Lemorne Versus Huell | Page 5

Elizabeth Drew Stoddard
dropped so entirely from my
observance of the landscape that I jumped when he resumed the bridle
and turned his horse to come back. I slipped from my seat to look
among the bushes, determined that he should not recognize me; but my
attempt was a failure--he did not ride by the second time.
"Miss Huell!" And he jumped from his saddle, slipping his arm through
the bridle.
"I am a runaway. What do you think of the Fugitive Slave Bill?"

"I approve of returning property to its owners."
"The sea must have been God's temple first, instead of the groves."
"I believe the Saurians were an Orthodox tribe."
"Did you stop yonder to ponder the sea?"
"I was pondering 'Lemorne vs. Huell.'"
He looked at me earnestly, and then gave a tug at the bridle, for his
steed was inclined to make a crude repast from the bushes.
"How was it that I did not detect you at once?" he continued.
"My apparel is Waterbury apparel."
We walked up the road slowly till we came to the end of it; then I
stopped for him to understand that I thought it time for him to leave me.
He sprang into the saddle.
"Give us good-by!" he said, bringing his horse close to me.
"We are not on equal terms; I feel too humble afoot to salute you."
"Put your foot on the stirrup then."
A leaf stuck in the horse's forelock, and I pulled it off and waved it in
token of farewell. A powerful light shot into his eyes when he saw my
hand close on the leaf.
"May I come and see you?" he asked, abruptly. "I will."
"I shall say neither 'No' or 'Yes.'"
He rode on at a quick pace, and I walked homeward forgetting the
sense of liberty I had started with, and proceeded straightway to Aunt

"I have not been to church, aunt, but to walk beyond the town; it was
not so nominated in the bond, but I went. The taste of freedom was so
pleasant that I warn you there is danger of my 'striking.' When will you
have done with Newport?"
"I am pleased with Newport now," she answered, with a curious
intonation. "I like it."
"I do also."
Her keen eyes sparkled. "Did you ever like anything when you were
with me before?"
"Never. I will tell you why I like it: because I have met, and shall
probably meet, Mr. Uxbridge. I saw him to-day. He asked permission
to visit me."
"Let him come."
"He will come."
But we did not see him either at the hotel or when we went abroad.
Aunt Eliza rode with me each afternoon, and each morning we went to
the beach. She engaged me every moment when at home, and I
faithfully performed all my tasks. I clapped to the door on self-
investigation--locked it against any analysis or reasoning upon any
circumstance connected with Mr. Uxbridge. The only piece of
treachery to my code that I was guilty of was the putting of the leaf
which I brought home on Sunday between the leaves of that poem
whose motto is, "Mariana in the moated grange."
On Saturday morning, nearly a week after I saw him on my walk, Aunt
Eliza proposed that we should go to Turo Street on a shopping
excursion; she wanted a cap, and various articles besides. As we went
into a large shop I saw Mr. Uxbridge at a counter buying gloves; her
quick eye caught sight of him, and she edged away, saying she would

look at some goods on the other side; I might wait where I was. As he
turned to go out he saw me and stopped.
"I have been in New York since I saw you," he said. "Mr. Lemorne sent
for me."
"There is my aunt," I said.
He shrugged his shoulders.
"I shall not go away soon again," he remarked. "I missed Newport
I made some foolish reply, and kept my eyes on Aunt Eliza, who
dawdled unaccountably. He appeared amused, and after a little talk
went away.
Aunt Eliza's purchase was a rose-colored moire antique, which she said
was to be made for me; for Mrs. Bliss, one of our hotel acquaintances,
had offered to chaperon me to the great ball which would come off in a
few days, and she had accepted the offer for me.
"There will be no chance for you to take a walk instead," she finished
"I can not dance, you know."
"But you will be *there*."
I was sent to a dress-maker of Mrs. Bliss's recommending; but I
ordered the dress to be made after my own design, long plain sleeves,
and high plain corsage, and requested that it should not be
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