Hymns and Spiritual Songs | Page 9

Isaac Watts
great Three One
Measure their blest
4 No more shall hunger pain their souls,
He bids their parching thirst
be gone,
And spreads the shadow of his wings
To screen them from
the scorching sun.
5 The Lamb that fills the middle throne
Shall shed around his milder
There shall they feast on his rich love,
And drink full joys
from living streams.
6 Thus shall their mighty bliss renew
Thro' the vast round of endless
And the soft hand of sovereign grace
Heals all their wounds,
and wipes their tears.
Hymn 1:41.
The same; or, The martyrs glorified, Rev. 7. 13 &c.
1 "These glorious minds, how bright they shine
"Whence all their
white array?
"How came they to the happy seats
"Of everlasting
2 From tort'ring pains to endless joys
On fiery wheels they rode,

And strangely wash'd their raiment white
In Jesus' dying blood.
3 Now they approach a spotless God,
And bow before his throne

Their warbling harps and sacred songs
Adore the Holy One.
4 The unveil'd glories of his face
Amongst his saints reside,
the rich treasure of his grace
Sees all their wants supply'd.
5 Tormenting thirst shall leave their souls,
And hunger flee as fast;

The fruit of life's immortal tree
Shall be their sweet repast.
6 The Lamb shall lead his heavenly flock
Where living fountains rise,

And love divine shall wipe away
The sorrows of their eyes.
Hymn 1:42.
Divine wrath and mercy, Nahum 1, 2 &c.
1 Adore and tremble, for our God
Is a consuming fire;*
His jealous
eyes his wrath inflame,
And raise his vengeance higher.
2 Almighty vengeance how it burns!
How bright his fury glows!

Vast magazines of plagues and storms
Lie treasur'd for his foes.
3 Those heaps of wrath by slow degrees
Are forced into a flame,

But kindled, O how fierce they blaze!
And rend all nature's frame.
4 At his approach the mountains flee,
And seek a watery grave;
frighted sea makes haste away,
And shrinks up every wave.
5 Thro' the wide air the weighty rocks
Are swift as hailstones hurl'd:

Who dares engage his fiery rage
That shakes the solid world?
6 Yet, mighty God, thy sovereign grace
Sits regent on the throne,

The refuge of thy chosen race
When wrath comes rushing down.
7 Thy hand shall on rebellious kings
A fiery tempest pour,
we beneath thy sheltering wings
Thy just revenge adore.
*Hebrews 12:29.
Hymn 1:43. [Supplement.]
The Christian treasure, 1 Cor. 3. 21.
1 How vast the treasure we possess!
How rich thy bounty, King of
This world is ours, and worlds to come
Earth is our lodge,
and heaven our home.

2 All things are ours, the gifts of God;
The purchase of a Saviour's
While the good Spirit shews us how
To use and to improve
them too.
3 If peace and plenty crown my days,
They help, me, Lord, to speak
thy praise!
If bread of sorrows be my food,
Those sorrows work my
lasting good.
4 I would not change my blest estate
For all the world calls good or
And while my faith can keep her hold,
I envy not the sinner's
5 Father, I wait thy daily will;
Thou shalt divide my portion still:

Grant me on earth what seems thee best,
Till death and heaven reveal
the rest.
Hymn 1:44. [Supplement.]
The true improvement of life.
1 And is this life prolong'd to me?
Are days and seasons given?
let me then prepare to be
A fitter heir of heaven.
2 In vain these moments shall not pass,
These golden hours be gone:

Lord, I accept thine offered grace,
I bow before thy throne.
3 Now cleanse my soul from every sin,
By my Redeemer's blood:

Now let my flesh and soul begin
The honours of my God.
4 Let me no more my soul beguile
With sin's deceitful toys:
cheerful hope increasing still
Approach to heavenly joys.
5 My thankful lips shall loud proclaim
The wonders of thy praise,

And spread the savour of thy Name
Where'er I spend my days.
6 On earth let my example shine,
And when I leave this state,
heaven receive this soul of mine
To bliss supremely great.

Hymn 1:45.
The last judgment, Rev. 21. 5-8.
1 See where the great incarnate God
Fills a majestic throne,
from the skies his awful voice
Bears the last judgment down.
2 ["I am the first, and I the last,
"Thro' endless years the same;
AM is my memorial still,
"And my eternal name.
3 "Such favours as a God can give
"My royal grace bestows;
thirsty souls come taste the streams
"Where life and pleasure flows.]
4 ["The saint that triumphs o'er his sins,
"I'll own him for a son,

"The whole creation shall reward
"The conquests he has won.
5 "But bloody hands and hearts unclean,
"And all the lying race,

"The faithless and the scoffing crew,
"That spurn at offer'd grace,
6 "They shall be taken from my sight,
"Bound fast in iron chains,

"And headlong plung'd into the lake
"Where fire and darkness
7 O may I stand before the Lamb,
When earth and seas are fled!

And hear the Judge pronounce my name
With blessings on my head!
8 May I with those for ever dwell
Who here were my delight,
sinners banish'd
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