Klondike Nuggets | Page 3

Edward S. Ellis
and writes me there's no mistake about it; he wants me to join
him. I'm going to do it, and your boy Roswell and his cousin Frank are
to go with me. Oh, it's all settled," said Jeff airily; "the only question is
how soon you can git him ready. A day oughter be enough."
The husband and wife looked at each other in astonishment. They had
not dreamed of anything like this; but if the truth were told, Mr. Palmer
had been so wrought up by the wonderful stories that were continually
coming from Alaska and British Columbia, that he was seriously
thinking of joining the northward-bound procession.
Startling as was the announcement of Jeff Graham, a discussion of the

scheme brought out more than one fact to recommend it. The youths
were in perfect health, strong and athletic. Jeff volunteered to provide
all the funds needed, and his early experience in mining and his love
for the boys made him an invaluable guide and companion despite his
years. He had turned over in his mind every phase of the question, and
met each objection the affectionate mother brought forward, alarmed as
she was at the thought of having her boy go so many miles from under
her care.
"It will be necessary to talk with Roswell about it," said the father, after
the conversation had lasted a considerable while.
"No, it won't; I've talked with him, and he's as crazy as me to go."
"But what will Frank's mother say?"
"She's said what she's got to say; had a talk with her last night, and it's
all fixed. I've sent word to Tim that I'll be at Juneau by next steamer,
and have two of the likeliest younkers with me on the coast; then we'll
head for the Upper Yukon, and bime-by hire a ship to bring back all the
gold we'll scoop in."
"It seems to me that we have nothing to do in the premises, Jeff."
"Nothing 'cept to git the youngster ready."
Now it is a serious undertaking for any one to make a journey to the
gold regions at the headwaters of the Yukon, as every one will admit
who has been there. All know of the starvation which threatened the
people of Dawson City during the winter of 1897-98, when the whole
country was stirred with sympathy, and our Government made use of
reindeer to take food to the suffering miners.
No dangers of that kind confronted Roswell Palmer and Frank Mansley,

but their parents could not contemplate the undertaking without anxiety.
The mothers held more than one consultation, and there was a time
when both were inclined to object to the boys going at all. The dread of
that desolate, icy region in the far Northwest grew upon them, until it is
safe to say that if the departure had been postponed for only a few days
Mrs. Mansley and Mrs. Palmer would never have given their consent.
But Mr. Palmer laughed at their fears, and assured them there was no
cause for alarm. He spoke so cheeringly that they caught his
hopefulness, but neither noticed the lump he swallowed, nor with what
difficulty he kept back the tears when the hour for parting came. He
was fully as anxious as they, but he knew how to dissemble, and would
not have confessed his real emotions for the world.
After all, it was Jeff Graham who deserved the credit for the
willingness of the parents to see their sons venture upon the long and
dangerous journey. To him the trip was much the same as a visit to Los
Angeles or the Yosemite Valley. His self-confidence never faltered. He
was sure it would be only a pleasant outing, with the certainty of a big
reward at the end of it. The sly fellow dwelt on the pale complexion
and debilitated appearance of the lads. He even said that a cough which
he heard Frank try to suppress (in swallowing some fruit, a bit of it
went the "wrong way"--it was nothing more) indicated the insidious
approach of consumption. Jeff was the only one who was able to see
any paleness in the countenance of the young athletes, or suspect them
of being otherwise than fine specimens of youthful health and vigor;
but since he was as solemn as a judge when making his declaration, the
father and mother of the one and the mother of the other could not feel
quite certain there were not grounds for his fears.
And so it being settled that the boys were to go to the Klondike gold
fields under the care of the grim old Argonaut, it only remained to
complete the preparations in the short time at their disposal.
Had the mothers
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