Joe The Hotel Boy | Page 4

Horatio Alger
headed for the spot Joe had pointed out.
The lake was one located in the central part of the State of
Pennsylvania. It was perhaps a mile wide and more than that long, and
surrounded by mountains and long ranges of hills. At the lower end of
the lake was a small settlement of scant importance and at the upper
end, where there was a stream of no mean size, was the town of
Riverside. At Riverside were situated several summer hotels and
boarding houses, and also the elegant mansion in which Ned Talmadge
resided, with his parents and his four sisters.
Joe Bodley was as poor as Ned Talmadge was rich, yet the two lads
were quite friendly. Joe knew a good deal about hunting and fishing,

and also knew all about handling boats. They frequently went out
together, and Ned insisted upon paying the poorer boy for all extra
Joe's home was located on the side of the mountain which was just now
wrapped in such dark and ominous looking clouds. He lived with
Hiram Bodley, an old man who was a hermit. The home consisted of a
cabin of two rooms, scantily furnished. Hiram Bodley had been a
hunter and guide, but of late years rheumatism had kept him from
doing work and Joe was largely the support of the pair,--taking out
pleasure parties for pay whenever he could, and fishing and hunting in
the between times, and using or selling what was gained thereby.
There was a good deal of a mystery surrounding Joe's parentage. It was
claimed that he was a nephew of Hiram Bodley, and that, after the
death of his mother and sisters, his father had drifted out to California
and then to Australia. What the real truth concerning him was we shall
learn later.
Joe was a boy of twelve, but constant life in the open air had made him
tall and strong and he looked to be several years older.
He had dark eyes and hair, and was much tanned by the sun. The
rowboat had been out a good distance on the lake and a minute before
the shore was gained the large drops of rain began to fall.
"We are going to get wet after all!" cried Ned, chagrined.
"Pull for all you are worth and we'll soon be under the trees," answered
They bent to the oars, and a dozen more strokes sent the rowboat under
a clump of pines growing close to the edge of the lake. Just as the boat
struck the bank and Ned leaped out there came a great downpour which
made the surface of Lake Tandy fairly sizzle.
"Run to the lodge, Ned; I'll look after the boat!" shouted Joe.

"But you'll get wet."
"Never mind; run, I tell you!"
Thus admonished, Ned ran for the old hunting lodge, which was
situated about two hundred feet away. Joe remained behind long
enough to secure the rowboat and the oars and then he followed his
Just as one porch of the old lodge was reached there came a flash of
lightning, followed by a clap of thunder that made Ned jump. Then
followed more thunder and lightning, and the rain came down steadily.
"Ugh! I must say I don't like this at all," remarked Ned, as he crouched
in a corner of the shelter. "I hope the lightning doesn't strike this place."
"We can be thankful that we were not caught out in the middle of the
lake, Ned."
"I agree on that, Joe,--but it doesn't help matters much. Oh, dear me!"
And Ned shrank down, as another blinding flash of lightning lit up the
It was not a comfortable situation and Joe did not like it any more than
did his friend. But the hermit's boy was accustomed to being out in the
elements, and therefore was not so impressed by what was taking place.
"The rain will fill the boat," said Ned, presently.
"Never mind, we can easily bail her out or turn her over."
"When do you think this storm will stop?"
"In an hour or two, most likely. Such storms never last very long. What
time is it, Ned?"
"Half-past two," answered Ned, after consulting the handsome watch
he carried.

"Then, if it clears in two hours, we'll have plenty of time to get home
before dark."
"I don't care to stay here two hours," grumbled Ned. "It's not a very
inviting place."
"It's better than being out under the trees," answered Joe, cheerfully.
The hermit's boy was always ready to look on the brighter side of
"Oh, of course."
"And we have a fine string of fish, don't forget that, Ned. We were
lucky to get so many before the storm came up."
"Do you want the
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