History of the United Netherlands, 1595-96 | Page 4

John Lothrop Motley
beings, as the most illustrious

specimen of kingcraft ever yet vouchsafed to the world. He did his best
to look sombre and Spanish, to turn his visage into a mask; to conceal
his thoughts and emotions, not only by the expression of his features
but by direct misstatements of his tongue, and in all things to present to
the obedient Flemings as elaborate a reproduction of his great prototype
as copy can ever recall inimitable original. Old men in the Netherlands;
who remembered in how short a time Philip had succeeded, by the
baleful effect of his personal presence, in lighting up a hatred which not
the previous twenty years of his father's burnings, hangings, and
butcherings in those provinces had been able to excite, and which forty
subsequent years of bloodshed had not begun to allay, might well shake
their heads when they saw this new representative of Spanish authority.
It would have been wiser--so many astute politicians thought--for
Albert to take the Emperor Charles for his model, who had always the
power of making his tyranny acceptable to the Flemings, through the
adroitness with which he seemed to be entirely a Fleming himself.
But Albert, although a German, valued himself on appearing like a
Spaniard. He was industrious, regular in his habits, moderate in eating
and drinking, fond of giving audiences on business. He spoke German,
Spanish, and Latin, and understood French and Italian. He had at times
been a student, and, especially, had some knowledge of mathematics.
He was disposed to do his duty--so far as a man can do his duty, who
imagines himself so entirely lifted above his fellow creatures as to owe
no obligation except to exact their obedience and to personify to them
the will of the Almighty. To Philip and the Pope he was ever faithful.
He was not without pretensions to military talents, but his gravity,
slowness, and silence made him fitter to shine in the cabinet than in the
field. Henry IV., who loved his jests whether at his own expense or that
of friend or foe, was wont to observe that there were three things which
nobody would ever believe, and which yet were very true; that Queen
Elizabeth deserved her title of the, throned vestal, that he was himself a
good Catholic, and that Cardinal Albert was a good general. It is
probable that the assertions were all equally accurate.
The new governor did not find a very able group of generals or
statesmen assembled about him to assist in the difficult task which he
had undertaken. There were plenty of fine gentlemen, with ancient
names and lofty pretensions, but the working men in field or council

had mostly disappeared. Mondragon, La Motte, Charles Mansfeld,
Frank Verdugo were all dead. Fuentes was just taking his departure for
Italy. Old Peter Ernest was a cipher; and his son's place was filled by
the Marquis of Varambon; as principal commander in active military
operations. This was a Burgundian of considerable military ability, but
with an inordinate opinion of himself and of his family. "Accept the
fact that his lineage is the highest possible, and that he has better
connections than those of anybody else in the whole world, and he will
be perfectly contented," said a sharp, splenetic Spaniard in the
cardinal's confidence. "'Tis a faithful and loyal cavalier, but full of
impertinences." The brother of Varambon, Count Varax, had succeeded
la Motte as general of artillery, and of his doings there was a, tale ere
long to be told. On the whole, the best soldier in the archduke's service
for the moment was the Frenchman Savigny de Rosne, an ancient
Leaguer, and a passionate hater of the Bearnese, of heretics, and of
France as then constituted. He had once made a contract with Henry by
which he bound himself to his service; but after occasioning a good
deal of injury by his deceitful attitude, he had accepted a large amount
of Spanish dollars, and had then thrown off the mask and proclaimed
himself the deadliest foe of his lawful sovereign. "He was foremost,"
said Carlos Coloma, "among those who were successfully angled for by
the Commander Moreo with golden hooks." Although prodigiously fat,
this renegade was an active and experienced campaigner; while his
personal knowledge of his own country made his assistance of much
value to those who were attempting its destruction.
The other great nobles, who were pressing themselves about the new
viceroy with enthusiastic words of welcome, were as like to give him
embarrassment as support. All wanted office, emoluments, distinctions,
nor could, much dependence be placed on the ability or the character of
any of them. The new duke of Arschot had in times past, as prince of
Chimay, fought against the king, and had even imagined himself
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