIORITY OF CULTURE. The crude values of natural magnetism, the automatic functions of unconscious magnetism, demonstrate at their best solely as they climax in full conscious magnetic culture.
FIRST LAW: Relation of Power to "Tone." The effectiveness of magnetism in action depends upon harmony of "tone" between its possessor and any other person, and in securing such "tone"- harmony, on any magnetic plane, in any particular psychic state, at any given time, psychic and physical magnetism mutually cooperate.
SECOND LAW: Magnetic Intention. The magnetic intention ("I INTEND MAGNETICALLY") intensifies otherwise unconscious magnetism, and runs through all the mass of general etheric vibrations like a theme in complicated music, imparting to them unity, character, intelligence, and definite and enormous effectiveness in practical employment.
THIRD LAW: Influence of Purpose. In the employment of magnetism, long-run purpose establishes etheric character, and specialized purpose confirms that character if it concentrates the general purpose, but confuses that character, perhaps destroys it, if it antagonizes the general purpose.
FOURTH LAW: Force of the Ideal. Idealism of motive determines the character of etheric vibrations, and idealism of magnetic activities determines the quality of magnetism achieved.
FIFTH LAW: Sway of Other-Interest. The general sway of other- interest in life, and the particular influence of other-interest on special occasions, impart to uses of magnetism enormous effectiveness, and not least in relation to self.
SIXTH LAW: Reaction of Admiration. The consciousness of admiration for others, recognized by them, reacts with tremendous power to stimulate magnetic action.
SEVENTH LAW: Measure of the Intake. In the magnetic life, intake of power is correctly measured by output of power: inversely in waste, directly in intelligent expenditure.
EIGHTH LAW: Adjustment. Magnetic effectiveness is proportioned to accuracy and fulness of adjustment,--to things, to laws, to forces, to times, to situations, to qualities, to facts, to truths, to persons,--and only studied experience can discover and establish such adjustment.
The problems of adjustment to persons are these:
With inferiors, to put self magnetically, without appearance of condescension, on their levels for the end in view,--applying then the general principles of
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