Hunting the Lions | Page 9

Robert Michael Ballantyne
no alternative but
to swerve, for the trunk of the huge creature was already almost over
the haunch of his terrified horse. He did swerve. Pulling the horse on
his haunches, and swinging him round at the same moment as if on a
pivot, he made a bound to the left. The elephant passed him with a
shriek like that of a railway engine, stuck out its feet before it, and went
sliding wildly down the slope--as little boys are sometimes wont to
do--sending dust, atones, and rubbish in a stupendous cloud before him.
At the foot he lost his balance, and the last that Tom saw of him was a
flourish of his stumpy tail as he went heels over head to the bottom of
the hill. But he could not stop to see more; his horse was away with
him, and fled over the plain on the wings of terror for a mile in the
opposite direction before he consented to be pulled up.

Tom's companions, meanwhile, had shot two elephants--one a cow, the
other a pretty old calf, and on their way back to camp they killed a
buffalo. The other hunters had been also successful, so that the camp
resounded with noisy demonstrations of joy, and the atmosphere ere
long became redolent of the fumes of roasting meat, while the black
bodies of the natives absolutely glittered with grease.
On summing up the result of the day's work, it was found that they had
bagged six elephants, three elands, two buffaloes, and a variety of
smaller game.
"A good bag," observed the major as he sipped his tea; "but I have seen
better. However, we must rest content. By the way, Pearson, they tell
me you had a narrow escape from a buffalo-bull."
"So I had," replied Pearson, pausing in the midst of a hearty meal that
he was making off a baked elephant's foot; "but for Anson there I
believe it would have been my last hunt."
"How did he help you?" asked Tom Brown.
"Come, tell them, Anson, you know best," said Pearson; "I am too busy
yet to talk."
"Oh, it was simple enough," said Anson with a laugh. "He and I had
gone off together after a small herd of buffaloes; Ogilvie and Brand
were away following up the spoor of an elephant. We came upon the
buffaloes unexpectedly, and at the first shot Pearson dropped one
dead--shot through the heart. We were both on foot, having left our
horses behind, because the ground was too stony for them. After a hard
chase of two hours we came up with the herd. Pearson fired at a young
bull and broke its leg, nevertheless it went off briskly on the remaining
three, so I fired and shot off its tail. This appeared to tickle his fancy,
for he turned at once and charged Pearson, who dropped his gun,
sprang into a thorn-tree and clambered out of reach only just in time to
escape the brute, which grazed his heel in passing. Poor fellow, he got
such a fright--"

"False!" cried Pearson, with his mouth full of meat.
"That he fell off the tree," continued Anson, "and the bull turned to
charge again, so, out of pity for my friend, I stopped him with a bullet
in the chest."
"It was well done, Anson, I'm your debtor for life," said Pearson,
holding out his plate; "just give me a little more of that splendid foot
and you'll increase the debt immeasurably; you see the adventure has
not taken away my appetite."
As he said this a savage growl was heard close to the wagon beside
which they were seated. It was followed by a howl from one of the
dogs. They all sprang up and ran towards the spot whence the sound
came, just in time to see a panther bounding away with one of the dogs.
A terrific yell of rage burst from every one, and each hastily threw
something or other at the bold intruder. Pearson flung his knife and
fork at it, having forgotten to drop those light weapons when he leaped
up. The major hurled after it a heavy mass of firewood. Hardy and
Hicks flung the huge marrow bones with which they happened to be
engaged at the time. Tom Brown swung a large axe after it, and
Wilkins, in desperation, shied his cap at it! But all missed their mark,
and the panther would certainly have carried off his prize had not a
very tall and powerfully-built Caffre, named Mafuta, darted at it an
assegai, or long native spear, which, wounding it slightly, caused it to
drop its prey.
The poor dog was severely hurt about the neck; it recovered, however,
soon afterwards. The same night on which this occurred,
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