Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 | Page 4

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segments with smooth shining
narrow blue fasciæ.
Male. Closely resembling the female, but with the legs black; the

posterior femora incrassate, the tibiæ narrow at their base and broadly
dilated at their apex, which, as well as the calcaria, are pale testaceous.
This species closely resembles a species from North China, N.
chalybeata, Westw. MS., from which it is readily distinguished by the
form of the fourth ventral segment, which is notched in the middle,
rounded, and then emarginate with the lateral angles rounded; in the
species from China the margin is arched, and fringed with fulvous
4. NOMIA HALIOTOIDES. N. nigra, pube cinerea tecta, abdominis
segmentis intermediis pube alba fasciatis.
Female. Length 4-1/2 lines. Black; head and thorax opake, and thinly
clothed with cinereous pubescence, that on the disk of the thorax and
margin of the scutellum slightly ochraceous. The flagellum fulvous
beneath, the mandibles ferruginous at their apex; the tarsi ferruginous,
wings hyaline, nervures fuscous, stigma testaceous. Abdomen shining,
delicately punctured; the basal margins of the second, third, and fourth
segments with a band of cinereous pubescence, attenuated in the
Hab. Celebes.
1. MEGACHILE INCISA. M. nigra, rude et dense punctata, facie fulvo
pubescente; alis fuscis, segmentis abdominis marginibus multo
Male. Length 5-1/2 lines. Black; closely and strongly punctured, the
punctures confluent on the abdomen. The face clothed with fulvous
pubescence. The tarsi obscurely rufo-piceous, the claws ferruginous;
wings dark fuscous, their base hyaline. Abdomen: the apical margins of
the segments smooth, impunctate, their basal margins very deeply
depressed; a deep fovea at the tip of the apical segment; the head,
thorax, and abdomen clothed beneath with short cinereous pubescence.

Hab. Celebes.
2. MEGACHILE FULVIFRONS. M. nigra, delicatule punctata; facie
dense fulvo pubescente; thoracis lateribus abdomineque subtus fulvo
pubescentibus; fasciis marginalibus abdominis fulvis.
Female. Length 7 lines. Black; head and thorax closely punctured, the
abdomen delicately so and shining; the mandibles stout, with two acute
teeth at their apex, shining and covered with oblong punctures; the face,
sides of the thorax, and abdomen beneath, densely clothed with fulvous
pubescence; the apical margins of the segments of the abdomen above
with narrow fasciæ of short fulvous pubescence; the abdomen in certain
lights has a metallic tinge.
The male is similarly clothed to the female, the margins of the
segments are deeply depressed, and that of the apical segment slightly
notched in the middle.
Hab. Celebes.
3. MEGACHILE TERMINALIS. M. nigra, capite thoraceque dense
punctatis; abdomine pube nigra vestito; segmentis duobus apicalibus
pube alba vestitis; alis fuscis.
Female. Length 9 lines. Black; the face with tufts of black pubescence
above the insertion of the antennæ; mandibles very stout, with an acute
tooth at their apex, the inner margin subdentate, and covered with fine
cinereous pubescence. Thorax with black pubescence at the sides of the
metathorax; the wings dark fuscous. Abdomen clothed with black
pubescence; the fifth and sixth segments clothed with ochraceous
pubescence above, that on the sixth nearly white.
Hab. Celebes.
This species resembles the M. ornata; but when viewed beneath, the
different colour of the pollen-brush at once separates them.
Gen. CERATINA, Spin.

1. Ceratina viridis, Guér. Icon. Reg. Ann. 444. t. 73. f. 6.
Hab. India (Bengal, N. India), Ceylon, Celebes, China.
2. Ceratina hieroglyphica, Smith, Cat. Hym. Ins. ii. 226.
Hab. Northern India, Celebes, Philippine Islands, Hong Kong.
1. STELIS ABDOMINALIS. S. dense punctata, capite thoraceque
nigris, abdomine ferrugineo; alis nigro-fuscis violaceo iridescentibus.
Male. Length 5 lines. Head and thorax black, abdomen ferruginous;
head and thorax strongly punctured, the scutellum very strongly so; the
sides of the face and the anterior margin of the face fringed with white
pubescence. The posterior margin of the scutellum rounded; wings dark
brown with a violet iridescence. Abdomen ferruginous and closely
Hab. Celebes.
2. COELIOXYS FULVIFRONS. C. nigra, rude punctata, facie pube
fulva vestita; alis fuscis cupreo iridescentibus.
Male. Length 6 lines. Black; the head and thorax with large confluent
punctures; the face clothed with fulvous pubescence. Thorax: a stout
tooth on each side of the scutellum at its base; wings dark brown with a
coppery effulgence, subhyaline at their base; beneath clothed with short
cinereous pubescence. Abdomen: elongate, conical; closely punctured,
with the apical and basal margins of the segments smooth; the apical
segment with a tooth on each side at its base and four at its apex;
beneath the margins of the segments fringed with pale pubescence; the
apical margin of the fourth segment notched in the middle; the fifth
entirely clothed with pale pubescence.
Hab. Celebes.

1. Anthophora zonata, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 955. 19.
Hab. India, Ceylon, Malacca, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippine Islands,
Hong Kong, Shanghai, Celebes.
Gen. XYLOCOPA, Latr.
1. Xylocopa fenestrata, Fabr. Syst. Piez. p. 339. 6. [Symbol: male].
Hab. India, Celebes.
2. Xylocopa æstuans, Linn.
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