Laxdæla Saga | Page 8

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the land he lived on.
He was a neighbour of Hrapp's, and was very often badly treated by
him. Hoskuld looked after him, so that he kept his dwelling in peace.
Vigdis was the name of his wife. She was daughter of Ingjald, son of
Olaf Feilan, and brother's daughter of Thord Yeller, and sister's
daughter of Thorolf Rednose of Sheepfell. This Thorolf was a great
hero, and in a very good position, and his kinsmen often went to him

for protection. Vigdis had married more for money than high station.
Thord had a thrall who had come to Iceland with him, named Asgaut.
He was a big man, and shapely of body; and though he was called a
thrall, yet few could be found his equal amongst those called freemen,
and he knew well how to serve his master. Thord had many other
thralls, though this one is the only one mentioned here. Thorbjorn was
the name of a man. He lived in Salmon-river-Dale, next to Thord, up
valley away from his homestead, and was called Skrjup. He was very
rich in chattels, mostly in gold and silver. [Sidenote: Houskuld goes
abroad] He was an huge man and of great strength. No squanderer of
money on common folk was he. Hoskuld, Dalakoll's son, deemed it a
drawback to his state that his house was worse built than he wished it
should be; so he bought a ship from a Shetland man. The ship lay up in
the mouth of the river Blanda. That ship he gets ready, and makes it
known that he is going abroad, leaving Jorunn to take care of house and
children. They now put out to sea, and all went well with them; and
they hove somewhat southwardly into Norway, making Hordaland,
where the market-town called Biorgvin was afterwards built. Hoskuld
put up his ship, and had there great strength of kinsmen, though here
they be not named. Hakon, the king, had then his seat in the Wick.
Hoskuld did not go to the king, as his kinsfolk welcomed him with
open arms. That winter all was quiet (in Norway).

Hoskuld Buys a Slave Woman
There were tidings at the beginning of the summer that the king went
with his fleet eastward to a tryst in Brenn-isles, to settle peace for his
land, even as the law laid down should be done every third summer.
This meeting was held between rulers with a view to settling such
matters as kings had to adjudge--matters of international policy
between Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. It was deemed a pleasure trip
to go to this meeting, for thither came men from well-nigh all such
lands as we know of. Hoskuld ran out his ship, being desirous also to
go to the meeting; moreover, he had not been to see the king all the

winter through. There was also a fair to be made for. At the meeting
there were great crowds of people, and much amusement to be
got--drinking, and games, and all sorts of entertainment. Nought,
however, of great interest happened there. Hoskuld met many of his
kinsfolk there who were come from Denmark. [Sidenote: Of Gilli the
Russian] Now, one day as Hoskuld went out to disport himself with
some other men, he saw a stately tent far away from the other booths.
Hoskuld went thither, and into the tent, and there sat a man before him
in costly raiment, and a Russian hat on his head. Hoskuld asked him his
name. He said he was called Gilli: "But many call to mind the man if
they hear my nickname--I am called Gilli the Russian." Hoskuld said he
had often heard talk of him, and that he held him to be the richest of
men that had ever belonged to the guild of merchants. [Sidenote: The
bargain for the slave woman] Still Hoskuld spoke: "You must have
things to sell such as we should wish to buy." Gilli asked what he and
his companions wished to buy. Hoskuld said he should like to buy
some bonds-woman, "if you have one to sell." Gilli answers: "There,
you mean to give me trouble by this, in asking for things you don't
expect me to have in stock; but it is not sure that follows." Hoskuld
then saw that right across the booth there was drawn a curtain; and Gilli
then lifted the curtain, and Hoskuld saw that there were twelve women
seated behind the curtain. So Gilli said that Hoskuld should come on
and have a look, if he would care to buy any of these women. Hoskuld
did so. They sat all together across the booth. Hoskuld looks carefully
at these women. He saw a woman sitting out by the skirt of the tent,
and she was
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