the strong. Animals
that run faster, fly longer, swim deeper have the largest territories,
the greatest stockpile of food and raise the largest prides, schools
or herds. The powerful obviously relishes the best of spoils. This
law of the jungle transcends time and applies equally well in the
human species.
As with their less-sentient counterparts, men come in just two
flavors: the dominant and the domineered. There exists no middle
grounders because you either lead or you follow.
History tells us that dominant individuals get the largest chunks of
the pie. Not only are they richer, more influential, and have greater
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access to a variety of resources, they also command the respect
and affection of the fairer sex.
Domineered individuals, on the other hand scrounge in corners and
lap at the scraps left behind the masters of the world. As such, their
bounty is less than impressive. They lack the will to assert their
needs. Ultimately, many of the domineered simply fade into
nameless oblivion, unable to leave a mark and worse... offspring.
For a race to endure, nature implements the Law of Natural
Selection. Simply put, the law allows the strongest to survive.
Without this principle, weak offspring may ensue and fail to
propagate the race.
It has been proven in the animal kingdom that females always
submit to the stronger male, known as the alpha male. Over a doe,
two bucks will clash horns till one falls due to exhaustion. The
victor always struts off with the admiring doe. The same
phenomenon can be observed among mountain goat, dinosaurs,
and roosters.
While seemingly unfair, nature allows this process so that the
genetic material of the superior male fuses with the egg to create
an even stronger future generation. Strength is necessary for
The phenomenon of natural selection subliminally impacts the
behavior of human females in general. Within the female brain are
genetic commands that instruct her to seek out strong males that
possess the capability to raise and nurture a superior family. Ask
any female what she prefers in the male. She would normally
respond with "strong", "caring", "sensitive", "wealthy", "influential".
These traits are among the many that a man needs in order to
successfully propagate the race. Without knowing it, the female
follows her DNA's demands for natural selection by seeking the
best possible male for her offspring. Without such a male, the
probability of her child's survival drops precariously.
Naturally dominant males face no problem winning the approval of
females by virtue of the characteristics their gene pool endowed
them with. Domineered males, on the other hand, are not so lucky.
What's a weak male to do in such an inequitable position?
To bow down and slink off in resignation is out of the question.
After all, you must propagate your offspring, no matter how weak
you may be.
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While it may be impossible to genetically reprogram your genes for
instant superiority, it is possible to alter your external appearances
and immediate environment to manifest traits normally ascribed to
the vaunted Alpha Male. By mimicking these traits, you transform
yourself into an Alpha Male in the eyes of females. Suddenly, the
female brain goes Click! and she recognizes you as a possible
mate to rear her child.
The first step to creating chemistry is transforming yourself into the
Alpha Male.
Alpha Male Body Language
Alpha males are powerful. Power excites the fairer sex. Alpha
Males move in a certain way that exudes authority. The first step to
creating the alpha image is to move like the alphas of the world.
Commit the following alpha strategies to memory:
Move with sweeping, grandiose gestures. Alpha males love to
embellish their arguments with up-thrust fists and rigid fingers.
Their arms move with exaggerated flourish.
Stand straight, as though a rope held your head straight up.
Your neck rarely bows in submission. You look straight
ahead, with sweeping or darting movements.
Move towards your destination with purpose and deliberation.
Alpha Males feel important and have definite agendas. They
stride towards their objectives with bouncy steps. Act as
though you know where you are going and why you are going
there. Timid, daydreaming shuffles are left to domineered
Take as much space as you can. Occasionally hold your arms
akimbo. When you gesture, feel free to sweep your arms in
impressive, but non-intrusive arcs. When seated at a
conference table, clear out as much space around your seat
as you can and use your personal belongings to stake out
your "air space". Put your glasses, your pen in a massive
radius around your area, almost to the point of invading the
space of others.
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Phallic Point. Remember how the cowboys of old exuded
manly sensuality? They stand straight with their feet slightly
spaced wider than shoulder width, with their thumbs tucked in
their pockets and their index fingers pointing straight at their
groins. This pose arouses unsettling feelings amongst
females and it intimidates surrounding males. The Phallic
Point is a posture adopted by those confident in their sexuality
and social position.
The Alpha Male Gaze
The alpha male gaze emanates subliminal vibrations of
dominance. Certain alpha males have mastered this type

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