the lateral angles produced; wings black with a bright violet iridescence. Abdomen punctured, with the middle of the second, third, and fourth segments smooth and shining in the middle; the first segment with a smooth shining carina at its base slightly produced forwards, the abdomen with a slight metallic lustre. The wings with one marginal and three submarginal cells, and one recurrent nervure.
Male. Smaller than the female, and differs in having the clypeus red and the red colour running down behind the eyes, the antenn? longer, and the abdomen with a bright metallic iridescence.
Hab. Celebes.
9. SCOLIA MINUTA. S. nigra, abdomine iridescente, segmentorum marginibus apicalibus flavo fasciatis, alis subhyalinis iridescentibus.
Male. Length 4 lines. Head and thorax black and shining, with scattered pale pubescence; the mandibles and clypeus yellow, the latter with an anchor-shaped black spot. Thorax: the posterior margin of the prothorax and the anterior and intermediate tibi? and tarsi yellow; a minute yellow spot on the postscutellum yellow; the wings subhyaline, the nervures fusco-ferruginous. Abdomen: the apical margins of the segments with a narrow yellow border, the second and third uniting with a lateral spot; the sixth segment immaculate; the apex pale testaceous.
Hab. Celebes.
Fam. POMPILID?, Leach.
1. Pompilus analis, Fabr. Syst. Piez. p. 209. 42.
Hab. India, Java, Ceylon, Celebes.
2. POMPILUS SALTITANS. P. niger, pedibus subferrugineis, prothoracis margine postica flava; alis flavo-hyalinis, apice fuscis, abdomine pilis cinereis fasciato.
Female. Length 6 lines. Black and thinly covered with ashy pile. The scape, labrum, mandibles and palpi ferruginous; the clypeus widely emarginate anteriorly. The posterior margin of the prothorax angular and with a yellow border; the scutellum prominent, covered on each side with a dense silvery-white pile, the postscutellum with two spots of the same; the wings flavo-hyaline, their apex with a broad dark-fuscous border, the nervures ferruginous, the tegul? yellow; the posterior wings palest; legs pale ferruginous, the cox? black with their tips pale; the apical joints of the tarsi blackish, the spines of the legs black. Abdomen: the first, second, and third segments with a fascia of silvery-white pile at their basal margins; the apex of the abdomen ferruginous.
Hab. Celebes.
3. POMPILUS CONTORTUS. P. niger, cinereo-pilosus, prothorace flavo postice marginato; alis subhyalinis, marginibus apicalibus fuscis, pedibus subferrugineis.
Female. Length 5-1/2 lines. Black; the head, thorax, and four basal segments of the abdomen covered with ashy pile; the first and second segments with their apical margins naked. The scape yellow in front; the flagellum beneath, the labrum, mandibles and palpi ferruginous; the joints of the antenn? arcuate, particularly the apical ones; the apex of each joint is oblique, giving the antenn? a twisted appearance. Thorax: the posterior margin of the prothorax angular and with a broad yellow border; the scutellum compressed and prominent; wings subhyaline with a broad fuscous border at their apex, the tegul? yellow; legs pale ferruginous, with their cox? and trochanters black; the apical joints of the tarsi fuscous. Abdomen with a yellow macula at the tip.
Hab. Celebes.
4. POMPILUS PILIFRONS. P. niger, facie argenteis pilis dense tecta; thorace abdomineque flavo maculatis, alis subhyalinis, apice fuscis.
Female. Length 4-1/2 lines. Black; the face densely covered with silvery-white pile; a narrow line at the inner orbits of the eyes, the palpi and mandibles yellow; the latter ferruginous at their apex. The posterior margin of the prothorax rounded and yellow; a minute yellow spot on the mesothorax touching the scutellum, the thorax and abdomen covered with a changeable silky pile; the wings subhyaline, their nervures fuscous, a broad dark fuscous border at the apex of the superior pair. A transverse spot on each side of the basal margin of the second and third segments, and an emarginate fascia on that of the fifth, yellow.
5. POMPILUS DECEPTOR. P. rufescenti-flavus; vertice nigro, alis anticis apice fuscis.
Male. Length 6 lines. Pale reddish-yellow; the antenn? slightly dusky above; a black transverse stripe on the vertex between the eyes, and another issuing from it in the middle and passing beyond the ocelli. Thorax: a black stripe on each side of the mesothorax over the tegul?; the wings subhyaline, the nervures ferruginous, the superior pair fuscous at their apex. Abdomen immaculate.
1. PRIOCNEMIS RUFIFRONS. P. niger; facie, antennis, tibiis tarsisque ferrugineis, alis fulvo-hyalinis; abdominis segmento apicali flavo unimaculato.
Female. Length 9-1/2 lines. Black; the face above the clypeus, as high as the anterior ocellus, reddish-yellow; the extreme edge of the clypeus, the labrum and base of the mandibles ferruginous; the antenn? reddish-yellow. Thorax: fulvo-hyaline, with a dark fuscous border at the apex; the knees, tibi? and tarsi reddish-yellow; the two latter spinose. Abdomen: gradually tapering to an acute point at the apex, the sixth segment with an elongate red spot.
Hab. Celebes.
Subgenus AGENIA.
1. Agenia blanda, Gu��r. Voy. Coq. Zool. ii. pt. 2. p. 260.
2. AGENIA BIMACULATA. A. nigra, cinereo-pilosa, clypeo plagis duabus flavis; antennarum articulis apicalibus, tibiis tarsisque anticis et intermediis femoribusque posticis ferrugineis; alis
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