In the Court of King Arthur | Page 4

Samuel Lowe
in his service and well he knew the King's strange fancies.
Sir Percival gave ready consent, when found. So when the boy had
returned from the errand forespoken, the herald announced that he must
hasten after the two knights and bid them return.
"And by my faith, lad, you have but little time and you must speed well.
For tomorrow at this time is this conclave called, and the two knights
are already many miles on their journey. Take you this horse and
Then, as the eager youth, quick pulsed, made haste to obey, the herald
added in kindly voice: "It would be well could you succeed, lad. For it
is often true that through such missions, newcomers prove future
worthiness for knighthood."
"I thank you greatly for your kindness," replied the boy. "I can but try
to the uttermost. No rest shall I have until I meet with the two knights."
So now Allan sought out and bespoke his own lord.
"I wish you well, Allan," said Sir Percival. "And say you to my friends
Launcelot and Gawaine should they prove reluctant that they will favor
their comrade, Sir Percival, if they would make haste and hurry their
return. Stop not to pick quarrel nor to heed any call, urgent though it
may seem. Prove my true page and worthy."

"I shall do my very best, my lord. And, this my first commission, shall
prove successful even though to make it so, I perish."
Swiftly now rode forth the boyish figure. Well, too, had Arthur chosen.
Came a day when, than Allan, no braver, truer knight there was. But of
that anon.

A Combat
"Good Launcelot, I trust that good fortune shall be with us and that our
adventures be many and the knights we meet bold and brave."
"Of that, Gawaine, we need have no fear. For adventure ever follows
where one seeks and often enough overtakes the seeker. Let us rather
hope that we shall find Sir Tristram and Sir Dinadian, both of Cornwall.
For myself I would joust with Sir Tristram than whom braver and
bolder knight does not live."
"And as for me," spoke Gawaine, "my anxiety is to see Mark, the king
of Cornwall, and tell him to his face that I deem him a scurvy hound
since he promised protection to Beatrice of Banisar as she passed
through his lands and yet broke his promise and so holds her for
"And there shall I help you, dear Gawaine. For bitterly shall Mark rue
his unknightly act. Shall I even wait for my event with Sir Tristram
until your business is done."
"Aye, and gladly will Sir Tristram wait, I wot, if he deems it honor to
meet with Sir Launcelot du Lake. For no knight there is who doth not
know of your prowess and repute, Sir Tristram least of all."
"Kind words, Gawaine, for which I thank you. Yet, if I mistake not,
yonder, adventure seems to wait. And we but a little more than two
score miles from our gates."

Ahead of them and barring their way were ten knights. Launcelot and
Gawaine stopped not a moment their pace but rode boldly forward.
"And wherefor do you, strange Knights, dispute our passage?" asked
Sir Gawaine.
"Safely may you both pass unless you be gentlemen of King Arthur's
court," quote the leader who stepped forward to answer.
"And what if we be, Sir Knight?" replied Sir Launcelot mildly.
"And if you be then must you battle to the uttermost. For we owe
loyalty to King Ryence who is enemy of King Arthur. Therefore, are
we his enemies too, and enemies also of all of King Arthur's subjects.
And thus, we flaunt our enmity. We here and now call King Arthur an
upstart and if you be of his court you cannot do aught else but fight
with us."
"Keep you your words," said Sir Gawaine, "until we have ceased our
quarrel. Then if you will you may call Arthur any names. Prepare you."
Boldly Sir Launcelot and Sir Gawaine charged upon the foe. Nor did
the knights who met them know who these two were, else milder were
their tone. Such was the valor of the two and such their strength that
four men were thrown from their horses in that first attack and of these
two were grievously wounded.
Together and well they fought. Easily did they withstand the men of
King Ryence. Four men were slain by their might, through wondrous
and fearful strokes, and four were sorely wounded. There lay the four
against an oaken tree where they had been placed in a moment's lull.
But two knights were left to oppose Launcelot and Gawaine but these
two were gallant men and worthy, the very
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