tibiis anticis
et intermediis, femorumque apice, femoribusque posticis basi,
trochanteribus, tibiarum dimidio basali, petioloque rufescenti-flavis;
alis fulvo-hyalinis.
Female. Length 11 lines. Black; the face with silvery pubescence; the
clypeus with two large blunt teeth at its apex, formed by a deep notch
in its anterior margin; the scape reddish-yellow in front. The meso- and
metathorax transversely striated; the wings fulvo-hyaline, the nervures
ferruginous; the anterior and intermediate tibiæ and the femora at their
apex, the posterior femora at their base, the trochanters, the tibiæ with
their basal half and the middle of the basal joint of the posterior tarsi,
reddish-yellow; the petiole of the abdomen of a paler yellow; the
abdomen smooth and shining. The male only differs in being rather
Hab. Celebes.
Mr. Wallace says of this species, "A common house-wasp in Macassar;
builds mud cells on rafters."
Note.--In describing the species of this genus collected by Mr. Wallace
at Borneo, I incorrectly gave that locality for P. javanus. The insect
mistaken for that species may be shortly characterized as P. benignus,
length 12 lines. Opake-black, with the petiole shining; the metathorax
transversely striated; the wings pale fulvo-hyaline, the nervures
ferruginous; the scape in front, the anterior and intermediate tibiæ, the
apex of the femora, and the basal joint of the tarsi reddish-yellow; the
posterior legs, with the trochanters and basal half of the femora, yellow.
4. PELOPÆUS FLAVO-FASCIATUS. P. niger; capite thoraceque
flavo variegato; pedibus abdominisque basi ferrugineis; alis hyalinis,
apice fuscis, abdominisque segmento tertio fascia lata flava ornato.
Female. Length 9 lines. Black; the clypeus yellow; the mandibles and
scape ferruginous, the former black at their base, the latter yellow in
front; the sides of the face with a bright golden pile. Thorax: the
posterior margin of the prothorax, the tegulæ, scutellum, and a quadrate
spot on each side of the metathorax at its base yellow; the legs
ferruginous, with the coxæ, trachanters, and claw-joint of the tarsi black;
wings fulvo-hyaline, the nervures ferruginous, a fuscous spot at the
apex of the anterior pair; the meso- and metathorax transversely striated,
the latter with a yellow spot at the insertion of the petiole. Abdomen:
the petiole slightly curved upwards, the first segment ferruginous; a
broad yellow fascia at the apex of the third segment, the apex of the
fourth with a narrow obscure fascia; the abdomen covered with a fine
silky pile.
Hab. Celebes.
Fam. BEMBICIDÆ, Westw.
1. Bembex trepanda, Dahlb. Hym. Europ. i. p. 181.
Hab. India, Celebes.
Genus LARRA, Fabr.
1. Larra prismatica, Smith, Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc. ii. p. 103.
Hab. Malacca, Celebes.
Genus LARRADA, Smith.
1. Larrada aurulenta, Smith, Cat. Hym. Ins. pt. iv. 276. 6. Sphex
aurulenta, Fabr. Mant. i. 274. 10.
Hab. India, Java, Sumatra, Celebes, Philippine Islands, China, Cape of
Good Hope, Gambia.
2. Larrada exilipes, Smith, Cat. Hym. Ins. pt. iv. p. 278.
3. LARRADA ÆDILIS. L. nigra; facie argenteo-pilosa, alis subhyalinis,
articulis apicalibus tarsorum rufo-testaceis, abdomine lævi et nitido.
Female. Length 5-1/2 lines. Black; head and thorax subopake, the
abdomen shining; the face densely covered with silvery pile, the cheeks,
sides of the thorax and abdomen thinly so; the tips of the mandibles and
apical joints of the tarsi ferruginous, the latter obscurely so. The
metathorax transversely and rather finely rugose, the truncation more
strongly striated; the scutellum shining; the wings subhyaline, the
nervures ferruginous; the tibiæ with scattered spines, the tarsi spinose.
4. LARRADA AURIFRONS. L. nigra; facie mesothoracis
metathoracisque lateribus aurato pubescentibus, abdominis marginibus
segmentorum trium basalium argentato piloso fasciatis; alis fuscis.
Male. Length 8 lines. Black; the face and outer orbits of the eyes
clothed with golden pile; the lateral margins of the mesothorax and the
metathorax thinly clothed with golden pile; wings dark fuscous with a
violet iridescence; the three basal segments of the abdomen with fasciæ
of silvery pile.
Hab. Celebes.
5. LARRADA PERSONATA. L. capite thoraceque nigris, abdomine
Female. Length 8-1/2 lines. Head, thorax, and legs black; the two
former closely punctured and thinly covered with short cinereous
pubescence; the metathorax with the punctures running into transverse
striæ in the middle; the sides of the thorax and the legs with a fine silky
silvery-white pile; the tibiæ and tarsi strongly spinose; wings
fusco-hyaline; abdomen entirely red, smooth and shining.
The male is smaller, and has the four apical segments of the abdomen
black, the face, cheeks, and apical margins of the segments of the
abdomen with silvery pile.
Hab. Celebes.
This is probably merely a variety of L. simillima, wanting the black
apex to the abdomen; it very much resembles the L. anathema of
6. LARRADA RUFIPES. L. nigra, mandibulis pedibusque rufis; alis
hyalinis, venis pallide testaceis; abdomine sericeo-piloso.
Female. Length 7 lines. Black; the head smooth and shining; the
clypeus, the cheeks, and face anteriorly covered with silvery pile; the
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