King Edward the Third | Page 4

Shakespeare Apocrypha
I call to record of my vows: It is not hate nor any
private wrong, But love unto my country and the right, Provokes my
tongue, thus lavish in report. You are the lineal watchman of our peace,
And John of Valois indirectly climbs; What then should subjects but
embrace their King? Ah, where in may our duty more be seen, Than
striving to rebate a tyrant's pride And place the true shepherd of our
KING EDWARD. This counsel, Artois, like to fruitful showers, Hath
added growth unto my dignity; And, by the fiery vigor of thy words,
Hot courage is engendered in my breast, Which heretofore was raked in
ignorance, But now doth mount with golden wings of fame, And will
approve fair Isabel's descent, Able to yoke their stubborn necks with
steel, That spurn against my sovereignty in France.
[Sound a horn.]
A messenger?--Lord Audley, know from whence.
[Exit Audley, and returns.]
AUDLEY. The Duke of Lorrain, having crossed the seas, Entreats he
may have conference with your highness.
KING EDWARD. Admit him, Lords, that we may hear the news.
[Exeunt Lords. King takes his State. Re-enter Lords; with Lorrain,
Say, Duke of Lorrain, wherefore art thou come?
LORRAIN. The most renowned prince, King John of France, Doth
greet thee, Edward, and by me commands, That, for so much as by his
liberal gift The Guyen Dukedom is entailed to thee, Thou do him lowly
homage for the same. And, for that purpose, here I summon thee,

Repair to France within these forty days, That there, according as the
custom is, Thou mayst be sworn true liegeman to our King; Or else thy
title in that province dies, And he him self will repossess the place.
KING EDWARD. See, how occasion laughs me in the face! No sooner
minded to prepare for France, But straight I am invited,--nay, with
threats, Upon a penalty, enjoined to come: Twere but a childish part to
say him nay.-- Lorrain, return this answer to thy Lord: I mean to visit
him as he requests; But how? not servilely disposed to bend, But like a
conqueror to make him bow. His lame unpolished shifts are come to
light; And truth hath pulled the vizard from his face, That set a gloss
upon his arrogance. Dare he command a fealty in me? Tell him, the
Crown that he usurps, is mine, And where he sets his foot, he ought to
kneel. Tis not a petty Dukedom that I claim, But all the whole
Dominions of the Realm; Which if with grudging he refuse to yield, I'll
take away those borrowed plumes of his, And send him naked to the
LORRAIN. Then, Edward, here, in spite of all thy Lords, I do
pronounce defiance to thy face.
PRINCE EDWARD. Defiance, French man? we rebound it back, Even
to the bottom of thy master's throat. And, be it spoke with reverence of
the King, My gracious father, and these other Lords, I hold thy message
but as scurrilous, And him that sent thee, like the lazy drone, Crept up
by stealth unto the Eagle's nest; >From whence we'll shake him with so
rough a storm, As others shall be warned by his harm.
WARWICK. Bid him leave of the Lyons case he wears, Least, meeting
with the Lyon in the field, He chance to tear him piecemeal for his
ARTOIS. The soundest counsel I can give his grace, Is to surrender ere
he be constrained. A voluntary mischief hath less scorn, Than when
reproach with violence is borne.
LORRAIN. Degenerate Traitor, viper to the place Where thou was
fostered in thine infancy, Bearest thou a part in this conspiracy?
[He draws his sword.]
KING EDWARD. Lorrain, behold the sharpness of this steel:
[Drawing his.]
Fervent desire that sits against my heart, Is far more thorny pricking
than this blade; That, with the nightingale, I shall be scared, As oft as I

dispose my self to rest, Until my colours be displayed in France: This is
my final Answer; so be gone.
LORRAIN. It is not that, nor any English brave, Afflicts me so, as doth
his poisoned view, That is most false, should most of all be true.
[Exeunt Lorrain, and Train.]
KING EDWARD. Now, Lord, our fleeting Bark is under sail; Our gage
is thrown, and war is soon begun, But not so quickly brought unto an
[Enter Mountague.]
But wherefore comes Sir William Mountague? How stands the league
between the Scot and us?
MOUNTAGUE. Cracked and dissevered, my renowned Lord. The
treacherous King no sooner was informed Of your with drawing of
your army back, But straight, forgetting of his former oath, He made
invasion on the bordering Towns: Barwick is won, Newcastle spoiled
and lost, And now the tyrant hath
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