Massacre at Paris | Page 6

Christopher Marlowe
the compasse of a
deadly toyle, And as we late decreed we may perfourme.
CHARLES. Madam, it wilbe noted through the world, An action
bloudy and tirannicall: Cheefely since under safetie of our word, They
justly challenge their protection: Besides my heart relentes that noble
men, Onely corrupted in religion, Ladies of honor, Knightes and
Gentlemen, Should for their conscience taste such rutheles ends.

ANJOY. Though gentle minces should pittie others paines, Yet will the
wisest note their proper greefes: And rather seeke to scourge their
enemies, Then be themselves base subjects to the whip.
GUISE. Me thinkes my Lord, Anjoy hath well advisde Your highnes to
consider of the thing, And rather chuse to seek your countries good,
Then pittie or releeve these upstart hereticks.
QUEENE MOTHER. I hope these reasons mayserve my princely,
Sonne, To have some care for feare of enemies.
CHARLES. Well Madam, I referre it to your Majestie, And to my
Nephew heere the Duke of Guise: What you determine, I will ratifie.
QUEENE MOTHER. Thankes to my princely sonne, then tell me
Guise, What order wil you set downe for the Massacre?
GUISE. Thus Madame. They that shalbe actors in this Massacre, Shall
weare white crosses on their Burgonets, And tye white linnen scarfes
about their armes. He that wantes these, and is suspect of heresie, Shall
dye, or be he King or Emperour. Then Ile have a peale of ordinance
shot from the tower, At which they all shall issue out and set the
streetes. And then the watchword being given, a bell shall ring, Which
when they heare, they shall begin to kill: And never cease untill that
bell shall cease, Then breath a while.
Enter the Admirals man.
CHARLES. How now fellow, what newes?
MAN. And it please your grace the Lord high Admirall, Riding the
streetes was traiterously shot, And most humbly intreates your Majestie
To visite him sick in his bed.
CHARLES. Messenger, tell him I will see him straite.
Exit Messenger.
What shall we doe now with the Admirall?
QUEENE MOTHER. Your Majesty had best goe visite him, And make
a shew as if all were well.
CHARLES. Content, I will goe visite the Admirall.
GUISE. And I will goe take order for his death.
Exit Guise.
Enter the Admirall in his bed.
CHARLES. How fares it with my Lord high Admiral, Hath he been
hurt with villaines in the street? I vow and sweare as I am King of
France, To finde and to repay the man with death: With death delay'd

and torments never usde, That durst presume for hope of any gaine, To
hurt the noble man his sovereign loves.
ADMIRALL. Ah my good Lord, these are the Guisians, That seeke to
massacre our guiltles lives.
CHARLES. Assure your selfe my good Lord Admirall, I deepely
sorrow for your trecherous wrong: And that I am not more secure my
selfe, Then I am carefull you should be preserved. Cossin, take twenty
of our strongest guarde, And under your direction see they keep All
trecherous violence from our noble freend, Repaying all attempts with
present death, Upon the cursed breakers of our peace. And so be
pacient good Lord Admirall, And every hower I will visite you.Exeunt

[Scene v]
Enter Guise, Anjoy, Dumaine, Gonzago, Retes, Montsorrell, and
Souldiers to the massacre.
GUISE. Anjoy, Dumaine, Gonzago, Retes, sweare by The argent
crosses on your burgonets, To kill all that you suspect of heresie.
DUMAINE. I sweare by this to be unmercifull.
ANJOY. I am disguisde and none nows who I am, And therfore meane
to murder all I meet.
GONZAGO. And so will I.
GUISE. Away then, break into the Admirals house.
GETES. I let the Admirall be first dispatcht.
GUISE. The Admirall, Cheefe standard bearer to the Lutheranes, Shall
in the entrance of this Massacre, Be murdered in his bed. Gonzago
conduct them hither, and then Beset his house that not a man may live.
ANJOY. That charge is mine. Swizers keepe you the streetes, And at
ech corner shall the Kings garde stand.
GONZAGO. Come sirs follow me.
Exit Gonzago and others with him.
ANJOY. Cossin, the Captaine of the Admirals guarde, Plac'd by my
brother, will betray his Lord: Now Guise shall catholiques flourish
once againe, The head being of, the members cannot stand.
RETES. But look my Lord, ther's some in the Admirals house.
Enter [above Gonzago and others] into the Admirals house, and he in

his bed.
ANJOY. In lucky time, come let us keep this lane, And slay his
servants that shall issue out.
GONZAGO. Where is the Admirall?
ADMIRALL. O let me pray before I dye.
GONZAGO. Then pray unto our Ladye, kisse this crosse.
Stab him.
ADMIRALL. O God forgive my sins.
GUISE. What, is he dead
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