Lovers Vows | Page 8

Elizabeth Inchbald
with his eyes cast down, takes her hand, and puts it to his heart.] Oh! oh! my son! I was intoxicated by the fervent caresses of a young, inexperienced, capricious man, and did not recover from the delirium till it was too late.
FREDERICK [after a pause]. Go on.--Let me know more of my father.
AGATHA. When the time drew near that I could no longer conceal my guilt and shame, my seducer prevailed upon me not to expose him to the resentment of his mother. He renewed his former promises of marriage at her death;--on which relying, I gave him my word to be secret--and I have to this hour buried his name deep in my heart.
FREDERICK. Proceed, proceed! give me full information--I will have courage to hear it all. [Greatly agitated.]
AGATHA. His leave of absence expired, he returned to his regiment, depending on my promise, and well assured of my esteem. As soon as my situation became known, I was questioned, and received many severe reproaches: But I refused to confess who was my undoer; and for that obstinacy was turned from the castle.--I went to my parents; but their door was shut against me. My mother, indeed, wept as she bade me quit her sight for ever; but my father wished increased affliction might befall me.
FREDERICK [weeping]. Be quick with your narrative, or you'll break my heart.
AGATHA. I now sought protection from the old clergyman of the parish. He received me with compassion. On my knees I begged forgiveness for the scandal I had caused to his parishioners; promised amendment; and he said he did not doubt me. Through his recommendation I went to town; and hid in humble lodgings, procured the means of subsistence by teaching to the neighbouring children what I had learnt under the tuition of my benefactress.---To instruct you, my Frederick, was my care and delight; and in return for your filial love I would not thwart your wishes when they led to a soldier's life: but my health declined, I was compelled to give up my employment, and, by degrees, became the object you now see me. But, let me add, before I close my calamitous story, that--when I left the good old clergyman, taking along with me his kind advice and his blessing, I left him with a firm determination to fulfil the vow I had made of repentance and amendment. I have fulfilled it--and now, Frederick, you may look at me again. [He embraces her.]
FREDERICK. But my father all this time? [mournfully] I apprehend he died.
AGATHA. No--he married.
AGATHA. A woman of virtue--of noble birth and immense fortune. Yet, [weeps] I had written to him many times; had described your infant innocence and wants; had glanced obliquely at former promises--
FREDERICK [rapidly]. No answer to these letters?
AGATHA. Not a word.--But in time of war, you know, letters miscarry.
FREDERICK. Nor did he ever return to this estate?
AGATHA. No--since the death of his mother this castle has only been inhabited by servants--for he settled as far off as Alsace, upon the estate of his wife.
FREDERICK. I will carry you in my arms to Alsace. No--why should I ever know my father, if he is a villain! My heart is satisfied with a mother.--No--I will not go to him. I will not disturb his peace--O leave that task to his conscience. What say you, mother, can't we do without him? [Struggling between tears and his pride.] We don't want him. I will write directly to my captain. Let the consequence be what it will, leave you again I cannot. Should I be able to get my discharge, I will work all day at the plough, and all the night with my pen. It will do, mother, it will do! Heaven's goodness will assist me--it will prosper the endeavours of a dutiful son for the sake of a helpless mother.
AGATHA [presses him to her breast]. Where could be found such another son?
FREDERICK. But tell me my father's name, that I may know how to shun him.
AGATHA. Baron Wildenhaim.
FREDERICK. Baron Wildenhaim! I shall never forget it.--Oh! you are near fainting. Your eyes are cast down. What's the matter? Speak, mother!
AGATHA. Nothing particular.--Only fatigued with talking. I wish to take a little rest.
FREDERICK. I did not consider that we have been all this time in the open road. [Goes to the Inn, and knocks at the door.] Here, Landlord!
LANDLORD re-enters.
LANDLORD. Well, what is the matter now?
FREDERICK. Make haste, and get a bed ready for this good woman.
LANDLORD [with a sneer]. A bed for this good woman! ha, ha ha! She slept last night in that pent-house; so she may to-night. [Exit, shutting door.
FREDERICK. You are an infamous--[goes back to his mother] Oh! my poor mother--[runs to the Cottage at a little distance, and knocks]. Ha! hallo! Who is there?
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