Ishmael | Page 8

Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte Southworth
and if they would, his own pride wouldn't! And so he'd go away and try to forget her, and she'd stop home and break her heart. Hannah, love is like a fire, easy to put out in the beginning, unpossible at the end. You just better let me go and heave a bucket of water on to that there love while it is a-kindling and before the blaze breaks out."
"Go then, good Reuben, and tell Nora that I am going home and wish her to come to me at once."
Reuben arose to obey, but was interrupted by the appearance of a negro footman from the house, who came up to him and said:
"Mr. Reuben, de mistess say will you say to de young marster how de gemmen an' ladies is all arrive, an' de dinner will be sarve in ten minutes, an' how she 'sires his presence at de house immediate."
"Certainly, John! This is better, Hannah, than my interference would have been," said Reuben Gray, as he hurried off to execute his mission.
So completely absorbed in each other's conversation were the young pair that they did not observe Reuben's approach until he stood before them, and, touching his forehead, said respectfully:
"Sir, Madam Brudenell has sent word as the vis'ters be all arrived at the house, and the dinner will be ready in ten minutes, so she wishes you, if you please, to come directly."
"So late!" exclaimed the young man, looking at his watch, and starting up, "how time flies in some society! Nora, I will conduct you to your sister, and then go and welcome our guests at the house; although I had a great deal rather stay where I am," he added, in a whisper.
"If you please, sir, I can take her to Hannah," suggested Reuben.
But without paying any attention to this friendly offer, the young man gave his hand to the maiden and led her down the whole length of the barn, followed by Reuben, and also by the envious eyes of all the assembly.
"Here she is, Hannah. I have brought her back to you quite safe, not even weary with dancing. I hope I have helped her to enjoy herself," said the young heir gayly, as he deposited the rustic beauty by the side of her sister.
"You are very kind, sir," said Hannah coldly.
"Ah, you there, Reuben! Be sure you take good care of this little girl, and see that she has plenty of pleasant partners," said the young gentleman, on seeing Gray behind.
"Be sure I shall take care of her, sir, as if she was my sister, as I hope some day she may be," replied the man.
"And be careful that she gets a good place at the supper-table--there will be a rush, you know."
"I shall see to that, sir."
"Good evening, Hannah; good evening, Nora," said the young heir, smiling and bowing as he withdrew from the sisters.
Nora sighed; it might have been from fatigue. Several country beaus approached, eagerly contending, now that the coast was clear, for the honor of the beauty's hand in the dance. But Nora refused one and all. She should dance no more this evening, she said. Supper came on, and Reuben, with one sister on each arm, led them out to the great tent where it was spread. There was a rush. The room was full and the table was crowded; but Reuben made good places for the sisters, and stood behind their chairs to wait on them. Hannah, like a happy, working, practical young woman in good health, who had earned an appetite, did ample justice to the luxuries placed before them. Nora ate next to nothing. In vain Hannah and Reuben offered everything to her in turn; she would take nothing. She was not hungry, she said; she was tired and wanted to go home.
"But wouldn't you rather stay and see the fireworks, Nora?" inquired Reuben Gray, as they arose from the table to give place to someone else.
"I don't know. Will--will Mr.--I mean Mrs. Brudenell and the young ladies come out to see them, do you think?"
"No, certainly, they will not; these delicate creatures would never stand outside in the night air for that purpose."
"I--I don't think I care about stopping to see the fireworks, Reuben," said Nora.
"But I tell you what, John said how the young heir, the old madam, the young ladies, and the quality folks was all a-going to see the fireworks from the upper piazza. They have got all the red-cushioned settees and arm-chairs put out there for them to sit on."
"Reuben, I--I think I will stop and see the fireworks; that is, if Hannah is willing," said Nora musingly.
And so it was settled.
The rustics, after having demolished the whole of the plentiful supper, leaving scarcely a bone or a crust behind them,
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