Ice Creams, Water Ices, Frozen Puddings | Page 5

Mrs S.T. Rorer
the green gages through a sieve. Add the sugar to half the cream,
stir it in a double boiler until the sugar is dissolved; when cold, add the
remaining cream. When this is partly frozen, stir in the green gage pulp,
and finish the freezing as directed on page 7.
If the green gages are colorless, add three or four drops of apple green
coloring to the cream before freezing.
1 quart of cream 1 quart of raspberries 12 ounces of sugar Juice of one
Mash the raspberries; add half the sugar and the lemon juice. Put the
remaining sugar and half the cream in a double boiler; stir until the
sugar is dissolved, and stand aside to cool; when cold, add the
remaining cream, turn the mixture into the freezer, and stir until partly
frozen. Remove the lid and add the mashed raspberries, and stir again
for five or ten minutes until the mixture is sufficiently hard to repack.

This will serve eight or ten persons.
Make precisely the same as raspberry ice cream, substituting one quart
of strawberries for the raspberries.
1 quart of cream 1/2 pound of sugar 1/2 pound of shelled pistachio nuts
1 teaspoonful of almond extract 10 drops of green coloring
Blanch and pound or grate the nuts. Put half the cream and all the sugar
in a double boiler; stir until the sugar is dissolved and stand aside to
cool; when cold, add the nuts, the flavoring and the remaining cream,
mix, add the coloring, and turn into the freezer to freeze.
If green coloring matter is not at hand, a little spinach or parsley may
be chopped and rubbed with a small quantity of alcohol.
This quantity will serve six persons,
1 quart of cream 1/2 pound of sugar 1 vanilla bean or two teaspoonfuls
of vanilla extract
Put the sugar and half the cream in a double boiler over the fire. Split
the vanilla bean, scrape out the seeds and add them to the hot cream,
and add the bean broken into pieces. Stir until the sugar is dissolved,
and strain through a colander. When this is cold, add the remaining
cream and freeze. This should be repacked and given two hours to ripen.
Four would be better.
This will serve six persons.
1 quart of cream 1/2 pound of sugar 1 teaspoonful of vanilla 1
teaspoonful of caramel 1/2 pint of black walnut meats
Put the sugar and half the cream over the fire in a double boiler; when
the sugar is dissolved, stand it aside to cool. When cold, add the
remaining cream, the walnuts, chopped, and the flavoring, and freeze.
This will serve six persons.
In this group we have a set of frozen desserts called by many "ice
creams," but which are really frozen custards, flavored. In localities
where cream is not accessible, the Neapolitan Creams are far better
than milk thickened with cornstarch or gelatin.

1 pint of cream 1 pint of milk 1/2 pound of sugar 4 eggs 2 ounces of
chocolate 1 small piece of stick cinnamon 1 teaspoonful of vanilla
Put the milk and cinnamon over the fire in a double boiler. Beat the
yolks of the eggs and sugar until very light, add the well-beaten whites,
and stir this into the hot milk. As soon as the mixture begins to thicken,
take it from the fire, add the grated chocolate, and, when cold, add the
cream and the vanilla. Freeze and pack as directed on page 7.
This is sufficient to serve ten persons.
1 pint of cream 1 pint of milk 1/2 pound of sugar 4 eggs 3
tablespoonfuls of caramel 1 teaspoonful of vanilla
Beat the yolks of the eggs until creamy and add the sugar; beat until
light, and then add the well-beaten whites of the eggs. Put the milk over
the fire in a double boiler; when hot, add the eggs, and stir and cook
until the mixture begins to thicken. Take from the fire, strain through a
fine sieve, add the vanilla and caramel, and, when cold, add the cream,
and freeze.
This will serve ten persons.
1 pint of strong black coffee 1 pint of cream 2 eggs 1/2 pound of sugar
1 teaspoonful of vanilla
Beat the sugar and the yolks of the eggs until light, add the well-beaten
whites, and pour into them the coffee, boiling hot. Stir over the fire for
a minute, take from the fire, add the vanilla, and, when cold, add the
cream, and freeze.
This will serve eight persons.
1 pint of cream 1 pint of milk 1/2 pound of sugar 3 eggs 1/4 vanilla
bean or a teaspoonful
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