Manhood Perfectly Restored | Page 9

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The Prostate Gland (j, b, Fig. 5) the Seminal Vesicles (l, Fig. 5), Cowper's Duct (n, Fig. 5), the Testicles and Spermatic Cord (h, f, k, Fig. 5), indeed all the sexual apparatus, including the bulbous sympathetic nerves lying just inside the spine, from the small of the back down to the end of the organ, become filled with dark, thick and stagnated blood. The Prostate Gland swells and becomes enlarged, the Seminal Vesicles become weak, baggy and filled with a thin, glairy fluid that oozes out into the urine and urine canal on any little strain, exertion or excitement; especially when, after being in the presence of the opposite sex, weak, feeble erections follow. The testicles become flabby and stringy and no longer make strong, healthy, fecund vital fluid. The constant calls upon them has exhausted them as also the nerves that gave them life, strength and vitality. A heavy dragging +weight+ is often felt in the +groin+, especially after walking or long standing. There is a feeling of +weakness+ and +exhaustion+ in the parts. Often +strange sensations+ shoot through the parts, and they are +cold+ and +clammy+ at one time, while +weak+ and +sweating profusely+ at another.
{Illustration: Fig. 5. MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. [From Acton's Celebrated Work on "The Reproductive Organs."] Side view of Body cut in half lengthways showing the course taken by the +vital fluid+ from the +Testicle+ (where it is made) to the Seminal Vesicles (where it is stored). The penis is shown cut off at dotted line g.
As shown here the +vital fluid+ secreted in the minute tubules of the healthy testicle is gathered into the vas deferens or conveying tube k, which passing through the groin dips behind the bladder a and empties into the Seminal Vesicles or Storehouse b. From here it is thrown forcibly into the urethra (urine canal) e, when needed, and expelled anteriorly by the ejaculatory muscles of the urethra. To reach the urethra the Seminal Duct m passes directly through the body of the Prostate Gland j-b. Upon the outside of the testicle, the tube or duct is found twisted and forming a slight bunch, known as the epididymis, f, g, h.
It is here that the pressure of a +Varicocele+ is first felt--here that it succeeds in cutting off the free upward flow of vital fluid by pressure on these soft branches of the duct, causing +emissions+ by varying and irregular pressure and +Impotence+ by constant pressure. When the +Varicocele+ becomes very large, it then destroys the delicate tubing or the testicle itself.}
The general nervous system also feels the +strain+ and +drain+. +Memory and application+, +good judgment+, +decision of character+, and +clear-sightedness+ are not what they were. +Headaches+ are not uncommon. +Bashfulness and trepidation+, especially in the presence of females, is the rule. The person feels +clumsy+, +embarrassed+ and +ill at ease+. +Sleep+ is sometimes poor, there are occasionally +terrible dreams+, sometimes +lascivious ones+ accompanied by +emissions+, +drowsiness+ and a tired, languid feeling in the morning, and a +disinclination to rise+ and go to work are certain signs of +impending+ nervous exhaustion. +The eyes are dull and heavy+, often +black-ringed+ underneath. The pupils of the eyes are unequal--often very large--sometimes one small and one large. The hands tremble and perspire +easily+. The person is +absent-minded, melancholy, prone to brood, and fears the jests+ or ridicule of his companions. The +skin+, especially of the +face+, sometimes becomes +coarse and red, sometimes is pale and pasty+ and covered with +blotches or pimples+. There is sometimes +spasm at the neck of the bladder+, causing +some delay before the urine will flow freely+. Often it is passed in a +forked or twisted stream+, plainly showing the presence of either organic or spasmodic stricture. +Twitching of the muscles of the eyelid, face and limbs+ is often present, accompanied sometimes by +creeping sensations up the spine+, +flushings of the face+, +chills+ (slight), +dizziness and black spots before the eyes+ on stooping over and occasionally by neuralgic pains in the +head+ and about the heart. If unchecked, or if the baneful habit is still persisted in, the symptoms of the First Stage merge rapidly into those of the
Here all the symptoms of the foregoing stage are usually present, only somewhat more intensified. The +congestion+ and +irritation+ are +more decided+, the +weakness+ more marked, the +nervous prostration+ more decided. Any, many, or all of the following symptoms may be present, according to the degree of severity or the rapidity of the disease:
+Emissions+ (day or night), +Oozing of a glairy fluid+ under excitement and imaginings, presence of the opposite sex, etc., +Partial+ and +Imperfect Erections, Desire to Masturbate+, Formation of +Evil Pictures in the Mind+, +Flushing and Chilliness+, +Stupidity and Tendency to Doze or Sleep+, +Mental Hebetude+, +Failing Memory+, +Lack of Power of
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