In the Reign of Terror | Page 5

G.A. Henty

years' time have chosen some profession; and, indeed, his father had
already settled in his mind that as Harry was not likely to make any
great figure in life in the way of intellectual capacity, the best thing

would be to obtain for him a commission in his Majesty's service, as to
which, with the doctor's connection among people of influence, there
would not be any difficulty. He had, however, said nothing as yet to the
boy on the subject.
The fact that Harry had three younger brothers and four sisters, and that
Dr. Sandwith, who was obliged to keep up a good position, sometimes
found it difficult to meet his various expenses, made him perhaps more
inclined to view favourably the offer he had that morning received than
would otherwise have been the case. Two years before he had attended
professionally a young French nobleman attached to the embassy. It
was from him that the letter which had been the subject of conversation
had been received. It ran as follows: - "Dear Doctor Sandwith, - Since
my return from Paris I have frequently spoken to my brother, the
Marquis of St. Caux, respecting the difference of education between
your English boys and our own. Nothing struck me more when I was in
London than your great schools. With us the children of good families
are almost always brought up at home. They learn to dance and to fence,
but have no other exercise for their limbs, and they lack the air of
manly independence which struck me in English boys. They are more
gentil - I do not know the word in your language which expresses it -
they carry themselves better; they are not so rough; they are more polite.
There are advantages in both systems, but for myself I like yours much
the best. My brother is, to some extent, a convert to my view. There are
no such schools to which he could send his sons in France, for what
large schools we have are under the management of the fathers, and the
boys have none of that freedom which is the distinguishing point of the
English system of education. Even if there were such schools, I am sure
that madame my sister-in-law would never hear of her sons being sent
"Since this is so, the marquis has concluded that the best thing would
be to have an English boy of good family as their companion. He
would, of course, study with them under their masters. He would play
and ride with them, and would be treated as one of themselves.
They would learn something of English from him, which would be
useful if they adopt the diplomatic profession. He would learn French,
which might also be useful to him; but of course the great point which
my brother desires is that his sons should acquire something of the

manly independence of thought and action which distinguishes English
"Having arranged this much, I thought of you. I know that you have
several sons. If you have one of from fourteen to sixteen years, and you
would like him to take such a position for two or three years, I should
be glad indeed to secure such a companion for my nephews. If not,
would you do me the favour of looking round among your
acquaintances and find us a lad such as we need. He must be a
gentleman and a fair type of the boy we are speaking of. I may say that
my brother authorizes me to offer in his name, in addition to all
expenses, two thousand francs a year to the young gentleman who will
thus benefit his sons. I do not think that the political excitement which
is agitating Paris need be taken into consideration. Now that great
concessions have been made to the representatives of the nation, it is
not at all probable that there will be any recurrence of such popular
tumults as that which brought about the capture of the Bastille. But in
any case this need not weigh in the decision, as my brother resides for
the greater part of the year in his chateau near Dijon in Burgundy, far
removed from the troubles in the capital."
The more Dr. Sandwith thought over the matter the more he liked it.
There were comparatively few Englishmen in those days who spoke the
French language. It was, indeed, considered part of the education of a
young man of good family to make what was called the grand tour of
Europe under the charge of a tutor, after leaving the university. But
these formed a very small proportion of society, and, indeed, the
frequent wars which had, since the Stuarts lost the throne of England,
occurred between the two countries
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