In The Yule-Log Glow, Vol. IV | Page 2

Harrison S. Morris

Little Mother 218
Occident and Orient 220
The Blessed Day 225
Christmas in Cuba[C] 227
Farewell to Christmas 229
The New Year 231
A Happy New Year 234
New-Year's Gifts 236
The End of the Play 238
Finis 240
[A] By the courtesy of Messrs. Houghton, Mifflin & Co.
[B] By the courtesy of Messrs. Charles Scribners' Sons.
[C] By the courtesy of Messrs. Harper & Bros.
_Sung Under The Window._
"This carol they began that hour
With a hey, and a ho, and a hey

Nowell, nowell, nowell, nowell,
Who ys there that syngith so, nowell,
nowell, nowell?
I am here, syre Christmasse!
Well come, my lord syre Christmasse,

Welcome to us all, bothe more and lesse,
Come nere, nowell!
Dieu vous garde, beau syre, tydinges you bryng:
A mayd hath born a
chylde full yong,
The weche causeth yew for to syng,
Criste is now born of a pure mayde,
In an oxe stalle he ys layde,

Wher'for syng we alle atte abrayde
Bebbex bien par tutte la company,
Make gode chere and be right
And syng with us now joyfully,
God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay,
For Jesus
Christ our Saviour
Was born upon this day
To save us all from
Satan's power
When we were gone astray.
O tidings of comfort and
For Jesus Christ our Saviour was born on Christmas day.
In Bethlehem in Jewry
This blessed babe was born,
And laid within
a manger
Upon this blessed morn;
The which His mother Mary

Nothing did take in scorn.

O tidings, etc.
From God our Heavenly Father
A blessed angel came,
And unto
certain shepherds
Brought tidings of the same,
How that in
Bethlehem was born
The Son of God by name.
O tidings, etc.
Fear not, then said the angel,
Let nothing you affright,
This day is
born a Saviour
Of virtue, power, and might;
So frequently to
vanquish all
The friends of Satan quite.
O tidings, etc.
The shepherds at those tidings
Rejoicéd much in mind,
And left
their flocks a-feeding
In tempest, storm, and wind,
And went to
Bethlehem straightway
This blessed babe to find.
O tidings, etc.
But when to Bethlehem they came,
Whereat this infant lay,
found Him in a manger
Where oxen feed on hay;
His mother Mary
Unto the Lord did pray.
O tidings, etc.
Now to the Lord sing praises,
All you within this place,
And with
true love and brotherhood
Each other now embrace;
This holy tide
of Christmas
All others doth deface.
O tidings, etc.
_Welcome Yule, thou merry man,_
_In worship of this holy day._
Welcome be thou, heaven-king,
Welcome born in one morning,

Welcome for whom we shall sing,
Welcome Yule.
Welcome be ye, Stephen and John,
Welcome Innocents, every one,

Welcome Thomas Martyr one,
Welcome Yule.
Welcome be ye, good New Year,
Welcome Twelfth Day, both in
Welcome saintés lef[E] and dear,
Welcome Yule.
Welcome be ye, Candlemas,
Welcome be ye, Queen of Bliss,

Welcome both to more and less,
Welcome Yule.
Welcome be ye that are here,
Welcome all and make good cheer;

Welcome all, another year,
Welcome Yule.
_Ritson's Ancient Songs._
[D] Together.
[E] Loved.
As Joseph was a-walking,
He heard an angel sing:
"This night shall
be born
Our Heavenly King;
"He neither shall be born
In housen nor in hall,
Nor in the place of

But in an ox's stall;
"He neither shall be clothéd
In purple nor in pall,
But all in fair
As we were babies all.
"He neither shall be rocked
In silver nor in gold,
But in a wooden
That rocks on the mould.
"He neither shall be christened
In white wine nor in red,
But with
fair spring-water
With which we were christenéd."
I sing of a maiden
That is makeless;[F]
King of all kings
To her
son she ches;[G]
He came also[H] still
There His mother was,
As dew in April

That falleth on the grass.
He came also still
To His mother's bower,
As dew in April
falleth on the flower.
He came also still
There His mother lay,
As dew in April
falleth on the spray.
Mother and maiden
Was never none but she;
Well may such a lady

God's mother be.
_Wright's Songs and Carols._
[F] Matchless.
[G] Chose.
[H] As.

Remember, O thou Man,
O thou Man, O thou Man;
Remember, O
thou Man,
Thy time is spent.
Remember, O thou Man,
How thou
earnest to me then,
And I did what I can,
Therefore repent.
Remember Adam's fall,
O thou Man, O thou Man;
Adam's fall
From Heaven to Hell.
Remember Adam's fall,
we were condemnéd all
To Hell perpetual,
There for to dwell.
Remember God's goodness,
O thou Man, O thou Man;
God's goodness
And promise made.
Remember God's goodness,

How His only Son He sent
Our sins for to redress,
Be not afraid.
The Angels all did sing,
O thou Man, O thou Man;
The Angels all
did sing
On Sion hill.
The Angels all did sing
Praises to our
heavenly king,
And peace to man living,
With right good-will.
The Shepherds amazed was,
O thou Man, O thou Man;
Shepherds amazed was
To hear the angels sing.
The Shepherds
amazed was
How this should come to pass,
That Christ our Messias

Should be our King.
To Bethlehem did
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