Applications are invited from the candidates in pre scribed form for admission to 1st year of 3 years’ Diploma
Courses in 62 Polytechnics in West Bengal for the A cademic Session 2011-2012 through a Joint Entrance
Examination ( JEXPO-2011) to be conducted by the West Bengal State Council of Technical Education,
“Kolkata Karigori Bhavan”, 2nd Floor, 110 S.N.Baner jee Road, Kolkata – 700 013. The examination with
multiple choice objective questions (MCQ) on each p aper is scheduled to be held on Sunday, April 10, 2011
consisting of Mathematics (100 marks – 2 hours dura tion) and Physics & Chemistry (100 marks – 2 hours
duration). A merit list will be prepared on the bas is of the result of the Joint Entrance Examination. The
Institutes/Branches where students can be admitted and other general information are available in the
Instruction Booklet, which will be provided with th e application form.
Applicant(s) must be Indian citizen and should have passed Madhyamik Examination from West Bengal Boar d
of Secondary Education or its equivalent Board/Coun cil securing at least 30% marks in Mathematics and
Physical Science/Science individually. Candidates d ue to appear in the Madhyamik or its equivalent
examination in 2011 with Mathematics, Physical Scie nce/Science & English may also apply but their
candidature will be considered if they fulfil the r equirement as stated above. An applicant must not h ave been
born before 01.01.1990 (for SC/ST students 01.01.19 87). Relaxation in age upto 1 year to General Category
candidates may be allowed on merit of individual ca se. Willing candidates may also see notification for
admission in the website of the West Bengal State C ouncil of Technical Education at
Reservation of seats for Scheduled Caste (SC) / Sch eduled Tribe (ST) / Physically Challenged (PC) cand idates
will be as per existing Government norms. SC/ST can didates of the State of West Bengal will only get the
benefit of such reservation. SC/ST candidates of ot her states may also apply under General quota. The
candidates applying for reserved category seats wil l have to produce the original certificate issued by the
competent authority of Government of West Bengal at the time of taking admission in polytechnics, failing
which they will not be allowed admission even after allotment of seat.
Submission of Application:
Candidates willing to appear in the Joint Entrance Examination (JEXPO-2011) should fill-in application in
prescribed form which will be available together wi th the Instruction Booklet on and from Monday, Janu ary 3,
2011 to Monday, January 31, 2011 from the Polytechn ics listed below on all working days between 10.30 a.m.
and 4.00 p.m. and on Saturday between 10.30 a.m. an d 1.00 p.m. (Sundays and holidays excluded) on cash
payment of Rs. 300/-. Application form once purchas ed cannot be taken back or exchanged.
District-wise Name of the Polytechnics
Kolkata: (1) APC Roy Polytechnic, Jadavpur, (2) Regional

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