Late Lyrics and Earlier

Thomas Hardy
The Project Gutenberg EBook of Late Lyrics and Earlier, by Thomas Hardy (#25 in our series by Thomas Hardy)
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Title: Late Lyrics and Earlier
Author: Thomas Hardy
Release Date: December, 2003 [EBook #4758]?[Yes, we are more than one year ahead of schedule]?[This file was first posted on March 12, 2002]?[Most recently updated: March 12, 2002]
Edition: 10
Language: English
Character set encoding: ASCII
Transcribed by David Price, email [email protected] from the 1922 Macmillan and Co. edition.
Apology?Weathers?The maid of Keinton Mandeville?Summer Schemes?Epeisodia?Faintheart in a Railway Train?At Moonrise and Onwards?The Garden Seat?Barthelemon at Vauxhall?"I sometimes think"?Jezreel?A Jog-trot Pair?"The Curtains now are Drawn"?"According to the Mighty Working"?"I was not he"?The West-of-Wessex Girl?Welcome Home?Going and Staying?Read by Moonlight?At a house in Hampstead?A Woman's Fancy?Her Song?A Wet August?The Dissemblers?To a Lady Playing and Singing in the Morning?"A man was drawing near to me"?The Strange House?"As 'twere to-night"?The Contretemps?A Gentleman's Epitaph on Himself and a Lady?The Old Gown?A night in November?A Duettist to her Pianoforte?"Where three roads joined"?"And there was a great calm"?Haunting Fingers?The Woman I Met?"If it's ever spring again"?The Two Houses?On Stinsford Hill at Midnight?The Fallow Deer at the Lonely House?The Selfsame Song?The Wanderer?A Wife Comes Back?A Young Man's Exhortation?At Lulworth Cove a Century Back?A Bygone Occasion?Two Serenades?The Wedding Morning?End of the Year 1912?The Chimes Play "Life's a bumper!"?"I worked no wile to meet you"?At the Railway Station, Upway?Side by Side?Dream of the City Shopwoman?A Maiden's Pledge?The Child and the Sage?Mismet?An Autumn Rain-scene?Meditations on a Holiday?An Experience?The Beauty?The Collector Cleans his Picture?The Wood Fire?Saying Good-bye?On the tune called The Old-hundred-and-fourth?The Opportunity?Evelyn G. Of Christminster?The Rift?Voices from things growing in a Churchyard?On the Way?"She did not turn"?Growth in May?The Children and Sir Nameless?At the Royal Academy?Her Temple?A Two-years' Idyll?By Henstridge Cross at the year's end?Penance?"I look in her face"?After the War?"If you had known"?The Chapel-organist?Fetching Her?"Could I but will"?She revisits alone the church of her marriage?At the Entering of the New Year?They would not come?After a romantic day?The Two Wives?"I knew a lady"?A house with a History?A Procession of Dead Days?He Follows Himself?The Singing Woman?Without, not within her?"O I won't lead a homely life"?In the small hours?The little old table?Vagg Hollow?The dream is--which??The Country Wedding?First or Last?Lonely Days?"What did it mean?"?At the dinner-table?The marble tablet?The Master and the Leaves?Last words to a dumb friend?A drizzling Easter morning?On one who lived and died where he was born?The Second Night?She who saw not?The old workman?The sailor's mother?Outside the casement?The passer-by?"I was the midmost"?A sound in the night?On a discovered curl of hair?An old likeness?Her Apotheosis?"Sacred to the memory"?To a well-named dwelling?The Whipper-in?A military appointment?The milestone by the rabbit-burrow?The Lament of the Looking-glass?Cross-currents?The old neighbour and the new?The chosen?The inscription?The marble-streeted town?A woman driving?A woman's trust?Best times?The casual acquaintance?Intra Sepulchrum?The whitewashed wall?Just the same?The last time?The seven times?The sun's last look on the country girl?In a London flat?Drawing details in an old church?Rake-hell muses?The Colour?Murmurs in the gloom?Epitaph?An ancient to ancients?After reading psalms xxxix., xl.?Surview
About half the verses that follow were written quite lately. The rest are older, having been held over in MS. when past volumes were published, on considering that these would contain a sufficient number of pages to offer readers at one time, more especially during the distractions of the war. The unusually far back poems to be found here are, however, but some that were overlooked in gathering previous collections. A freshness in them, now unattainable, seemed to make up for their inexperience and to justify their inclusion. A few are dated; the dates of others are not discoverable.
The launching of a volume of this kind in neo-Georgian days by one who began writing in mid-Victorian, and has published nothing to speak of for some years, may seem to call for a few words of excuse or explanation. Whether or no, readers may feel assured that a new book is submitted to them with great hesitation at so belated a date. Insistent practical reasons, however, among
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