Ki-Gor and the Nirvana of the Seven Voodoos John Peter Drummond
Inch by inch, the giant figure in the leopard skin crept forward through
the waving prairie grass. The fierce tropical sun beat down mercilessly
on the mighty shoulders, but a fresh easterly breeze cooled the bronze
forehead. Ki-Gor froze momentarily and hugged the ground, as a
chorus of snorts and the thud of many sharp hoofs stamping the turf
told him that the quarry he was stalking was getting uneasy. Ki-Gor
cursed the inadequate little spear beside him, his sole weapon. It was a
small, flimsy assegai the Pygmies had given him, and it was all but
useless in the important business of hunting game. Not heavy enough to
throw, not strong enough to kill anything bigger than a jackal.
But, weapon or not, game had to be killed today. Ki-Gor was hungry.
His nostrils twitched and his mouth watered as the breeze bore to him
the scent of his prey, the herd of white-throated wildebeests--the giant
antelope of the East African plateau. With infinite caution he raised his
head and peered through the swaying grass tops. Fifteen feet away, a
young, full-grown buck stared suspiciously upwind toward the rest of
the herd. He was nearly five feet tall at his thick shoulders, and the
coarse, matted hairs of his mane fell over but did not conceal the cruel
horns that dipped downward from his forehead, then upward and
It was going to be no easy task to subdue this creature barehanded, but
Ki-Gor was desperate. He and Helene had not eaten meat for over a
week, ever since they had left the friendly back of Marmo, the elephant,
at the edge of the Congo jungle to trek on foot, ever eastward through
the grassy uplands of East Africa. There had been game in plenty, but
Ki-Gor had been remarkably unlucky in his hunting. Five times he had
patiently stalked plump gazelles, only to be cheated out of his prey at
the last minute by roving packs of wild dogs. On two other occasions,
he had lain hidden, after dark, beside water-holes, hoping to make a kill
undisturbed by the dogs who would be asleep. But each of those times
he had found himself dangerously close to a half dozen lions, who
apparently had the same idea. That many lions was too much
competition, and Ki-Gor had gone back to Helene empty-handed, and
with a very empty stomach.
Hardly breathing, Ki-Gor slid forward another six inches through the
grass. He must get that buck. For if he and Helene did not eat pretty
soon, they would be so weakened from fasting, that they, too, would
fall prey to some prowling carnivores, and their bones would bleach on
the wind-swept veldt. Closer and closer to the gnu, the jungle man crept.
If only I had a fire-stick, Ki-Gor thought--rifles, Helene calls them.
They have a potent magic which kills at incredible distances.
But he had no rifle, only the toy spear of the Pygmies, so that he must
be close enough to the gnu to be able to reach it in one spring. Once the
herd discovered him, even his powerful legs could never overtake
Closer and closer, Ki-Gor crept, muscles tensed for action. Suddenly,
the herd upwind of him grew ominously silent. Something had
disturbed the gnus. Was it he? Had they discovered him? Again, he
raised his head to peer through the grass stalks. No, it wasn't he the
antelopes were worried about. They were all facing away from him,
muzzles raised, testing the air. A few does danced about nervously,
ready at any second to break into a headlong gallop. Ki-Gor decided it
was now or never.
Gathering his feet under him, he crouched on his haunches for one
precious moment. Then, noiselessly, he sprang. As he did, the entire
herd jumped forward. Ki-Gor's leap carried just short of the young
buck's back--and the buck was going away. Desperately, Ki-Gor
clutched at a flying hind hoof, and held on for dear life. The buck went
down with a crash. Instantly Ki-Gor leaped for its head and seized a
horn with each hand. The buck lunged upward, sharp hoofs scrambling.
They were levers in Ki-Gor's hands. Using all his mighty strength, he
twisted the shaggy head viciously around. There was a tearing sound,
and a snap. The gnu sank to the ground trembling--its neck broken.
"Wa-a-aghrr!" shouted Ki-Gor in triumph. At last! Here was
food--meat a-plenty.
"Wa-a-aghrr!" came an almost identical roar from behind him.
Ki-Gor whirled around and beheld a huge, grey-maned lion crouched
not twenty feet away. Its dull eyes and gaunt, mangy sides showed it to
be a very old lion, slow-moving and probably toothless. Back home in

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