these complaints; and the
apprehensions men have of suffering the like, in time to come, make so
many desire the taking away of Episcopacy: but I conceive it is
possible that we may not, now, take a right measure of the minds of the
people by their petitions; for, when they subscribed them, the bishops
were armed with a dangerous commission of making new canons,
imposing new oaths, and the like; but now we have disarmed them of
that power. These petitioners lately did look upon Episcopacy as a
beast armed with horns and claws; but now that we have cut and pared
them (and may, if we see cause, yet reduce it into narrower bounds), it
may, perhaps, be more agreeable. Howsoever, if they be still in passion,
it becomes us soberly to consider the right use and antiquity thereof;
and not to comply further with a general desire, than may stand with a
general good.
"We have already showed that Episcopacy and the evils thereof are
mingled like water and oil; we have also, in part, severed them; but I
believe you will find, that our laws and the present government of the
Church are mingled like wine and water; so inseparable, that the
abrogation of, at least, a hundred of our laws is desired in these
petitions. I have often heard a noble answer of the Lords, commended
in this House, to a proposition of like nature, but of less consequence;
they gave no other reason of their refusal but this, 'Nolumus mutare
Leges Angliae:' it was the bishops who so answered them; and it would
become the dignity and wisdom of this House to answer the people,
now, with a 'Nolumus mutare.'
"I see some are moved with a number of hands against the bishops;
which, I confess, rather inclines me to their defence; for I look upon
Episcopacy as a counterscarp, or outwork; which, if it be taken by this
assault of the people, and, withal, this mystery once revealed, 'that we
must deny them nothing when they ask it thus in troops,' we may, in the
next place, have as hard a task to defend our property, as we have lately
had to recover it from the
Prerogative. If, by multiplying hands and
petitions, they prevail for an equality in things ecclesiastical, the next
demand perhaps may be Lex Agraria, the like equality in things
"The Roman story tells us, that when the people began to flock about
the Senate, and were more curious to direct and know what was done,
than to obey, that Commonwealth soon came to ruin; their Legem
regare grew quickly to be a Legem ferre: and after, when their legions
had found that they could make a Dictator, they never suffered the
Senate to have a voice any more in such election.
"If these great innovations proceed, I shall expect a flat and level in
learning too, as well as in Church preferments: Hones alit Artes. And
though it be true, that grave and pious men do study for learning-sake,
and embrace virtue for itself; yet it is true, that youth, which is the
season when learning is gotten, is not without ambition; nor will ever
take pains to excel in anything, when there is not some hope of
excelling others in reward and dignity.
"There are two reasons chiefly alleged against our Church
"First, Scripture, which, as some men think, points out another form.
"Second, the abuses of the present superiors.
"For Scripture, I will not dispute it in this place; but I am confident that,
whenever an equal division of lands and goods shall be desired, there
will be as many places in Scripture found out, which seem to favour
that, as there are now alleged against the prelacy or preferment of the
Church. And, as for abuses, when you are now in the remonstrance told
what this and that poor man hath suffered by the bishops, you may be
presented with a thousand instances of poor men that have received
hard measure from their landlords; and of worldly goods abused, to the
injury of others, and disadvantage of the owners.
"And therefore, Mr. Speaker, my humble motion is that we may settle
men's minds herein; and by a question, declare our resolution, 'to
reform,' that is, 'not to abolish, Episcopacy.'"
It cannot but be wished that he, who could speak in this manner, had
been able to act with spirit and uniformity.
When the Commons begun to set the royal authority at open defiance,
Waller is said to have withdrawn from the House, and to have returned
with the king's permission; and, when the king set up his standard, he
sent him a thousand broad-pieces. He continued, however, to sit in the
rebellious conventicle; but "spoke," says Clarendon,
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