How to Become Rich | Page 8

William Windsor
vigor of the efforts expended
to that end.
The study of quality being thus understood, I introduce you now to the
most beautiful study in the curriculum of human science, the third step
in the phrenological estimate of character, viz.:
By the term Temperament, is meant the preponderance in development
of some element or system of organs in the body, to such an extent as
to give to the character a distinctive recognizable type, a temper or
disposition resulting from the predominance of some one element in the
character which modifies and gives tone to all the rest, resulting from
its superior development. As a matter of fact, there are as many
different temperaments as there are individuals, no two individuals
having the same constitution; but science classifies them under
distinctive heads, as their developments are approximately the same, or
as their developments are in the same general direction, regardless of
exact degrees.

THE ELECTRIC TEMPERAMENT exists when electricity dominates
over magnetism in the organization. Its characteristics are Gravity,
Receptivity, Darkness, and Coldness. This temperament was formerly
called the Bilious or Brunette Temperament. It is distinguished by dark,
hard, dry skin, dark, strong hair, dark eyes, olive complexion, and
usually by a long, athletic form of body. It is remarkable for
concentrativeness of design and affections, strong gravity, drawing
power and cohesiveness, strong will, resolution, dignity, serious
disposition and expression; moderate circulation and coolness of
temperature. It is produced by a dry, hot climate, common in southern
latitudes and almost universal in tropical natives. Persons of this
temperament are better adapted to hot climates because electricity
dominates over magnetism, and they do not antagonize the climate by
the radiation of magnetism, but rather thrive on the magnetism which
they absorb. This temperament is closely analogous to the condition of
tropical animals and birds.
THE MAGNETIC TEMPERAMENT exists when magnetism
dominates over electricity in the organization. Its characteristics are
Vibration, Radiation, Heat, and Light. This temperament was formerly
called the Sanguine or Blonde Temperament. It is distinguished by a
light colored, warm, moist skin, light colored or red hair, fresh ruddy or
florid complexion, light colored or blue eyes, rounded form of body,
often plump or corpulent, large chest, square shoulders, indicating a
very active heart and vital organs. It is remarkable for versatility of
character, jovial disposition, fond of good living and great variety,
changeableness, activity, and vivaciousness. The temperature of the
body is warm and the circulation very strong. This temperament
vibrates between great extremes of disposition, develops great force of
radiation and driving power, and is universally characterized by
warmth, enthusiasm, and high color. It is produced by the climates of
northern and temperate latitudes, and is almost universal in the natives
of extreme northern countries. Persons of this temperament are better
adapted to cold climates, because magnetism dominates over electricity,
consequently they produce more animal heat, and are better able to
endure the rigors of a cold climate. The same general conditions are
found to exist in birds and animals inhabiting northern latitudes.

The Temperaments are also classed anatomically as:
MOTIVE, where the bones are large and strong and the muscular
development is stronger than the nutritive or mental system. Persons of
this temperament are active, energetic, and best adapted to out-door
pursuits and vigorous employment.
VITAL, in which the nutritive or vital system is most active, large
lungs, stomach and blood vessels, and corpulent and plump figure.
Persons possessing temperament are inclined to sedentary occupations,
and if the brain is large and of good quality, are able to do an immense
amount of mental labor without breaking down. They should take
systematic exercise and avoid fats and stimulating foods and drinks to
obtain the best results.
MENTAL, in which the brain and nerves are most active. The body is
not adapted to hard muscular labor, and there is not enough vitality of
nutritive power to nourish the brain in the heavy demands made upon it.
Such persons incline to mental effort and literary work, and for a time
display great brilliancy, but sooner or later collapse, unless this
condition is corrected, by regular hours, plenty of sleep, the absence of
stimulants and the cultivation of muscular and vital force. This
temperament is distinguished by a relatively large head and small body,
pyriform face, high, wide forehead, and usually sharp features.
There are three principal fluids which circulate through the body, viz.,
arterial blood, venous blood, and lymph. As the blood passes out from
the heart through the arteries it is strongly charged with magnetism and
is very strongly acid in quality. As it returns to the heart through the
veins it has expended its magnetism and its acidity has been very much
neutralized. The lymph is an alkali fluid, and it
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