How to Live | Page 4

Irving Fisher
Dental Committee, Bridgeport
Board of Health.
#Physical Training#
WM. G. ANDERSON, M.D., Director Gymnasium, Yale University.
GEORGE J. FISHER, M.D., Secretary International Committee,
Y. M. C. A.
R. TAIT MCKENZIE, M.D., Professor of Physical Education and
Director of the Department, University of Pennsylvania.
EDWARD A. RUMELY, M.D., President The Interlaken School.
DUDLEY A. SARGENT, M.D., Director Gymnasium, Harvard

PROF. ALONZO A. STAGG, Director Gymnasium, University of
THOMAS A. STOREY, M.D., Professor of Hygiene, College of the
City of New York.
#Foreign Advisory Board#
LUDWIG TELEKY, M.D., Department of Social Medicine, Vienna
JOHN GEORGE ADAMI, M.D., Professor of Pathology and
Bacteriology, McGill University, Montreal.
SIR THOMAS OLIVER, Professor of Physiology, Durham University.
ARMAND GAUTIER, M.D., Professor of Chemistry, Faculty of
Medicine, Paris.
PROF. DR. KARL FLÜGGE, Director Hygienic Institute, Berlin.
LEONARDO BIANCHI, Professor of Psychiatry, University of
PROF. DR. S. KITASATO, Chief of the Kitasato Institute for

Infectious Diseases, Tokyo.
IVAN PETROVIC PAVLOV, Prof. of Physiology, Imperial Military
Academy of Medicine, Petrograd.

[Illustration: Dr. Lewellys F. Barker]
[Illustration: Dr. John F. Anderson]
[Illustration: Dr. Hermann M. Biggs]
[Illustration: Dr. Alexander Graham Bell]
[Illustration: Dr. William G. Anderson]
[Illustration: Dr. John B. Andrews]
[Illustration: Samuel Hopkins Adams]
[Illustration: Prof. W. H. Burnham]
[Illustration: Prof. Russell H. Chittenden]
[Illustration: Dr. George W. Crile]
[Illustration: Dr. Rupert Blue]
[Illustration: Dr. Chas. H. Castle]
[Illustration: Dr. George Blumer]
[Illustration: Mrs. S. S. Crockett]

[Illustration: Dr. Samuel G. Dixon]
[Illustration: Prof. Henry W. Farnam]
[Illustration: Dr. W. A. Evans]
[Illustration: Dr. C. B. Davenport]
[Illustration: Dr. W. G. Ebersole]
[Illustration: Dr. Norman E. Ditman]
[Illustration: Dr. Oscar Dowling]
[Illustration: Dr. Eugene L. Fisk]
[Illustration: Dr. Otto Folin]
[Illustration: Dr. George J. Fisher]
[Illustration: Prof. Irving Fisher]
[Illustration: Dr. Alfred C. Fones]
[Illustration: Dr. Burnside Foster]
[Illustration: Dr. Henry B. Favill]
[Illustration: Dr. Luther H. Gulick]
[Illustration: Mr. Norman Hapgood]
[Illustration: Mr. Lee K. Frankel]
[Illustration: Gen. Wm. C. Gorgas]
[Illustration: Dr. Frederick R. Green]
[Illustration: Dr. S. S. Goldwater]

[Illustration: Dr. John S. Fulton]
[Illustration: Dr. J. H. Kellogg]
[Illustration: Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf]
[Illustration: Dr. J. N. Hurty]
[Illustration: Chancellor David Starr Jordan]
[Illustration: Prof. M. E. Jaffa]
[Illustration: Mr. Calvin W. Hendrick]
[Illustration: Mr. William J. Harris]
[Illustration: Hon. Walter H. Page]
[Illustration: Dr. Geo. M. Kober]
[Illustration: Dr. J. N. McCormack]
[Illustration: Prof. Lafayette B. Mendel]
[Illustration: Dr. W. S. Rankin]
[Illustration: Mr. Edward Bunnell Phelps]
[Illustration: Prof. R. Tait McKenzie]
[Illustration: Dr. Dudley A. Sargent]
[Illustration: Dr. M. J. Rosenau]
[Illustration: Prof. Leo. F. Rettger]
[Illustration: Mr. Wickliffe Rose]
[Illustration: Dr. Theodore B. Sachs]

[Illustration: Dr. Edward A. Rumely]
[Illustration: Prof. Mazyck P. Ravenel]
[Illustration: Dr. J. W. Schereschewsky]
[Illustration: Dr. Wm. Jay Schieffelin]
[Illustration: Dr. Elmer E. Southard]
[Illustration: Prof. Alonzo A. Stagg]
[Illustration: Major Louis L. Seaman]
[Illustration: Dr. W. F. Snow]
[Illustration: Prof. A. E. Taylor]
[Illustration: Dr. Chas. W. Stiles]
[Illustration: Dr. Victor C. Vaughan]
[Illustration: Dr. Thomas A. Storey]
[Illustration: Prof. George C. Whipple]
[Illustration: Dr. William H. Tolman]
[Illustration: Prof. Walter E. Willcox]
[Illustration: Dr. Henry Smith Williams]
[Illustration: Dr. Cressy L. Wilbur]
[Illustration: Prof. C. E. A. Winslow]
[Illustration: Dr. Hugh Young]
[Illustration: Dr. Harvey W. Wiley]

The purpose of the Life Extension Institute embraces the extension of
human life, not only as to length, but also, if we may so express it, as to
breadth and depth. It endeavors to accomplish this purpose in many
ways, but especially through individual hygiene.
Thoroughly carried out, individual hygiene implies high ideals of
health, strength, endurance, symmetry, and beauty; it enormously
increases our capacity to work, to be happy, and to be useful; it
develops, not only the body, but the mind and the heart; it ennobles the
man as a whole.
[Sidenote: Medieval Ideals]
We in America inherit, through centuries of European tradition, the
medieval indifference to the human body, often amounting to contempt.
This attitude was a natural outgrowth of the theological doctrine that
the "flesh is in league with the devil" and so is the enemy of the soul. In
the Middle Ages saintliness was often associated with sickliness.
Artists, in portraying saints, often chose as their models pale and
emaciated consumptives.
We are beginning to cut loose from this false tradition and are working
toward the establishment of more wholesome ideals. It is probably true,
for instance, that the man or the woman who is unhealthy is now
handicapped in opportunities for marriage, which may be considered an
index to the ideals of society.
[Sidenote: The Present Health Movement]
A great health movement is sweeping over the entire world. Hygiene
has repudiated the outworn doctrine that mortality is fatality and must
exact year after year a fixed and inevitable sacrifice. It aims instead to
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