Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 | Page 9

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the head more produced behind the eyes than in Larrada. Thorax: the prothorax subtuberculate at the sides; wings subhyaline and iridescent, the nervures fuscous, the tegul? pale testaceous behind. The apical margin of the first segment of the abdomen rufo-fuscous.
Hab. Celebes.
The insects belonging to the genus Morphota differ from those of Larrada in having three distinct ocelli, the vertex without any depressions, and the head much less compressed than in Larrada; the recurrent nervures are received nearer to the base and apex of the second submarginal cell; the species have, in fact, a distinct habit, and do not assimilate with the species of Larrada.
Genus TACHYTES, Panz.
1. TACHYTES MOROSUS. T. niger, scutello abdomineque nitidis, facie argenteo-pilosa; marginibus lateralibus abdominis segmentorum argentatis.
Female. Length 4-1/2 lines. Black; the face covered with silvery pile; the thorax finely and very closely punctured; the metathorax opake and finely rugose, thinly covered with cinereous pubescence; the anterior tarsi ciliated on the exterior, and the intermediate and posterior tibi? with a few dispersed spines; wings fusco-hyaline and iridescent, the nervures fusco-ferruginous, the costal nervure black. Abdomen smooth and shining; the apical margins of the intermediate segments slightly depressed, with the sides sericeous.
Genus OXYBELUS, Latr.
1. Oxybelus agilis, Smith, Cat. Hym. Ins. pt. iv. 387. 25.
Hab. India, Celebes.
1. CRABRO (RHOPALUM) AGILIS. C. obscuro-nigra, clypeo argentato, capite, thorace abdomineque flavo variis.
Female. Length 4 lines. Black, opake; head larger than the thorax, quadrate; the ocelli in a curve on the vertex; the clypeus and lower portion of the cheeks with silvery pile; the scape, two basal joints of the flagellum, the palpi, and the mandibles, yellow; the latter rufo-piceous at their apex. The margin of the prothorax, the tubercles, the scutellum, the tibi? and tarsi, the anterior femora and the intermediate pair at their apex yellow; the anterior femora black above; the wings subhyaline and iridescent, the nervures testaceous. Abdomen: with an elongate clavate petiole; the first segment with an oblique yellow macula on each side, the third with a large lateral macula at its base, and the following segments entirely yellow.
Hab. Celebes.
This species closely resembles the C. Westermanni of Dahlbome, from the Cape of Good Hope.
1. Cerceris instabilis, Smith, Cat. Hym. Ins. pt. iv. 452. 74.
Hab. India, China, Celebes.
2. Cerceris unifasciata, Smith, Cat. Hym. Ins. pt. iv. 456. 84.
Hab. North China, Celebes.
3. Cerceris fuliginosa, Smith, Cat. Hym. Ins. pt. iv. 454. 79.
Hab. Celebes.
4. CERCERIS VARIPES. C. nigra, facie flavo varia; alis fuscis basi hyalinis; pedibus variegatis; abdomine flavo maculato.
Male. Length 6 lines. Black; a line down the inner orbits of the eyes, continued along the lower margins of the face, and uniting with the clypeus, which as well as a line above it between the antenn? are yellow; a spot on the scape in front, and the mandibles, yellow; the latter rufo-piceous at their apex. Thorax: a spot on each side of the prothorax, a minute one on the tegul?; the postscutellum, the intermediate and posterior cox? and trochanters, the anterior tibi? behind, the femora beneath, and the intermediate and posterior tibi? yellow; the femora reddish above and at their articulations; the posterior femora and tibi? black, with the tarsi rufo-testaceous; the anterior wings and the apex of the posterior pair brown, the base of the anterior pair hyaline. Abdomen: the second and three following segments with a short yellow stripe on each side.
Hab. Celebes.
Tribe VESPID?.
Fam. EUMENID?, Westw.
Genus ZETHUS, Fabr.
1. Zethus cyanopterus, Sauss. Mon. Gu��pes Sol. i. 23. 2.
Genus MONTEZUMIA, Sauss.
1. Montezumia Indica, Sauss. Mon. Gu��pes Sol. i. supp. 167. 59. t. 9. f. 4.
Hab. India, Celebes.
Genus RHYNCHIUM, Spin.
1. Rhynchium h?morrhoidale, Sauss. Mon. Gu��pes Sol. i. 109. 12. Vespa h?morrhoidalis, Fabr. Syst. Piez. p. 259. 28.
Hab. India, Java, Cape of Good Hope, Celebes.
2. Rhynchium argentatum, Sauss. Mon. Gu��pes Sol. i. 115. 22. Vespa argentata, Fabr. Syst. Piez. p. 260. 39.
Hab. India, Celebes.
3. Rhynchium atrum, Sauss. Mon. Gu��pes Sol. i. 109. 11.
Hab. India, Celebes.
4. Rhynchium parentissimum, Sauss. Mon. Gu��pes Sol. p. 111. 14. Var. R. h?morrhoidale?
Hab. India, Java, Celebes.
1. Eumenes circinalis, Fabr. Syst. Piez. p. 286. 4.
Hab. India, Sumatra, Celebes.
2. Eumenes fulvipennis, Smith, Cat. Hym. Ins. pt. v. 24. 26.
Hab. Celebes.
3. EUMENES VINDEX. E. niger, flavo variegatus, alis subhyalinis iridescentibus.
Male. Length 6 lines. Black; strongly punctured and shining; a minute spot behind the eyes, another in their emargination, the clypeus, with two minute spots above it, a spot at the base of the mandibles, and the scape in front yellow. Thorax: a subinterrupted line on its anterior margin, the tubercles, a spot on the tegul? behind, and the legs yellow; the cox?, femora at their base, and the posterior tibi? outside dusky; wings light brown and iridescent, the anterior margin of the superior pair darkest. Abdomen delicately punctured; the apical margin of the first segment with a narrow yellow border slightly interrupted on each side; the
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