into a baking pan with a little white wine and water. Sprinkle with salt and bits of butter. Place in the oven and bake for fifteen minutes.
For a sauce, blanch some very finely chopped young onions. Put them in a saucepan with a wine glass of white wine, salt, cayenne, a cup of picked shrimps, a lemon cut in thin slices, and a tablespoonful of Worcestershire sauce. Then add a piece of butter the size of a walnut, rolled in a very little flour. Remove from the fire and stir in the yolks of two eggs. Pour the sauce over the fish and serve.
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Stewed Haddock
Lay pieces of fish in a pan with the skin side up. Sprinkle with salt and cayenne, and cover tightly, allowing the fish to stew in its juice for twenty minutes. Then add a quarter of a pound of butter rolled in flour, and a quarter of a glass of wine. Stir the liquor and simmer for a few moments, when it is ready to serve. No water should be used.
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Bacalas a la Viscaina
Soak half a salt codfish over night. Put in a saucepan one-half cup of olive oil, and two large onions cut in bits. When browned add two large tomatoes cut up. Stew slowly fifteen minutes, adding a little black pepper. Put in the fish picked to pieces and cook slowly half an hour. Serve on a platter, with some fried whole green peppers on top.
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Baked Sardines
Remove the skins from large boned sardines and heat in the oven on strips of toast. Make a sauce as follows: Pour the oil from the sardines into a saucepan and heat it well. Then stir in an ounce of flour, adding a small cup of hot water. Season this with a teaspoonful of Worcestershire sauce, salt and paprika. Beat the yolk of an egg with a teaspoonful of vinegar and one of mustard. Stir this into the sauce after it is removed from the fire. Pour over the sardines and serve.
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Sardines with Cheese
Drain the sardines and lay them on strips of toast or crisply fried bread. Cover thickly with Parmesan cheese and bake in a hot oven until light brown in color. Remove and sprinkle with chopped parsley and pour over all plenty of lemon juice. Serve very hot.
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Scalloped Fish Roe
Boil three large roes in water with, a very little vinegar for ten minutes. Remove from the fire and plunge into cold water, wipe the roe dry and break into bits without crushing. Have ready the yolks of three hard-boiled eggs. Mash them into a cup of drawn butter with salt, pepper, chopped parsley, a teaspoonful of anchovy paste, the juice of half a lemon and a cup of bread crumbs. Mix very lightly with the broken fish roe. Place in a baking dish, cover with bread crumbs and bits of butter, and brown in the oven.
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Boil two tablespoonfuls of rice and drain it as dry as possible. Have ready a cupful of cooked fish of any sort broken into pieces. Mix it thoroughly with the rice and heat over the fire; season with salt and pepper. Beat an egg lightly and stir into it. Serve at once.
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The fish used for bouillabaise may be any kind of firm white fish, and for the following recipe, about two pounds are required. Heat in a soup kettle four tablespoonfuls of olive oil and fry in it two large onions sliced, and two cloves of garlic. Add the fish cut into bits and just cover the mixture with warm water. Then add salt, pepper, half of a bay leaf, two large tomatoes, peeled and chopped, the juice of half a lemon and one cup of white wine. Cook over a brisk fire twelve minutes, or until the liquor is reduced one-third. Add one tablespoonful chopped parsley and a pinch of saffron. Cook two minutes. Pour the bouillabaise over slices of French bread.
Sweetbreads with Mushrooms
Lay half a dozen sweetbreads in cold water for twelve hours, changing the water several times. Then boil them five minutes, drop into cold water, remove the skin and lard with fat bacon. Put them in a saucepan with a pint of stock, two small onions and one carrot chopped, a teaspoonful of minced parsley, salt, pepper, cayenne, and a little mace. Stew until tender.
Serve with a mushroom sauce, made as follows: Take a small bottle of mushrooms or one dozen fresh mushrooms sliced and boil them five minutes in water and lime juice. Drain and place in a stew pan with two ounces of butter, one ounce of flour and a pint of well seasoned stock or gravy.
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