Latin Vulgate, Bible Book Titles and Names | Page 4

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Prophetia Aggaei (Haggai / Haggai) Prophetia Zachariae (Zechariah / Sacharja) Prophetia Malachiae (Malachi / Maleachi) Liber I. Machabaeorum (1 Maccabees / 1 Makkabaeer) Liber II. Machabaeorum (2 Maccabees / 2 Makkabaeer)
Evangelium Secundum Matthaeum (Matthew / Matthaeus) Evangelium Secundum Marcum (Mark / Markus) Evangelium Secundum Lucam (Luke / Lukas) Evangelium Secundum Ioannem (John / Johannes) Actus Apostolorum (Acts of the Apostles / Apostelgeschichte) Epistola Pauli Ad Romanos (Romans / Roemer) Epistola Pauli Ad Corinthios I. (1 Corinthians / 1 Korinther) Epistola Pauli Ad Corinthios II. (2 Corinthians / 2 Korinther) Epistola Pauli Ad Galatas (Galatians / Galater) Epistola Pauli Ad Ephesios (Ephesians / Epheser) Epistola Pauli Ad Philippenses (Philippians / Philipper) Epistola Pauli Ad Colossenses (Colossians / Kolosser) Epistola Pauli Ad Thessalonicenses I. (1 Thessalonians / 1 Thessalonicher) Epistola Pauli Ad Thessalonicenses II. (2 Thessalonians / 2 Thessalonicher) Epistola Pauli Ad Timotheum I. (1 Timothy / 1 Timotheus) Epistola Pauli Ad Timotheum II. (2 Timothy / 2 Timotheus) Epistola Pauli Ad Titum (Titus / Titus) Epistola Pauli Ad Philemonem (Philemon / Philemon) Epistola Pauli Ad Hebraeos (Hebrews / Hebraeer) Epistola Catholica Iacobi (James / Jakobus) Epistola Petri I. (1 Peter / 1 Petrus) Epistola Petri II. (2 Peter / 2 Petrus) Epistola Ioannis I. (1 John / 1 Johannes) Epistola Ioannis II. (2 John / 2 Johannes) Epistola Ioannis III. (3 John / 3 Johannes) Epistola Catholica Iudae (Jude / Judas) Apocalypsis Ionannis (Revelation / Offenbarung)
Oratio Manassae Regis (Prayer of Manasseh / Gebet Manasses) Liber Esdrae III. (1 Esdras / 1 Esdra) Liber Esdrae IV. (2 Esdras / 2 Esdra)

Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numeri Deuteronomium Iosue Iudicum Ruth Samuelis I Samuelis II Regum I Regum II Paralipomenon I Paralipomenon II Esdrae Nehemiae Tobiae Iudith Esther Iob Psalmi Proverbia Ecclesiastes Canticum Canticorum Sapientia Ecclesiasticus Isaias Ieremias Lamentationes Baruch Ezechiel Daniel Osee Ioel Amos Abdias Ionas Michaeas Nahum Habacuc Aggaeus Sophonias Zacharias Malachias Machabaeorum I Machabaeorum II
Matthaeus Marcus Lucas Ioannes Actus Apostolorum ad Romanos ad Corinthios I ad Corinthios II ad Galatas ad Ephesios ad Philippenses ad Colossenses ad Thessalonicenses I ad Thessalonicenses II ad Timotheum I ad Timotheum II ad Titum ad Philemonem ad Hebraeos Iacobi Petri I Petri II Ioannis I Ioannis II Ioannis III Iudae Apocalypsis
Oratio Manassae Esdrae III Esdrae IV

Gn Ex Lv Nm Dt Ios Idc Rt 1Sm 2Sm 1Rg 2Rg 1Par 2Par Esr Neh Tob Idt Est Iob Ps Pr Ecl Ct Sap Sir Is Ir Lam Bar Ez Dn Os Ioel Am Abd Ion Mch Nah Hab Soph Agg Zach Mal 1Mcc 2Mcc
Mt Mc Lc Io Act Rom 1Cor 2Cor Gal Eph Phlp Col 1Thes 2Thes 1Tim 2Tim Tit Phlm Hbr Iac 1Ptr 2Ptr 1Io 2Io 3Io Iud Apc
Man 3Esr 4Esr

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