First, I want to thank you for purchasing this
manual. Don't be fooled by it's small size,
the information it contains will be the magic
key that opens the door to success with
women you never dreamed possible. I
honestly believe that this is the fastest,
easiest, most effective system in the world
for totally transforming the way you relate
with women. It will change your life. Just
get out of it's way and let it work for you.
Ross Jeffries
Los Angeles, California
August, 1990
What is the real secret to success with girls?
Lots of cash? The body of a greek god? A
schlong the size of Miami?
If you think any of these are correct, YOU
ARE WRONG! While all of them might
help you at first, none of them are required.
Sifting there, right where you are, right now,
you already have everything you need to
have all the girlfriends you could ever want.
You don't believe me, you say? Well, who
can blame you for thinking that way? After
all, if you're used to nothing but frustration,
it can be pretty hard to believe that anything
else is possible, let alone a life filled with
available women, ready, eager, and willing
to satisfy you completely.
But let me ask you a simple question, before
you chuck this book in the trash with that
copy of "Be The Person You Were Meant
To Be". Have you ever seen or known a
very average, or even ugly guy, who always
had lots of women around him? Someone
who certainly wasn't great looking, didn't
have big bucks, and frankly, to your eyes,
appeared a bit slimy? Someone who, all this
notwithstanding, had ladies eating out the
palm of his hand (and the fly of his pants,
while we're at it!)??????
Well, if you haven't seen such a guy, you've
been keeping your eyes shut, because they're
all around you. And if these guys are doing
all these ladies, its got to be because of
something they have on the inside, since
they are not great lookers, and neither are
they rich.
Now, this is good news, very good news for
you. Because it means you can do the same,
and with the method I'm going to give youyou'll do it even better, quickly and easily,
with no struggle at all.
So, put your negative, horny, frustrated self
on the shelf and be prepared to get laid like a
rock star on tour!
What I'm going to show you isn't entirely
new, there have been versions of it around
for centuries. What makes mine different is
The dumb version of this method is called
affirmations. Basically affirmations involve
you repeating to yourself over and over
some statements about how you'd like to be
or what you want. This will supposedly
make you fabulously rich, solve all your
problems, and give you a chance at being
reincarnated as Brooke Shield's bicycle seat.
For example, using this dumb, unworkable
version, if you wanted to lose weight, you'd
repeat sentences like these over and over:
I am in control of my appetite, I will
no longer stuff my fat, disgusting face.
I no longer enjoy earning cookies
and ice cream, I only eat nutritional dreck
like tofu.
I am losing weight with each passing
day, soon I will no longer need my own zip
And so forth.
The problem with this method is that it
requires you to believe things about yourself
that you KNOW aren't true. Everytime you
say "I am" something, another part of you
says, "Uh uh no way, buster. You sure
ain't!"- So this method gets you nowhere
because the suggestions just get cancelled
The simple solution to all of this is tosubstitute the word "you" for the word "I".
This way, it is as if you are making all the
suggestions to a third party, so YOU DO
one simple change is the key to unleashing
the unlimited, and I mean UNLIMITED
power of your unconscious mind to totally
transform you into a dynamic, commanding,
sexy stud who women can't keep their hands
(and other parts) off of!!
In the next chapter I'll tell you exactly how
to use these affirmations. Right now, I want
to give them to you. I should say that while
these are extraordinarily powerful, they are
by no means exhaustive. You may find it
useful to make up your own; if not these will
certainly do quite nicely.
1) You radiate a confidence, warmth, and
charm, that women find irresistibly
2) Your failure days with women are gone
forever; you are a new man now and see
yourself through the success eyes of
3) You have unlimited power to bring
about your desire; you can meet, date
and seduce any woman you desire.
4) You always know what to say and do to
melt a woman's resistance away.
5) Your mind is focused on what you
desire; there is no limit to what can be
6) You radiate a confidence, self control
and power that women find irresistibly
7) You have unlimited power to seduce the
women you desire; you can easily have
any woman you want.
8) You swiftly size up a woman's potential
and eliminate those who are wasting
your time.9) Your every action, thought, and word,
reflects a life filled to overflowing with
available women.

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