Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and The Neighbouring Countries | Page 8

William Griffith
is the predominant fish: in the Helmund it is
the reverse. How can one account for the small elevation at which fish
are found in the Himalayan? I cannot imagine it is owing as some think
to the relative impetuosity of the rivers, which after all is only an
"This Bamean valley is the strangest place imaginable, its barrenness
and the variegated colours of the rocks convey the idea of its volcanic
origin, and give it a look as if it had come out of the furnace. I cannot
make out where the stones so universally found all over the slopes of
the mountains, came from, for very generally they seem water-worn. I
find no great peculiarity in the flora of this side of the range, except an
abundance of odd-looking Chenopodiaceous plants, probably resulting
from the saline saturation of the soil. There is a very singular spring on
the other side of the range, about 11,000 feet above the sea: the water
very clear, with no remarkable taste, but every thing around is covered
with a deposit of a highly ferruginous powder. I shall write next from
the fossil locality, which is said to be about forty miles from this. I am
as stout as ever, but by no means so strong."
* * * * *
_Bamean_: _August 21st_, 1840.
"I am now out of the region of trees, excepting a poplar, of which I will
send you a bit, as the same tree grows in much lower places. The want
of rings in wood is by no means unusual in tropical vegetation. For the
production of rings, some annual check to vegetation is required: their
absence is particularly frequent in climbers. The walnut will not be a
good instance, because even if you can get it from Java, it is a tree that

requires cold, and must consequently be found at considerable altitudes.
Your instances must be taken from subjects that can bear a great range
of climate: you have some in the apricot, vine, etc. I will not fail in
sending you what you want from Cabul, and also from Peshawur, in
which almost the extremes of temperature can be contrasted. I will also
get the woods of apricots, cherries, etc., at the highest elevations on my
road back, as I hope to pass through the grand fruit country of
Affghanistan. No Jungermannias are obtainable in this part, nor
anywhere indeed, except towards the true Himalayas. I do not
remember having seen the pomegranate growing at Cabul: the place is
too cold for it. I think however, I can get some from Khujjah, where
snow lies in winter. I leave for the Provinces early in October, and shall
travel 30 miles a day. I want to get to Seharunpore, 15 or 20 days in
advance of my time, as I must run up to Mussoorie and fish in the
Dhoon. I shall be in Calcutta in all February."
* * * *
_Cabul_: _September 26th_, 1840.
"I despatch to-morrow the first of the bits of wood, the duplicates will
be sent on the 28th or 29th: on this latter day I leave for Peshawur, and
right glad am I that the time has come at last. I will send you the same
woods from Peshawur, but shall scarcely be able to send you
pomegranate from any thing like a cold place.
"On receiving your specimens of vine, the following question occurred
to me. If wood is a deposit from the leaves or fibres sent down from the
leaves, how is the presence of wood to be accounted for in tendrils,
which have no leaves, but yet which are evidently branches? The
theory of the formation of wood, which considers it as above, is
deemed ingenious, but it will not I think be found to be true. The bark
evidently has a great deal to say to the matter.
"I shall be most rejoiced at a remote prospect of again setting to work. I
take no interest now in the vegetation of this country. I hope to be at
Loodianah early in November; my present intention is to run up to
Simla, thence to Mussoorie, and descend on Seharunpore. If I do this, I

shall only leave one point unfinished, and that is the Hindoo-koosh
Proper, where however I shall have the advantage of Major Sanders of
the Engineers, who will pick up a few plants for me. I wish much to
take notes of the vegetation about Simla and Mussoorie, this I can do at
a bad season. I shall afterwards be able to compare the Himalayan
chain at very distant points."
* * * * *
Serampore, -- 1841.
"I will send you to-morrow dissections of Santalum if I can get a small
bottle for them:
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