Ice Creams, Water Ices, Frozen Puddings | Page 2

Mrs S.T. Rorer

freezer, turn the crank to see that all the machinery is in working order.
Then open the can and turn in the mixture that is to be frozen. Turn the
crank slowly and steadily until the mixture begins to freeze, then more
rapidly until it is completely frozen. If the freezer is properly packed, it
will take fifteen minutes to freeze the mixture. Philadelphia Ice Creams
are not good if frozen too quickly.
After the cream is frozen, wipe off the lid of the can and remove the
crank; take off the lid, being very careful not to allow any salt to fall
into the can. Remove the dasher and scrape it off. Take a large knife or
steel spatula, scrape the cream from the sides of the can, work and pack
it down until it is perfectly smooth. Put the lid back on the can, and put
a cork in the hole from which the dasher was taken. Draw off the water,
repack, and cover the whole with a piece of brown paper; throw over a
heavy bag or a bit of burlap, and stand aside for one or two hours to
If you wish to pack ice cream and serve it in forms or shapes, it must be
molded after the freezing. The handiest of all of these molds is either
the brick or the melon mold.
After the cream is frozen rather stiff, prepare a tub or bucket of
coarsely chopped ice, with one-half less salt than you use for freezing.
To each ten pounds of ice allow one quart of rock salt. Sprinkle a little

rock salt in the bottom of your bucket or tub, then put over a layer of
cracked ice, another layer of salt and cracked ice, and on this stand your
mold, which is not filled, but is covered with a lid, and pack it all
around, leaving the top, of course, to pack later on. Take your freezer
near this tub. Remove the lid from the mold, and pack in the cream,
smoothing it down until you have filled it to overflowing. Smooth the
top with a spatula or limber knife, put over a sheet of waxed paper and
adjust the lid. Have a strip of muslin or cheese cloth dipped in hot
paraffin or suet and quickly bind the seam of the lid. This will remove
all danger of salt water entering the pudding. Now cover the mold
thoroughly with ice and salt.
Make sure that your packing tub or bucket has a hole below the top of
the mold, so that the salt water will be drained off.
If you are packing in small molds, each mold, as fast as it is closed,
should be wrapped in wax paper and put down into the salt and ice.
These must be filled quickly and packed.
Molds should stand two hours, and may stand longer.
Ice cream may be molded in the freezer; you will then have a perfectly
round smooth mold, which serves very well for puddings that are to be
garnished, and saves a great deal of trouble and extra expense for salt
and ice.
As cold water is warmer than the ordinary freezing mixture, after you
lift the can or mold, wipe off the salt, hold it for a minute under the
cold water spigot, then quickly wipe the top and bottom and remove the
lid. Loosen the pudding with a limber knife, hold the mold a little
slanting, give it a shake, and nine times out of ten it will come out
quickly, having the perfect shape of the can or mold. If the cream still
sticks and refuses to come out, wipe the mold with a towel wrung from
warm water. Hot water spoils the gloss of puddings, and unless you
know exactly how to use it, the cream is too much melted to garnish.
All frozen puddings, water ices, sherbets and sorbets are frozen and
molded according to these directions.
The quantities given in these recipes are arranged in equal amounts, so
that for a smaller number of persons they can be easily divided.

Each quart of ice cream will serve, in dessert plates, four persons. In
stem ice cream dishes, silver or glass, it will serve six persons. A quart
of ice or sherbet will fill ten small sherbet stem glasses, to serve with
the meat course at dinner. This quantity will serve in lemonade glasses
eight persons.

1 quart of cream 1/2 pound of sugar 4 ounces of sweet almonds 1
tablespoonful of caramel 1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract 4
tablespoonfuls of sherry
Shell, blanch
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