climate, and fertility peculiarly suited
to become an object of interest and attention to the many distinguished
and enlightened philanthropists whom God has been graciously pleased
to inspire with a zeal for the promotion of the best interests of the
descendants of Africa. The recent proceedings in several of the slave
States toward the free population of color in those States seem to render
it highly probable that that oppressed class of the community will soon
be obliged to flee to the free States for protection. If the two rival
Governments of Hayti were consolidated into one well-balanced pacific
power, there are many hundred of the free people in the New England
and Middle States who would be glad to repair there immediately to
settle, and believing that the period has arrived, when many zealous
friends to abolition and emancipation are of opinion that it is time for
them to act in relation to an asylum for such persons as shall be
emancipated from slavery, or for such portion of the free colored
population at present existing in the United States, as shall feel
disposed to emigrate, and being aware that the authorities of Hayti are
themselves desirous of receiving emigrants from this country, are
among the considerations which have induced me to lay this subject
before the convention.
The present spirit of rivalry which exists between the two chiefs in the
French part of the island, and the consequent belligerent aspect and
character of the country, may at first sight appear somewhat
discouraging to the beneficent views and labors of the friends of peace;
but these I am inclined to think are by no means to be considered as
insurmountable barriers against the benevolent exertions of those
Christian philanthropists whose sincere and hearty desire it is to reunite
and pacify them.
There seems to be no probability of their ever being reconciled to each
other without the philanthropic interposition and mediation of those
who have the welfare of the African race at heart. And where, in the
whole circle of practical Christian philanthropy and active beneficence,
is there so ample a field for the exertion of those heaven-born virtues as
in that hitherto distracted region? In those unhappy divisions which
exist in Hayti is strikingly exemplified the saying which is written in
the sacred oracles, "that when men forsake the true worship and service
of the only true God, and bow down to images of silver, and gold, and
four-footed beasts and creeping things, and become contentious with
each other," says the inspired writer, "in such a state of things trust ye
not a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide; keep the doors of thy
mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom; for there the son dishonoreth
the father, and the daughter riseth up against her mother, the
daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, and a man's enemies shall
be those of his own house."
Had the venerable prophet in the foregoing predictions alluded
expressly and entirely to the actual moral, political, and above all, to
the religious character and condition of the Haytians, he could scarcely
have given a more correct description of it.
For there is scarcely a family whose members are not separated from
each other, and arrayed under the banners of the rival chiefs, in virtual
hostility against each other. In many instances the husband is with
Henry, and the wife and children with Boyer, and there are other
instances in which the heads of the family are with Boyer, and the other
members with Henry.
Let it be distinctly remembered, that these divided and distressed
individuals are not permitted to hold any intercourse with each other;
so that it is only when some very extraordinary occurrence transpires,
that persons in the different sections of the country receive any kind of
information from their nearest relatives and friends.
"Blessed are the peacemakers," is the language of that celestial
law-giver, who taught as never man taught; and his religion uniformly
assures the obedient recipients of his spirit, that they shall be rewarded
according to the extent, fidelity, and sincerity of their works of piety
and beneficence.
And if, according to the magnitude of the object in all its political,
benevolent, humane, and Christian relations, the quantum of
recompense is to be awarded and apprised to the just, to how large a
share of the benediction of our blessed Savior to the promoters of peace
shall those be authorized to expect who may be made the instruments
of the pacification and reunion of the Haytian people? Surely the
blessings of thousands who are, as it were, ready to perish, must
inevitably come upon them.
When I reflect that it was in this city that the first abolition society that
was formed in the world was established, I am
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