Mass George | Page 6

George Manville Fenn
garden; but he used to
say to me, in his quiet, grave way--
"We might grow more useful things, George, but we could not make
the place more beautiful."
And I often used to think so, as I gazed out of my window at the wild
forest, and the openings leading down to the stream and away to the
swamp, where I could hear the alligators barking and bellowing at night,
with a feeling half dread, half curiosity, and think that some day I
should live to see one that I had caught or killed myself, close at hand.
Now and then Morgan used to call me to come and see where a 'gator,
as he called it, had been in the night, pointing out its track right up to
the rough fence of the garden.
"You and I'll have a treat one of these days, my lad."
"Yes," I used to say; "but when?"
"Oh, one of these days when I'm not busy."
"Ah, Morgan," I used to say, impatiently, "when you're not busy: when
will that be?"
"Be? One o' these days when we've cut down all the wood, and turned
all that low flat swamp into plantation. You see I'm so busy just now."
"Oh, very well," I said, "I shall go by myself."
"That you won't, look you," he cried. "I heard you promise your father
you wouldn't go alone. You're not much of a boy, but you're too good
to feed alligators with, or let the rattlesnakes and 'cassins try their
pyson on."
"But they wouldn't, I should take care."

"Take care? Do you know, there's 'gators big as trees in these
swamp-holes. I shouldn't wonder if there's some of the old
open-countenanced beauties big round as houses. Why, Master George,
I believe there's fellows out there as old as the river, and as could take
you as easy as I do a pill."
"Don't believe it."
"Ve-ry well then; only mind, if one does take you across the middle,
give you a pitch up in the air, and then catch you head-first and
swallow you, don't you blame me."
"Why, how could I, if he swallowed me?" I said.
"Oh, I don't know. You might holler or knock, if you had a stick in your
"What stuff!"
"Oh, is it! There's plenty of room in 'em, and they're as hard as horn.
But you take my advice, and don't try."
"Well, then, come with me; I know several holes where I think they
"How do you know that?"
"Because I've seen the footmarks leading down to them all plain in the
"Then you've been going too far, and don't you run no risks again."
I walked away discontentedly, as I'd often walked away before, wishing
that I had a companion of my own age.
Some of the gentlemen settled out there had sons; but they were away,
and at times the place seemed very lonely; but I fancy now that was
only just before a storm, or when everything felt strange and
depressing. At other times I was happy enough. Every morning I had

three hours' good study with my father, who very rarely let me neglect
that. Then in the afternoon there was always something to do or
something to see and help over. For, as far as my father's means would
allow, he planned and contrived endless things to make our home more
attractive and convenient.
One week it would be the contriving of rough tree-trunk steps down
from the bank to the water's edge, so that the boat was easily reached,
and ringbolts were driven into cut-down trees, which became natural
posts for mooring the boat.
Another time during one of our walks, he stopped by a lovely pool out
toward the swamp--a spot of about an acre and a half in extent, where
the trees kept off the wind, and where the morning sun seemed to light
up the bottom, showing every pebble and every fish as if seen through
crystal glass.
"There," he said, "that will be ten times better than bathing in the river.
I always feel a little nervous about you there. This shall be your own
private bathing-pool, where you can learn to swim to your heart's
content. That old fallen hickory will do for your dressing-room, and
there are places to hang up your clothes. I don't think you can come to
harm here."
Of course I was delighted, and at the same time a little disappointed;
for the fact that the pool was perfectly safe took away somewhat from
its attractiveness, and I began to think that there was no stream to
carry one along; no very deep places to swim over and feel a thrill at
the danger; no holes in the
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