Julius Caesar | Page 5

William Shakespeare
occasion, the
enormous amount of the debts he had contracted, he is reported to have
said to his mother, when she kissed him at his going out in the morning
to the assembly of the people, "I will never return home unless I am
elected pontiff." In effect, he left so far behind him two most powerful
competitors, who were much his superiors both in age and rank, that he
had more votes in their own tribes, than they both had in all the tribes
XIV. After he was chosen praetor, the conspiracy of Catiline was
discovered; and while every other member of the senate voted for
inflicting capital punishment on the accomplices in that crime [33], he
alone proposed that the delinquents should be distributed for safe
custody among the towns of Italy, their property being confiscated. He
even struck such terror into those who were advocates for greater
severity, by representing to them what universal odium would be
attached to their memories by the Roman people, that Decius Silanus,
consul elect, did not hesitate to qualify his proposal, it not being very
honourable to change it, by a lenient interpretation; as if it had been
understood in a harsher sense than he intended, and Caesar would

certainly have carried his point, having brought over to his side a great
number of the senators, among whom was Cicero, the consul's brother,
had not a speech by Marcus Cato infused new vigour into the
resolutions of the senate. He persisted, however, in obstructing the
measure, until a body of the Roman knights, who stood under arms as a
guard, threatened him with instant death, if he continued his determined
opposition. They even thrust at him with their drawn swords, so that
those who sat next him moved away; (10) and a few friends, with no
small difficulty, protected him, by throwing their arms round him, and
covering him with their togas. At last, deterred by this violence, he not
only gave way, but absented himself from the senate-house during the
remainder of that year.
XV. Upon the first day of his praetorship, he summoned Quintus
Catulus to render an account to the people respecting the repairs of the
Capitol [34]; proposing a decree for transferring the office of curator to
another person [35]. But being unable to withstand the strong
opposition made by the aristocratical party, whom he perceived quitting,
in great numbers, their attendance upon the new consuls [36], and fully
resolved to resist his proposal, he dropped the design.
XVI. He afterwards approved himself a most resolute supporter of
Caecilius Metullus, tribune of the people, who, in spite of all opposition
from his colleagues, had proposed some laws of a violent tendency [37],
until they were both dismissed from office by a vote of the senate. He
ventured, notwithstanding, to retain his post and continue in the
administration of justice; but finding that preparations were made to
obstruct him by force of arms, he dismissed the lictors, threw off his
gown, and betook himself privately to his own house, with the
resolution of being quiet, in a time so unfavourable to his interests. He
likewise pacified the mob, which two days afterwards flocked about
him, and in a riotous manner made a voluntary tender of their
assistance in the vindication of his (11) honour. This happening
contrary to expectation, the senate, who met in haste, on account of the
tumult, gave him their thanks by some of the leading members of the
house, and sending for him, after high commendation of his conduct,
cancelled their former vote, and restored him to his office.

XVII. But he soon got into fresh trouble, being named amongst the
accomplices of Catiline, both before Novius Niger the quaestor, by
Lucius Vettius the informer, and in the senate by Quintus Curius; to
whom a reward had been voted, for having first discovered the designs
of the conspirators. Curius affirmed that he had received his
information from Catiline. Vettius even engaged to produce in evidence
against him his own hand-writing, given to Catiline. Caesar, feeling
that this treatment was not to be borne, appealed to Cicero himself,
whether he had not voluntarily made a discovery to him of some
particulars of the conspiracy; and so baulked Curius of his expected
reward. He, therefore, obliged Vettius to give pledges for his behaviour,
seized his goods, and after heavily fining him, and seeing him almost
torn in pieces before the rostra, threw him into prison; to which he
likewise sent Novius the quaestor, for having presumed to take an
information against a magistrate of superior authority.
XVIII. At the expiration of his praetorship he obtained by lot the
Farther-Spain [38], and pacified his creditors, who were for detaining
him, by finding sureties for his debts [39]. Contrary,
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