actually boiled for only a short time. The greater the number
of eggs to be cooked, the greater the amount of water that must be used.
To cook four eggs, put them into a kettle, pour over them two quarts of
water, cover the kettle and allow them to stand for ten minutes. Lift
them from the water, put them into a large bowl, cover with boiling
water, and send at once to the table. The whites will be coagulated, but
should be soft and creamy, while the yolks will be perfectly cooked. If
you should add six eggs to this volume of water, lengthen the time of
standing. A single egg, dropped into a quart of water, must stand five
Separate the eggs, allowing one to each person. Beat the whites to a
stiff froth. Heap them into individual dishes, make a nest, or hole, in
the center. Drop into this a whole yolk. Stand the dish in a pan of water,
cover, and cook in the oven about two or three minutes. Dust lightly
with salt and pepper, put a tiny bit of butter in the center of each, and
send at once to the table. This is one of the most sightly of all egg
2 eggs 6 slices of bread 1/2 cupful of milk or cream 4 tablespoonfuls of
olive oil 1 tablespoonful of chopped parsley 1/2 teaspoonful of salt 1
saltspoonful of pepper
Trim the crusts from the bread. Beat the eggs until well mixed, but not
light, then add the milk or cream, salt and pepper. Put the oil in a
shallow frying pan, dip the slices of bread in the beaten egg and drop
them into the hot oil; when brown on one side, turn and brown the
other. Dish on a hot platter, dust with the chopped parsley and send at
once to the table.
6 eggs 6 slices of bread 1 tablespoonful of chopped parsley 2
tablespoonfuls of chopped chives 2 tablespoonfuls of butter 1
tablespoonful of flour 1/2 pint of milk 1/2 teaspoonful of salt 1
saltspoonful of white pepper
Break the eggs in a bowl, add all the seasoning. Rub the butter and
flour together, add the milk, stir until boiling, and then add this to the
eggs; beat together until thoroughly mixed. Crumb the bread, removing
the crusts; stir this in at last. Turn into a buttered baking dish, cover
with grated cheese, and bake in the oven until thoroughly "set" and a
nice brown. It makes an exceedingly good, easily digested luncheon or
supper dish for children.
1 Spanish or 2 Bermuda onions 2 level tablespoonfuls of butter 2 level
tablespoonfuls of flour 1/2 pint of milk 6 eggs 1 teaspoonful of salt 1
saltspoonful of pepper 1/2 saltspoonful of grated nutmeg
Separate the whites and yolks of the eggs. Put the butter into a
saucepan, add the onions, cut into very thin slices; shake until the
onions are soft, but not brown, then dust over the flour, mix, and add
the milk, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Stir carefully until this reaches
boiling point, then stand it on the back part of the stove where it will
keep hot for at least ten minutes. Beat the yolks of the eggs until very
creamy, then stir them into the sauce, take from the fire, and fold in the
well-beaten whites of the eggs. Turn into a baking dish or casserole and
bake in a hot oven fifteen minutes; serve at once.
Use a shallow frying pan partly filled with boiling water. The eggs
must be perfectly fresh. The white of an egg is held in a membrane
which seems to lose its tenacity after the egg is three days old. Such an
egg, when dropped into boiling water, spreads out; that is, it does not
retain its shape. When ready to poach eggs, take the required number to
the stove. The water must be boiling hot, but not actually bubbling.
Break an egg into a saucer, slide it quickly into the water, and then
another and another. Pull the pan to the side of the stove, where the
water cannot possibly boil. With a tablespoon, baste the water over the
yolks of the eggs, if they happen to be exposed. They must be entirely
covered with a thin veil of the white. Have ready the desired quantity of
toast on a heated platter, lift each egg with a slice or skimmer, trim off
the ragged edges and slide them at once on the toast. Dust with salt and
pepper, baste with melted butter, and send to the table.
Cut a sufficient number of rounds of bread, toast them carefully and
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