Louis Agassiz: His Life and Correspondence | Page 2

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--Extracts from the Journal of Mr. Dinkel.--Home Letters.--Hope of joining Humboldt's Asiatic Expedition.--Diploma of Philosophy. --Completion of First Part of the Spix Fishes.--Letter concerning it from Cuvier.

1829-1830: AGE 22-23.
Scientific Meeting at Heidelberg.--Visit at Home.--Illness and Death of his Grandfather.--Return to Munich.--Plans for Future Scientific Publications.--Takes his Degree of Medicine.--Visit to Vienna.--Return to Munich.--Home Letters.--Last Days at Munich. --Autobiographical Review of School and University Life.

1830-1832: AGE 23-25.
Year at Home.--Leaves Home for Paris.--Delays on the Road. --Cholera.--Arrival in Paris.--First Visit to Cuvier.--Cuvier's Kindness.--His Death.--Poverty in Paris.--Home Letters concerning Embarrassments and about his Work.--Singular Dream.

1832: AGE 25.
Unexpected Relief from Difficulties.--Correspondence with Humboldt. --Excursion to the Coast of Normandy.--First Sight of the Sea. --Correspondence concerning Professorship at Neuchatel.--Birthday Fete.--Invitation to Chair of Natural History at Neuchatel. --Acceptance.--Letter to Humboldt.

1832-1834: AGE 25-27.
Enters upon his Professorship at Neuchatel.--First Lecture. --Success as a Teacher.--Love of Teaching.--Influence upon the Scientific Life of Neuchatel.--Proposal from University of Heidelberg.--Proposal declined.--Threatened Blindness. --Correspondence with Humboldt.--Marriage.--Invitation from Charpentier.--Invitation to visit England.--Wollaston Prize.--First Number of "Poissons Fossiles."--Review of the Work.

1834-1837: AGE 27-30.
First Visit to England.--Reception by Scientific Men.--Work on Fossil Fishes there.--Liberality of English Naturalists.--First Relations with American Science.--Farther Correspondence with Humboldt.--Second Visit to England.--Continuation of "Fossil Fishes."--Other Scientific Publications.--Attention drawn to Glacial Phenomena.--Summer at Bex with Charpentier.--Sale of Original Drawings for "Fossil Fishes."--Meeting of Helvetic Society.--Address on Ice-Period.--Letters from Humboldt and Von Buch.

1837-1839: AGE 30-32.
Invitation to Professorships at Geneva and Lausanne.--Death of his Father.--Establishment of Lithographic Press at Neuchatel. --Researches upon Structure of Mollusks.--Internal Casts of Shells. --Glacial Explorations.--Views of Buckland.--Relations with Arnold Guyot.--Their Work together in the Alps.--Letter to Sir Philip Egerton concerning Glacial Work.--Summer of 1839.--Publication of "Etudes sur les Glaciers."

1840-1842: AGE 33-35.
Summer Station on the Glacier of the Aar.--Hotel des Neuchatelois. --Members of the Party.--Work on the Glacier.--Ascent of the Strahleck and the Siedelhorn.--Visit to England.--Search for Glacial Remains in Great Britain.--Roads of Glen Roy.--Views of English Naturalists concerning Agassiz's Glacial Theory.--Letter from Humboldt.--Winter Visit to Glacier.--Summer of 1841 on the Glacier.--Descent into the Glacier.--Ascent of the Jungfrau.

1842-1843: AGE 35-36.
Zoological Work uninterrupted by Glacial Researches.--Various Publications.--"Nomenclator Zoologicus."--"Bibliographia Zoologiae et Geologiae."--Correspondence with English Naturalists. --Correspondence with Humboldt.--Glacial Campaign of 1842. --Correspondence with Prince de Canino concerning Journey to United States.--Fossil Fishes from the Old Red Sandstone.--Glacial Campaign of 1843.--Death of Leuthold, the Guide.

1843-1846: AGE 36-39.
Completion of Fossil Fishes.--Followed by Fossil Fishes of the Old Red Sandstone.--Review of the Later Work.--Identification of Fishes by the Skull.--Renewed Correspondence with Prince Canino about Journey to the United States.--Change of Plan owing to the Interest of the King of Prussia in the Expedition.--Correspondence between Professor Sedgwick and Agassiz on Development Theory.--Final Scientific Work in Neuchatel and Paris.--Publication of "Systeme Glaciaire."--Short Stay in England.--Farewell Letter from Humboldt. --Sails for United States.

1846: AGE 39.
Arrival at Boston.--Previous Correspondence with Charles Lyell and Mr. John A. Lowell concerning Lectures at the Lowell Institute. --Relations with Mr. Lowell.--First Course of Lectures.--Character of Audience.--Home Letter giving an Account of his first Journey in the United States.--Impressions of Scientific Men, Scientific Institutions and Collections.

1846-1847: AGE 39-40.
Course of Lectures in Boston on Glaciers.--Correspondence with Scientific Friends in Europe.--House in East Boston.--Household and Housekeeping.--Illness.--Letter to Elie de Beaumont.--Letter to James D. Dana.

1847-1850: AGE 40-43.
Excursions on Coast Survey Steamer.--Relations with Dr. Bache, the Superintendent of the Coast Survey.--Political Disturbances in Switzerland.--Change of Relations with Prussia.--Scientific School established in Cambridge.--Chair of Natural History offered to Agassiz.--Acceptance.--Removal to Cambridge.--Literary and Scientific Associations there and in Boston.--Household in Cambridge.--Beginning of Museum.--Journey to Lake Superior.--" Report, with Narration."--"Principles of Zoology," by Agassiz and Gould.--Letters from European Friends respecting these Publications.--Letter from Hugh Miller.--Second Marriage.--Arrival of his Children in America.

1850-1852: AGE 43-45.
Proposition from Dr. Bache.--Exploration of Florida Reefs.--Letter to Humboldt concerning Work in America.--Appointment to Professorship of Medical College in Charleston, S.C.--Life at the South.--Views concerning Races of Men.--Prix Cuvier.

1852-1855: AGE 45-48.
Return to Cambridge.--Anxiety about Collections.--Purchase of Collections.--Second Winter in Charleston.--Illness.--Letter to James D. Dana concerning Geographical Distribution and Geological Succession of Animals.--Resignation of Charleston Professorship. --Propositions from Zurich.--Letter to Oswald Heer.--Decision to remain in Cambridge.--Letters to James D. Dana, S.S. Haldeman, and Others respecting Collections illustrative of the Distribution of Fishes, Shells, etc., in our Rivers.--Establishment of School for Girls.

1855-1860: AGE 48-53.
"Contributions to Natural History of the United States." --Remarkable Subscription.--Review of the Work.--Its Reception in Europe and America.--Letters from Humboldt and Owen concerning it. --Birthday.--Longfellow's Verses.--Laboratory at Nahant. --Invitation to the Museum of Natural History in Paris.--Founding of Museum of Comparative Zoology in Cambridge.--Summer Vacation in Europe.

1860-1863: AGE 53-56.
Return to Cambridge.--Removal of Collection to New Museum Building. --Distribution of Work.--Relations with his Students.--Breaking out of the War between North and South.--Interest of Agassiz in the Preservation of the Union.--Commencement of Museum Publications. --Reception of Third and Fourth Volumes of "Contributions."--Copley Medal.--General Correspondence.--Lecturing Tour in the West. --Circular Letter concerning Anthropological Collections.--Letter
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