How to Hypnotize Your Lover | Page 7

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Question:Will I remember everything of the session?
Answer:You will remember everything. (Unless you fall asleep while
practicing) Then you may remember only those suggestions given
until you drifted off to sleep.
Question:How often should I practice hypnosis?

Answer:Practice it as often as you desire. Repetition helps you relax better
each time. Repetition of positive suggestions even in the waking
state will help you achieve your success achievement plan.
Question:Where can I find out more about the hypnotic condition?
Answer:Check out my FAQ's located on the Hypnosis Education Website,
located at:
Goals for Chapter 3
The major goals of Chapter 3 are to teach you how to give your lover or friend a
hypnotic induction that will achieve the positive results of allowing your lover to
sleep deeply all night and awaken in the morning feeling alive, alert and
refreshed. She/he will be looking forward to the new day. Do not attempt to bring
anyone back in time. Use a professional for that. If you want to time travel, move
ahead in time helping your partner visualize and experience the positive aspects
of a future achievement.
Plan A. Your First Hypnosis Experience Together
Here is what's going to happen. You, the reader of this book is going to hypnotize
your partner. It's going to take place just before you go to bed at night to sleep.
By now you have explained what you have learned so far. If your lover has any
questions answer them to the best of your ability or refer him/her to my
Hypnotism Website at:
Next you are going to use what we call a progressive relaxation technique. This
procedure will totally relax all the muscle groups in your lover's body.
During this technique you will administer a hypnotic prescription. The prescription
I give you will suggest that your lover will sleep soundly all night long and
tomorrow morning will feel better than ever. If an emergency comes up during the
night, your lover will awaken instantly and clear headed. He/she will be able to
handle the emergency correctly and effectively.

This exercise in hypnosis will take about 20 minutes. For the first time you may
want to allow around 40 minutes. The second time you hypnotize your partner
cut the time in half to around 20 minutes. As your lover becomes sensitized to
the process, the time of hypnotizing can be reduced even more.
The mood will be one of experimentation. Laugh, talk about your long term goals
and dreams. Reassure each other that you will be gentle and give very positive
suggestions that will assist you lover to achieve his/her goals.
Instructions for Your First Hypnosis Session Together
Do not tell anyone that you are going to work on problems with hypnosis. Other
people's views and misconceptions of hypnosis will come into play if others are
brought in to the process at this phase. Let yourself have many positive
experiences with hypnosis to share with your friends at a later date. Your
success is the most important issue here, not the validation of your friends or
relatives. Your friends and relatives will never have the same motivation for your
success than you and your lover. You are both in this process all by yourselves.
Once you have numerous successes, then pass along your magic remedy. You
will not only help your friends at that point, but you will reinforce the motivation
that resulted in you going through the exercises in the first place. You will keep
the experience fresh. Remember that since your mind will be very alert during
this exercise, you will be able to react to any emergency that is going on around
You may want to tape record your new experience. This way if you are on a
business trip or too tired to administer the technique, your lover may listen to the
Practice this skill over and over. Repetition will help condition you faster.
Let us begin!
Begin by designating who is going to become the hypnotist for the evening. Since
your goal is to have yourself or your lover sleep all night long as a result of the

process, you don't want to go through the process and then wake him/her up so it
can be your turn.
For the first two weeks using Plan A, use the same designated hypnotist. This
will allow the hypnotist to become conditioned to the process as well as your
lover becoming conditioned to going deeper and deeper into this wonderful
When its time to change roles, both of you will be experienced and ready for
Make sure as you read to your partner, the kids are asleep, the dogs put away,
the phones set on mute or turned down and the television is off. You want to
have all of your attention directed at this process and at your lover. Be within
arm's reach of turning off the light so you both can make an easy transition to
sleeping. Remember to put a tape into your recorder. Get a 90 minute one so
you won't be distracted when the tape shuts off.
Progressive Relaxation Technique #1
Let's use a progressive relaxation technique. Progressive relaxation techniques
are easy to use. Many psychologists and
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