How to Hypnotize Your Lover | Page 4

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For Students And
Educators, a huge success. This is also the format I am using for future books in
my How To Hypnotize series.
Expect to achieve success in your goals, long before you have read this book to
its conclusion.
Always expect the best for yourself during your reading and completing of the
activities outlined in the chapters ahead. Up until now, you may not have always
expected the best for yourself and others. You must change that expectation if
you wish to succeed with all you wish to accomplish in life. Wish success for
yourself and wish success for your lover. Always expect the best from yourself
in this book and you will receive the best.
What to Expect from Your Lover
What do you expect from your lover? You expect your lover to give you the same
support that you are giving them. Expect your partner to be available for you just
as you are available for them. Expect your partner to guide you into one of the
best experiences you can ever have with another person. Expect your lover to
help shape and fulfill your dreams just as you shape and fulfill your lover's
Does this sound like fun? It is!

Fundamental Law of Attraction
A basic psychological law applies to you and your lover and everyone else in the
world. This is the basic psychological law that explains why hypnosis really
The concept or law is called the fundamental law of attraction.
The fundamental law of attraction as it applies to hypnosis is as follows:
"Whatever you hold in your mind at any given time, your body moves toward that
direction. Your body can be directed to move in a physical, mental, emotional or
spiritual direction."
Think about eating your favorite food. Picture in your mind how wonderful it
looks. Picture in your mind the color and texture of the food. Think about how it
feels as you chew it. Think about how your favorite food tastes and smells. Feel it
in your mouth. Notice how your mouth starts to fill with saliva as you think these
thoughts. This is the law of attraction at work. You are holding the thoughts of
your favorite food in your mind. As you think about it in great detail your body
tends to move toward it by allowing the saliva to flow as if you are digesting the
food in real life. Do you begin to salivate when walking by a bakery or in a movie
theater when you smell the popcorn popping? Notice how your body seems to be
goal oriented. We will capitalize on that goal orientation of the body and the law
of attraction as we progress through the hypnosis exercises.
Perkins Power of Four RuleÒ Ò
Hypnosis with you and your lover invokes Perkins Power of FourÒ Rule.
What is Perkins Power of Four RuleÒ
The states that whenever two people are hypnotizing each other to achieve a
specific goal, four powerful minds are working together in unison.
Let me explain. Your normal everyday waking state is called your conscious state
of mind. This is the part of your mind that analyzes, and makes decisions based
on objective criteria. This is the place where critical thinking takes place. Your
mind generally pulls information out of short-term memory when making
decisions using the conscious mind.
With hypnosis you begin talking with and convincing the conscious mind.
The subconscious mind involves making decisions based on subjective criteria.
This is the part of your mind that is the "automatic pilot." It selectively makes on
decisions. Your mind generally pulls information out of long-term memory and
associates criteria with similar feelings you had when making this kind of

Sometimes the conscious mind and subconscious mind more in opposite
directions. One major reason diet plans are so hard to maintain is that the
subconscious mind has been programmed a long time on how it responds to
food. As soon as the person goes off the diet, it continues to associate with the
person's long term memory and long term history of overeating.
Its this opposite direction going on between the conscious and subconscious
minds that cause stress in our bodies and which reinforce negative habits.
Hypnosis brings your conscious and subconscious minds together in a way that
both will think alike and act together creating a powerful and dynamic force.
When you hypnotize your lover and your lover hypnotizes you four minds are
working together; your conscious and subconscious mind and your lover's
conscious and subconscious mind.
With that kind of power going for your any and all goals are possible by properly
using the joint powers of your minds... hypnosis.
Let's move on.

Chapter 2 Can I Turn My Lover into A Duck? What Can I Use
hypnosis for?
Can I really turn my lover into a duck?
Even though turning your lover into a duck may sound like fun at first. It really
can become very annoying.
This book focuses on building relationships based on trust, understanding and a
mutual desire to improve your relationship. If you or your lover becomes a duck,
not only will it defeat the intent of this book; it can get
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