Latin Vulgate, Daniel: Prophetia Danielis | Page 3

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(Latin Vulgate, Daniel) : Prophetia Danielis

This is a complete electronic ASCII text of the Book of Daniel from the Latin Clementine Vulgate, sections translated from the Greek Septuagint included, with section headers, footnotes, and appendicies. notes concerning this file:

transcriber: Dennis McCarthy 261 South Colonial Homes Circle, N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30309-1226
Dedicated to the Memory of Elliott Harry Aldridge (1910 May 19 - 1990 November 01)
1996 December 08 1997 February 02 (revised)
Source: P. Michael Hetzenauer, Ord. Min. Cap. editor. Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editionis: Sixti V Pont. Max. Iussa Recognita et Clemens VIII Auctoritate Edita. Neo Eboraci et Cincinnati
I have transcribed from this source as accurately as possible for this e-text, with the following changes: 1) I formatted each verse into a separate line and added the chapter number to each verse number. In doing this I lost the source's paragraph structure. 2) I exploded the ligatures for "ae" and "oe" into two characters rather than one character for each diphthong. 3) I capitalized all of the section headings which were either in bold or italicized print originally. These sections headings may not be original to the Vulgate, but then neither are verse numbers. 4) In all references to verses I used a colon to separate the chapter number and verse number rather than a comma as in the source. 5) I placed the footnote designators in parentheses and re-lettered them for the whole body of the text. The original recycled to "a" for each new page. I also arranged the cross reference footnotes themselves into one chart at the end of the text. 6) I moved the marginal notations into an appendix.
Verses 3:52-3:90 are formatted differently than the rest of the text. This is because this section is a song/poem that was formatted specially in the source text.
Verse 3:98 begins with a capitalized word. I know this is against Project Gutenberg standards, but this is the only "first" word so treated in the source text. I defer to the source's editor's judgement in this matter, and request that it remain as is. There are other words in the text capitalized, but they do not begin a section.
Please note that some sentence-like sections end with a period, but the following line does not begin with a capital letter. I recommend that this format remain. The source's editor seems to have been quite confident in the propriety of this approach. I have retained all of the source's capitalization and punctuation except for the section headers.
65 is the target line length, but because of the length of many of the Latin words, my desire not to create "orphan" words, and a genuine lack of talent on the part of the transcriber for such matters, the margination is rather ragged.
I am sending this file to: [email protected]
This text carries no warranty of any kind.
Beginning of this Project Gutenberg Etext of "Prophetia Danielis"



I. VITA PRIVATA, 1:1-21.
1:1 Anno tertio regni Ioakim regis Iuda, venit Nabuchodonosor rex Babylonis in Ierusalem, et obsedit eam;
1:2 et tradidit Dominus in manu eius Ioakim regem Iuda, et partem vasorum domus Dei: et asportavit ea in terram Sennaar in domum dei sui, et vasa intulit in domum Thesauri dei sui.
1:3 Et ait rex Asphenez praeposito Eunuchorum ut introduceret de filiis Israel, et de semine regio et tyrannorum,
1:4 pueros, in quibus nulla esset macula, decoros forma, et eruditos omni sapientia, cautos scientia, et doctos disciplina, et qui possent stare in palatio regis, ut doceret eos litteras, et linguam Chaldaeorum.
1:5 Et constituit eis rex annonam per singulos dies de cibis suis, et de vino unde bibebat ipse, ut enutriti tribus annis, postea starent in conspectu regis.
1:6 Fuerunt ergo inter eos de filiis Iuda, Daniel, Ananias, Misael, et Azarias.
1:7 Et imposuit eis praepositus eunuchorum, nomina: Danieli, Baltassar: Ananiae, Sidrach: Misaeli, Misach: et Azariae, Abdenago.
1:8 Proposuit autem Daniel in corde suo ne pollueretur de mensa regis, neque de vino potus eius: et rogavit eunuchorum praepositum ne contaminaretur.
1:9 Dedit autem Deus Danieli gratiam et misericordiam in conspectu principis eunuchorum.
1:10 Et ait princeps eunuchorum ad Danielem: Timeo ego dominum meum regem, qui constituit vobis cibum et potum: qui si viderit vultus vestros macilentiores prae ceteris adolescentibus coaevis vestris, condemnabitis caput meum regi.
1:11 Et dixit Daniel ad Malasar, quem constituerat princeps eunuchorum super Danielem, Ananiam, Misaelem, et Azariam:
1:12 Tenta nos obsecro servos tuos diebus decem, et dentur nobis legumina ad vescendum, et aqua ad bibendum:
1:13 et contemplare vultus
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