Johnsoniana, published by John Murray, London, 1836.
JOHNSTONE, John. See PARR, Samuel.
JONES, Sir William. See TEIGNMOUTH, Lord.
JONSON, Ben, Works, 7 vols., London, 1756.
KAMES, Lord (Henry Home), Sketches of the History of Man, 4 vols.,
Edinburgh, 1788.
KING, Dr. William, Principal of St. Mary Hall,_ Anecdotes of His
Own Times_, London, 1819.
KING, William, Archbishop of Dublin, Essay on the Origin of Evil,
edited by Bishop Law, 1781.
KNIGHT, Charles, _English Cyclopedia (Biography)_, 6 vols., London
KNOX, Rev. Dr. Vicesimus, Works, 7 vols., London, 1824.
LAMB, Charles, Works, edited by Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd, London,
LANDOR, Walter Savage, Works, 8 vols., London, 1874.
LANGTON, Bennet, _Collection of Anecdotes of Dr. Johnson_, ante,
iv. 1-33.
LAW, Bishop Edmund. See KING, Archbishop.
LECKY, W.E.H., History of England in the Eighteenth Century, 4 vols.
London, 1878-82.
LESLIE, Charles Robert, R.A., Autobiographical Recollections,
London 1860.
LESLIE, Charles Robert, R.A., and TOM TAYLOR, Life and Times of
Sir Joshua Reynolds, 2 vols., London, 1865.
_Lexiphanes: a Dialogue_, London, 1767.
LITTLETON, Dr. Adam, Linguae Latinae Liber Dietionarius, London,
1678 and 1703.
LOCKE, John, Works, London, 1824.
LOCKHART, J. G., Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart., 10
vols., Edinburgh, 1839.
LOFFT, Capel, Reports of Cases, London, 1776.
London and its Environs, Dodsley, 6 vols., London, 1761.
LOWE, Charles, _Prince Bismarck; an Historical Biography_, 2 vols.,
London, 1885.
LOWNDES, William Thomas,_ Bibliographer's Manual_, 4 vols.,
London, 1871.
MACAULAY, Rev. Kenneth, _History of St. Kilda_, London, 1764.
MACAULAY, Thomas Babington, Critical and Historical Essays, 3
vols., London, 1843, and 4 vols., 1874; History of England, 8 vols.,
London, 1874; Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches, London, 1871;
_Life_: see TREVELYAN, George Otto.
MACKENZIE, Sir George, Works, Edinburgh, 1716-22.
MACKENZIE, Henry, Life of John Home, Edinburgh, 1822.
MACKINTOSH, Sir James, Memoirs of his Life, 2 vols., London,
MACKLIN, Charles, Life. See COOKE, William.
McNEILL, P., Tranent and its Surroundings, 2nd ed., Edinburgh and
Glasgow, 1884.
MADAN, Rev. Martin, Thoughts on Executive Justice, London, 1785.
MAHON, Lord. See STANHOPE, Earl.
MAINE, Sir Henry Sumner, Lectures on Early History of Institutions,
London, 1875.
MAITTAIRE, M., Senilia, London, 1742.
MANDEVILLE, Bernard, Fable of the Bees, 1724.
MARSHALL, William, Minutes on Agriculture, London, 1799.
MARTIN, M., A Description of the Western Islands, London, 1716;
_Voyage to St. Kilda_, London, 1753.
MASON, William, Life of Gray. See GRAY, Thomas.
MAXWELL, Rev. Dr. William, Collectanea, ante, ii. 116-133.
MICKLE, William Julius, The Lusiad, Oxford, 1778.
MILL, James, History of British India, London, 1840; _Life_: see
BAIN, Alexander.
MILL, John Stuart, Autobiography, London, 1873; Principles of
Political Economy, 2 vols., London, 1865.
Modern Characters from Shakespeare, London, 1778.
MONBODDO, Lord. See BURNET, James.
MONTAGU, Mrs. Elizabeth, Essay on the Writings of Shakespeare,
London, 1769; Letters, 4 vols., London, 1810.
MONTAGUE, Lady Mary Wortley, Letters, London, 1769.
MOORE, John, M.D., Journal during a Residence in France, 2 vols.,
London, 1793; Life of Smollett, 1797; _View of Society and Manners in
France, Switzerland, and Germany_, 2 vols., London, 1789.
MOORE, Thomas, _Life of R.B. Sheridan_, 2 vols., London, 1825.
MORE, Hannah, Life and Correspondence, 4 vols., London, 1834.
MORRIS, William, AEneids of Virgil done into English verse, London,
MORRISON, Alfred, _Catalogue of the Collection of Autograph
Letters, &c._, formed by Alfred Morrison, edited by A. W. Thibaudeau,
printed for private circulation, London, 1883.
MUNK, William, The Roll of the Royal College of Physicians of
London, 3 vols., London, 1878.
MURPHY, Arthur, Essay on the Life and Genius of Samuel Johnson,
London, 1792; Life of David Garrick, Dublin, 1801.
MURRAY, John, Guide to Scotland, London, 1867, 1883; Johnsoniana,
London, 1836.
NAPIER, Rev. Alexander, _Boswell's Life of Johnson_, 5 vols.,
London, 1884.
New Foundling Hospital for Wit, 3 vols., London, 1769.
NEWMAN, John Henry, History of my Religious Opinions, London,
NEWTON, Rev. John, An Authentic Narrative of some remarkable and
interesting particulars in the Life of, London, 1792.
NEWTON, Thomas, Bishop of Bristol, Works, 3 vols., London, 1782.
NICHOLS, John, Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century, 9 vols.,
London, 1812-15; Literary History, 8 vols., London, 1817-58.
_Ninth Report of the Commissioners of the Post-office_, London,
NORTHCOTE, James, Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds, 2 vols., London,
1819. See HAZLITT, William, for Northcote's Conversations.
_Nouvelle Biographie Générale_, 46 vols., Paris, 1855-1866.
O'LEARY, Rev. Arthur, _Remarks on the Rev. Mr. Wesley's Letters_,
Dublin 1780.
ORRERY, ---- John, fifth Earl of Orrery and Corke, _Remarks on the
Life and Writings of Dr. Swift_, London, 1752.
ORTON, Job, Memoirs of Doddridge, Salop, 1766.
Oxford during the Last Century [by G. Roberson and J.R. Green],
Oxford, 1859.
PALEY, Rev. William, D.D., Principles of Philosophy, London, 1786.
Parliamentary History of England, 33 vols., London, 1806.
PARR, Samuel, LL.D., _Works, with Memoir_, by John Johnstone,
M.D. 8 vols., London, 1828. See FIELD, Rev. William.
PATERSON, Daniel, British Itinerary, 2 vols., London, 1800.
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